Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 902: Completion plans and spokespersons

Just a few miles away from Xiao Yu ’s huge fleet, in this open space, there are no stars, no planets, nothing can be seen and nothing touches, there is another huge fleet Rapid advance in the space of curvature.

"Leader, we have about 30,000 years of voyage to our final goal." Within the largest spacecraft, a subordinate came forward, stood in front of a porthole, and was looking at the outside world. Said the intelligent creature of the changing scenery.

The leader sighed slightly.

"The material reserves are still very abundant and can fully support our voyage. Even if there is an accident, it doesn't matter. There are other river systems in the journey to the flying kite galaxy. If there is an accident, we can completely Arrive in another river system to replenish supplies. Everything in civilization is developing normally, and technology has also made some progress during this time. Our civilization is becoming more and more prosperous and powerful. Leader, what else do you have to worry about? ? "

"I've been thinking about a problem." The leader still looked at the scenery outside the porthole, but didn't look back, only faintly said, seems to be talking to himself: "Our civilization can go to the present because it is because what reason."

"Because of your strong leadership, and because of our civilized people up and down ..." The subordinate whispered, seeing that the leader still did not turn around, and his voice gradually lowered.

"Go down, there is nothing here." The leader sighed again and waved his hand. The subordinate glanced at the back of the leader somewhat uneasily. Eventually retreated.

"Only I know. Our civilization is not so lucky. In this dark universe. We are also chessmen. Even if we have become a seventh-level civilization and have mastered logical weapons, we are still just chessmen. This is ours Fortunately, it is also our stumbling block. Where in the universe are there things that can be obtained effortlessly ... When you get the benefits, you must be compensated. This voyage hastily started, and we never went there. The flying galaxy galaxy, this is for us. It is not an adventure. But we really have no way. "

The leader's expression became increasingly low.

"Did you already make arrangements in the Flying Kites galaxy in advance? Let's be the vanguard against Shenzhou civilization and Xiao Yu? Yes, we do have some hatreds with Shenzhou civilization, but these hatreds, Should not erupt now. Shenzhou civilization, Xiao Yu, are destined to be destroyed by our civilization. But it really shouldn't be now, it shouldn't be now ... "The leader muttered to himself, and his breathing began to rush. .

"Leader, what's wrong with you, are you in a bad mood?" Just then, a hazy light suddenly appeared beside the leader. It showed no signs, no reliance, and appeared in the air beside the leader. Between the change of light and shadow, a voice that can be understood by leaders understands it.

The leader suddenly felt a little angry, but it was quickly suppressed by it. It turned around. Looking at this group of lights, he said respectfully, "It's just a little thing in civilization. What are you doing here? Are there any new orders?"

The leader is very familiar with this light group. It was precisely because of this light group. With some information, they will begin this voyage to the Flying Kite Galaxy. Leaders also know that this group of light groups is a messenger of a very mysterious and powerful group. Even if it has a seventh-level civilization in its hands, it will not be able to make any disrespectful actions to this group of light groups.

It knows that the power behind this light group is the rebel alliance that has been fighting with the defenders.

Except for being strong and hostile to the defenders, the leader knew almost nothing about the Rebel Alliance. It also failed to understand the messages that the Rebel Alliance had passed on to it, and the inherent meaning of certain actions that it had made. But this does not prevent it from executing. In fact, there is no way to not execute it.

"There is some new information to tell you." The light group was still jumping there gently, changing slowly. "The virtual life civilization did not stop Xiao Yu. At the moment, Xiao Yu has set foot on it. The journey of the flying kite galaxy. At the speed of both of you, there is no doubt that Xiao Yu will reach the flying kite galaxy first. In this way, some of our secrets hidden in the flying kite galaxy will be exposed. And this, This is unacceptable to us. Therefore, if you want to speed up your progress, you must arrive before Xiao Yu reaches the Flying Kite Galaxy and protect the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy. "

"However, you also said that according to the forward speed of our two parties, it will be that Xiao Yu will arrive at the Flying Kite Galaxy first ... even if we speed up again, we will not be able to rush in front of Xiao Yu." The leader said his doubt.

"We have made arrangements. On the road, we will stop Xiao Yu from moving forward. But unfortunately, we have no way to determine how long this arrangement can stop him. We can now use it to deal with Xiao Yu's The power is small. So, in order to complete our task, you must speed up. "

The doubts in the leader's mind are even worse. The question that had been circling in his heart finally couldn't help asking it.

"Messenger, what secret is hidden behind Xiao Yu? Why do you always have to deal with him, but you still have no way to destroy him personally? To be honest, although we have logical weapons, but our civilization has not yet destroyed Xiao Yu Yu ’s destroyed confidence is like a virtual life civilization, you know, not only was Xiao Yu destroyed by virtual life civilization, but also the computing civilization technology it inherited was also obtained by Xiao Yu. It is because of these technologies Only Xiao Yu ’s strength was strengthened again. To deal with any weak enemy, it is necessary to use a full blow to kill. This is an attempt in warfare. This fueling tactic, we do n’t think that in addition to letting the enemy grow up slowly Besides, what else is there to be useful. "

After a pause, the leader continued, "Like our civilization. After the demise of the virtual life civilization, we inherited the heavy responsibility of dealing with Xiao Yu. But ... have you never thought that the virtual life civilization would be defeated by Xiao Yu instead? Xiao Yu had to go to advanced computing technology, which caused it to greatly increase its strength. So, we also failed? Should our logical weapon be snatched by Xiao Yu and increase his strength again? Do you want to destroy Xiao? Yu, or are you helping Xiao Yu? "

The light group sighed slightly, and then said, "Xiao Yu began with the" completion plan "of the defenders. Once this plan of the defenders is successfully implemented, it will be all in this universe. The disaster of intelligent civilization. As a rebel alliance, we naturally want to obstruct this plan of the defenders. The guardian civilization and the sweeper civilization are all set up to prevent the execution of this plan. However, in this universe , There is more than one of us. The various forces are making arrangements, the chaos of the situation, even if we can not see clearly. It is precisely because of too many constraints, that's what you said. But Do n’t worry, the leadership of the Alliance has shifted their attention to this point, and successfully promoted you to Level 7 civilization. Mastering logical weapons is part of this plan. You do n’t need to worry. In the Flying Kite Galaxy, we A perfect arrangement has been made ... "

"Completion plan? Once this plan is successfully implemented, all intelligent civilizations in the universe will encounter disaster?" The leader thought quickly, "What is this?"

"What is a completion plan?" The leader asked.

"Leader, I'm sorry, the details of the plan are confidential within the alliance. Even I don't know what it is, so I can't tell you," the messenger replied.

"In this universe, apart from the rebel alliance and the defenders, is there any other powerful existence?" The leader continued to ask.

"Yes," said the messenger. "Some special forms of ancient eight-level civilizations also have very powerful abilities ~ ~ They are not part of the defenders, nor are they part of our rebel alliance. They are in I do n’t know how many years have existed in this universe, and their development direction is not even clear to us. We do n’t know to what extent their technology has reached. In addition to these ancient eight-level civilizations, In this universe, there is another powerful existence that can stand by us, even with the defenders. But before our rebel alliance appeared, it was defeated by the defenders, and we do n’t know if it exists or not. "

"In some ancient records, our predecessors called this powerful being the spokesperson. Yes, it is the name of the spokesperson. It is the spokesperson of the universe itself, and it represents the universe in which we live."

The leader's breathing hurriedly before he knew it. With so many secrets, it was also the first time I heard.

"Don't think about it that much, the senior executives of the alliance will take care of all these things." The sigher said with a sigh, "Speed ​​up and go to the Flying Kite galaxy, according to our arrangement, execute our plan in the Flying Kite Galaxy ... The time of 30,000 years is too long, and I want you to shorten this time by at least one thousand years. I don't care what method you use, as long as you reach the Flying Kite Galaxy within 29,000 years ... ... "

The light group disappeared, and the leader still stood here, thinking quietly.

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