Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 910: The third causal weapon

These words of musical civilization have caused Xiao Yu more questions.

"If there is no existence, you can come out and destroy me directly. If there is no existence, you can come out and help me? So, how did the Rebel Alliance attack me? You came here directly, didn't you come directly to help me?" Xiao Yu asked .

"If the Rebel Alliance is going to destroy you directly, even if you are a Level 7 civilization, this is just a simple thing for them." The voice of the music civilization said, still like singing. In general, there is a moving melody hidden in it: "We came here, just to give you certain tips to help you get out of this restriction circle, and we can't go straight to rescue you."

"Okay." Xiao Yu shook his head and put all the doubts in his heart. After all, for now, leaving here is the most important thing. "What kind of tips can you give me?"

"Hint we have given it to you," said the music civilization, and once again began to use that wonderful melody to tell, "a weird boy lives near my house ..."

"This is our tip." Music civilization said, "The Rebel Alliance has blocked you here in order to delay your time to fly to the kite galaxy. Our purpose is also very simple, to help you escape this restriction as soon as possible, as soon as possible. Hurry up to the flying kite galaxy. In the flying kite galaxy, you still have a lot of things to do ... We leave first, if you can escape from this cage smoothly, you can come to this quasar's companion Look for us in the galaxy, and we will be there waiting for you for a thousand years ... if you have not arrived after a thousand years, we will leave ... "

"That's it, goodbye ..." In the message of music civilization, the misty meaning is getting stronger and stronger. The voice was getting lower and lower, more and more unrecognizable. In this vaguely, Xiao Yu seemed to feel something.

"This boundlessly dark universe is our hometown. Among the endless stars, it bears our dreams. But remember that when you first left the shelter of the star and embarked on a voyage for the first time in ignorance and doubt? This unknown Everything makes you feel scared and horrified. Brave lives. Brave continue your journey, there is a vast world for you to fly, although there will also be destruction and wind and waves. After stepping through all this, you will find , Heaven is in front of you. Remember, never despair, never despair ... "

This musical civilization has just gone away. They stayed here for less than an hour and then left. Like some hermits in the legend. Only this unceasing singing voice still echoed in Xiao Yu's mind.

"Come to the song, go to the song ... This style of music civilization is really convincing." Xiao Yu sighed silently, his heart was full of these melody constantly echoing.

In this piece of music, it seems to contain a kind of power that inspires people's confidence, motivates people to move forward, and never gives up, and makes people involuntarily put aside all sadness and sadness and despair. Xiao Yu knows. This is the music civilization encouraging itself and encouraging itself to never give up hope. Never despair.

"Is music civilization an interest civilization?" Xiao Yu thought with some confusion, "This is beyond doubt, but they also seem to be very powerful ... They also have super potential for war. This seems to be There is a certain difference from the existence forms of micro civilization and architectural civilization. "

"According to the information revealed by this music civilization, although their words cannot be fully believed, the possibility of third-party forces has greatly increased, and what has been sheltering me seems to be this third-party force. The spokesperson of the ... Because the universe felt the arrangement of the defenders in the midst of the underworld, was the spokesperson born? What is the completion plan? If I am the product of the completion plan of the defenders, then When I broke through the seventh-level barrier, why did the defenders come forward to stop me? Or ... The ones who blocked me were not the defenders at all, but the rebels? That appearance changed the speed of light and reduced the speed of light by 522. The existence of eleven micrometers is not a rebel, but a spokesperson? "

Countless Tao thoughts rolled in Xiao Yu's mind, but in the end they did not entangle a result. For Xiao Yu, there are still many fogs in his mind. At half a moment, Xiao Yu sighed again: "Let's think about how to leave here first. Music civilization said that it will wait for me for 1,000 years in the companion galaxy. It will take me 600 years to reach the companion galaxy, that is, Say, I have 400 years left to break this limit. When I find a music civilization, I guess they will solve many doubts for me. "

"Weird boy ... is this a hint you guys gave me? But what exactly does this mean?"

Xiao Yujing settled down and let all the words in this song circulate in his mind, analyzing the information word by word, trying to analyze the mysteries behind them.

"Why the hair of this weird boy is getting longer and shorter? He cut off his arm, why is it still on the body? After eating a full meal, why is his stomach flattened? Why are there so many contradictions? And ... what does all this have to do with my environment? "

"Musical civilization is probably already aware of what this restricts me, or what the mechanism is. They are unlikely to come over this far, but just come here to make me happy. What they say is also very High credibility, so the key to my escape from this limitation is also likely to be hidden in this weird boy. "

No matter how much goodwill this musical civilization has shown, Xiao Yu can never fully trust him. This is a talk of nearly 200,000 years of experience in the dark universe. No matter which civilization is facing, Xiao Yu will not fully trust it. This is true in the face of architectural civilization, and it is also true in the face of musical civilization. I am afraid that in the future, even if Xiao Yu really met this so-called spokesperson, he encountered the existence of a self-proclaimed Chen Mo. Until all this is understood thoroughly, Xiao Yu will not fully trust Chen Mo.

This is a very sad thing, but it is also because of this incident that Xiao Yu has been in a state of astonishment.

Xiao Yu put aside his worries about his current situation for the time being, and began to analyze the meaning of this message wholeheartedly.

"Weird boy ... Why is this boy weird? It is because" everything practised in this world will be reversed in you. "What is meant by everything practised in this world? Refers to rules? Also, this seems to refer to the law of causality ... According to normal thinking, because "hair is growing," it should be getting longer and longer, but the weird teenager ’s hair is getting longer and shorter because " I ’m full ”, so the belly should be bulging, but this weird boy was full of food and was hungry and flat, because“ the light was turned on ”, the room should be bright, but he turned on the light room but It's still dark ... "

"There is a great possibility that the law of cause and effect has been reversed in this young man, and for cause, the effect has been reversed."

"Put this on me? Shouldn't it be said, because I have" countless attempts to leave here ", and in all respects I should have left here, so now I should have broken the limit, But I didn't break the limit. Is this what we have in common? In me, the law of cause and effect has also been reversed? "

Xiao Yu's heart suddenly became cold. Xiao Yu thought of a possibility that has a great chance to be close to reality.

"The rebels attacked me with causal weapons, they reversed the cause and effect, and even though I made a reason to leave here, I could n’t get the result ... because of this, I was killed. Limited here, I can't leave anyway ... "Xiao Yu calmed his mind slightly, and continued to think," It is a weapon of causality ... "

Xiao Yu believes that ~ ~ is very likely that what you are thinking is true, because it can perfectly explain everything you encounter now. And, this is an ancient eight-level civilization deliberately came to tell itself.

"But ... do these things really make sense?" Xiao Yu slightly wondered, "Even if all that I have speculated is true, then what? I still don't know the weapon against causality, or philosophy Weapons. In the song sung by the music civilization, they only described the situation encountered by this weird boy, but did not explain how this weird boy solved the problem he encountered. This The weird boy didn't finally solve the problem, where can I learn how to fight the causal weapon? "

"Also, the causal law weapon I have encountered at present-it should be a third type of causal law weapon, and it is not the same as the kind of causal law weapon owned by the Guardian civilization. But it is not necessarily applicable to the causal law weapon against the guardian civilization. The way I conceived against the first causal law weapon of the guardian civilization will not apply to the third causal law weapon that I now encounter. "

"Or, is this another test? Music civilization only tells me what I have encountered now, but the solution requires me to think and find ..." (To be continued.)

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