Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 939: Completed

Obviously, when the final result does not appear, the possible consequences of the changes in the stars in the universe are unlimited, and any kind of situation is possible. It's just how to separate the natural phenomena from the events caused by human interference. Xiao Yu has a logical way to choose. As long as you distinguish which of the possible consequences are related to Xiao Yu, you can distinguish them. Then, according to the development of the matter, we continue to do exclusions, and finally analyze the final order issued by the Dark Star civilization as a logical weapon.

"This is logically feasible, but it means a huge computational demand beyond imagination." Xiao Yu secretly sighed. "By building a supercomputing center, some preliminary screening and judgment work can be performed. It just needs The data I personally process is still huge ... "

"But this is also no way out. In the case of cosmic civilization that has failed, I am Chen Mo's only hope." Xiao Yu silently pondered the question, "Start construction, no matter what, to complete the task For the first pursuit. "

This means a new round of larger construction tasks. First of all, Xiao Yu wants to make the current intelligence network full again, and the density of the detector needs to be further improved-at least three to four times the original basis, in order to form an effective monitoring of the entire Flying Kite Galaxy. Then the supercomputing center was built. The supercomputing center that needs to be built this time will be larger and more numerous than Xiao Yu's when he opposed the virtual life civilization. Of course, the more time and effort it takes.

After digesting the seven-level civilization of computer technology in the computing direction, Xiao Yu, who has made a huge breakthrough in computing power, once again felt the limitation of computing power. Xiao Yu has used his computing power to the extreme. Only then pushed this huge construction task to start slowly.

This is a mission to transform an entire river system, and the Flying Kite Galaxy is still a fairly large river system. Such a huge construction task is enough to shock any level seven civilization to stun. In the past, in the Milky Way galaxy and the Guardian Alliance formed by the Dark Star civilization, the construction capacity of tens of thousands of civilizations is not as good as Xiao Yu's construction capacity at this moment.

With Xiao Yu's ability to build, the core of the Flying Kite Galaxy has truly become a huge, untouched site within a thousand light years. Countless spaceships shuttle back and forth here. Stars were carried here and then dismembered, or turned into detection instruments and launched outside the galaxy, or turned into a construction base and stayed here.

The task of constructing the transmission channel is ongoing. It was just that Xiao Yu did not expect that all of these transmission channels were destroyed for various reasons before they were completed. Even later, Xiao Yu no longer gave hope to these things, but simply repeated labor.

Super strong gravitational source construction plan is also underway. A central black hole in a river system must be affected. It undoubtedly requires unparalleled power. It also means extremely large volume and mass. In Xiao Yu's huge construction site, Xiao Yu disguised himself as a super-gigantic dock almost the size of Jupiter. Inside this huge instrument, there are zigzag energy loops everywhere, and there are hundreds of stars around it serving as its energy source. After it was successfully constructed and launched, these hundreds of stars will completely burn their vitality in just one hour, and finally achieve the purpose of prying the central black hole.

Everything is proceeding methodically. The construction of the super-gravity source is nearing completion, but Xiao Yu does not plan to launch it in the near future. the reason is simple. Because Xiao Yu's huge intelligence network has not been completely installed, and tens of thousands of supercomputing centers have not yet been completed.

Beyond that. Xiao Yu is still thinking about another issue, which is the backwash of logical weapons.

At present, it is known that logical weapons will backfire on users after use. According to Xiao Yu's estimation, it is for this reason that Dark Star Civilization did not release logical weapons such as "Destroy Xiao Yu" and "Prohibit Xiao Yu from destroying the central Black hole ". One principle is obvious: the harder it is to reach the target, the more severe the backlash will be after the order is given. Then a question arises, where is the bottom line that the Dark Star civilization can bear?

How to judge the difficulty of the purpose? Is it difficult to destroy Xiao Yu, or is it difficult to know the information of an electron's position and movement state? You know, according to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, even Xiao Yu can't know the two pieces of information about the electron accurately at the same time.

"Perhaps, the judging criteria are divided according to the magnitude of the impact on the future? So, is the impact of creating a butterfly or the impact of a mountain peak? On the surface, there is no doubt that the impact of a mountain Large, but after the butterfly was created, the butterfly fanned its wings and caused a hurricane, which could destroy dozens of peaks. "

This is a somewhat contradictory issue. Xiao Yu cannot know what the criteria for judging logical weapons are, and this is very important for Xiao Yu. Because it has to do with what kind of order the Dark Star civilization will give to logical weapons, and how Xiao Yu should deal with logical weapons.

"Perhaps, the logical weapon just inserted a certain fragment in the evolution of the original natural rules of the universe, and then under the influence of this fragment, it continued to evolve from the big universe itself. The big universe itself should not have long-term judgments. The mechanism does not judge from a long-term perspective what kind of impact an event will have on its own evolution. If it can judge, then this is equivalent to fatalism, which has been ruled out by me. In other words, the big universe itself does not know how it will evolve in the future, and it is naturally impossible to judge the future impact of a certain thing. Then, it should be based on the current impact to determine how much to exert on the user of the logical weapon Backbite. According to this inference, it is more difficult to knock down a mountain than to create a butterfly, even if the butterfly stirs up its wings and may cause a hurricane. "

"Then, if I am a user of logical weapons, I will try to use this rule as much as possible to achieve the goal of paying the least and gaining the most. In other words, I will not issue a direct order, such as directly Stellar destruction, etc., will issue some indirect commands such as speeding up the fusion rate of the star, or increasing the abundance of core heavy elements. These commands lead to the same results as I expected, but I paid less. The price. I believe that Dark Star civilization will be based on this principle. "

Having figured this out, Xiao Yu quietly relieved in his heart. These speculations may seem vague, but they are similar to the guiding program. Xiao Yu's subsequent actions will be based on these speculative conclusions.

In constant thinking and continuous construction, time is slipping away quietly. Cosmic civilization told Xiao Yu that the deadline for destroying the central black hole was 500 years. At this moment, two hundred years have passed.

In the two hundred years, more than 60,000 supercomputing centers have been completed, super-gravity sources have been completed, and the laying of the intelligence network has been basically completed. Of course, it is limited by time. For navigation, the detectors launched by Xiao Yu can only sail for a distance of about 300,000 light years, far from meeting the requirements of covering the entire river system, but this is enough. The impact on the core is naturally closer to the impact, the more distant stars, the coverage of the previous intelligence network is sufficient.

Supercomputing centers are energy-intensive things, as they were in the age of the earth. Some supercomputers can even use as much electricity as a medium-sized city. The supercomputing center built by Xiao Yu is even more outrageous. On average, a supercomputing center consumes a star equivalent to the mass of the sun every month.

Behind the huge energy consumption is the superb data computing ability. The more than 60,000 supercomputing centers are fully responsible for the initial screening of information collected from the entire river system-it is clear that ~ ~ Most of the information collected by Xiao Yu's intelligence network is It is useless, and these supercomputing centers are responsible for removing these useless information through certain logical operation mechanisms, and then reporting the useful information to Xiao Yu for analysis by Xiao Yu himself.

The huge amount of data will be reduced to one tenth of a billion after being filtered by the super computing center. And for these tens of billions of data, it will also take up at least 40% of Xiao Yu's computing power.

Xiao Yu has created all the conditions needed to fight against Dark Star civilization.

"We don't know what you have been busy for the past two hundred years. Are you just constantly building the transmission channel? In the case of knowing that the other party has used logical weapons, it is still so stupid to persevere, I really don't know what is in your mind Something. "At this time, the cosmic civilization, which had disappeared for hundreds of years, once again emerged, ironically to Xiao Yu.

"I know you've been hiding in the dark." Xiao Yu responded lightly. "Hide and hide, don't talk. What I want to do, there is no reason to report to you."

Cosmic civilization disappeared again. (To be continued ...)

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