Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 111: Wry Smile

After chatting with Lao Ma, Chen Qiang couldn't help leaning on his chair and sneered. He doesn't have the slightest liking for this kind of people who are eager to share the development achievements of starry sky creatures, and Chen Qiang believes that many of these people are agents of large foreign consortiums, but so what. They never thought that Starry Sky City was just a springboard.

Although Chen Qiang knew that it was wrong for him to think this way, some of these people were well-intentioned, but he couldn't help thinking otherwise.

Foreign capital has always been very active in Huaguo, so to speak. Most of the achievements of Huaguo's reform and opening up for more than 30 years have entered the hands of large foreign consortia. For example, the Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing was acquired by the Rockefeller consortium in the 1980s. Moreover, several large companies that we are familiar with now have foreign capital participation.

Therefore, Chen Qiang has always admired Huawei as a company. It is a miracle that it can achieve this result without listing or financing. It is not easy to grow to this point under the siege and interception of so many foreign consortiums, but you have forgotten that Huawei's backstage, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is the most powerful scientific research institution in Huaguo, and can even influence high-level officials to a certain extent decision.

Starry Sky Creatures doesn't have such a big backstage. It can be said that Starry Sky Creatures is a very authentic and grassroots Huaguo company. Not having a backstage is his biggest flaw. In the shopping mall, all available methods can be used on star creatures without any scruples.

So Chen Qiang has been brushing up the reputation of the starry sky creature, hoping to use this as a golden body. This used to be fine, but after the starry sky creature's annual tax payment came out, all the golden bodies were broken. Paying 100 billion Chinese yuan in taxes each year means that Xingkong Biology's annual turnover has reached 500 billion yuan, and the profit margin may also exceed 100 billion yuan. This profit rate is also ranked among the best in the world.

All the consortiums rushed over when they asked about the fishy smell. During that period of time, people from Starry Sky Cultivation would be harassed every day, and some employees of Starry Sky Cultivation were threatened, hoping that they could resign from Starry Sky Creatures.

So Chen Qiang released Green Energy. As far as he knew, Green Energy was about to go public. Moreover, after three IPOs, its valuation creatively reached 90 billion U.S. dollars. You must know that Boss Lei’s company was only listed at more than 50 billion U.S. dollars in 2018. However, Green Energy is only a sales company, but it can achieve so much value. This is already a bubble and cannot be valued at a bubble valuation.

However, with the help of various consortiums, the market actually recognized this valuation. This is the tragedy of all small and medium-sized companies and retail investors who are struggling in the stock market. Every market fluctuation is a harvest for these consortiums. They are like leeks, waiting to be harvested by others.

This is why Chen Qiang has always insisted that Xingkong Biotech will not go public or raise funds. You can't play with these people in the capital market. You must know that the rules of the capital market are made by them. Chen Qiang would rather bear the country's one trillion yuan loan than associate with these people. At least the country's food looks much better than these people, and with the current size of the starry sky creature, the country still has scruples.

"Xiaolong, check the land sales around Starry Sky City for me." Chen Qiang's thoughts kept spinning.

"Okay, boss, please wait a moment." Xiaolong's voice can only be heard by Chen Qiang. This is due to the glasses newly developed by Chen Qiang. There is a wireless receiver on the glasses, and the legs of the glasses are a voice transmission device. The wireless receiver receives the information at hand, and then converts it through the temples of the glasses and then enters Chen Qiang's brain through bone conduction.

After a while, Chen Qiang received Xiaolong's message. He took off the watch in his left hand, put it in the center of the table in front of him, and then pressed a button on the right side of the glasses, so a three-dimensional map of Starry Sky City appeared in front of his eyes. Chen Qiang pulled the map with his hand, and then the map Also moved. And Xiaolong also marked the purchase of some land around the starry sky on the map one by one.

"The area of ​​the old horse is not small, ten square kilometers." The land around the starry sky city on the map was divided into thousands of pieces, large and small, and Chen Qiang found the old horse's piece of land from these lands.

"It's quite a lot, with an area of ​​ten square kilometers, and it ranks in the top 100 among the 1,563 yuan." Xiaolong answered.

"Oh, there are so many people, where is the capital of this old horse?" Chen Qiang said in surprise.

"It seems to be borrowed from Ant Financial, using his Ant Financial share mortgage loan." Xiaolong searched for a while and said.

"It seems that he really wants to be an oil-producing plant. You can see that his land is very close to the coconut forest of our starry sky creatures." Chen Qiang zoomed in on the map and said.

"This cannot be determined, but the possibility that he wants to insert a star creature is 40%." Xiaolong said conservatively.

"Cut, as long as he has a little land, if he wants to enter the starry sky creature, he may get at most 0.1% of the shares." Chen Qiang said a little confidently.

"Maybe." Xiaolong didn't answer Chen Qiang directly.

"These more than a thousand people belong to several consortiums." Chen Qiang's tone was a bit cold this time.

"A total of 23 consortiums, all of which are foreign capital." Xiaolong also knew that Chen Qiang didn't like these people.

"It seems to be another eventful year. Send me a message and send all the lists of these companies to Starry Sky Desert. If they come to seek desert transformation, then return them to me." Chen Qiang said fiercely. He knew that the construction of these people was fake, but the stealing of information was real. The security department of Starry Sky Creatures had caught more than thirty commercial spies.

"The message has been sent." Xiaolong's speed was really fast.

"Hey, these two pieces of land belong to those two companies, and there are two pieces of land in the north of Starry Sky City that have not been marked with their names." These two pieces of land are both complete and large in size, Chen Qiang said doubtfully.

"Boss, do you really want to see it?" Xiaolong said cautiously.

"Let's see." Chen Qiang probably had his own guess after hearing Xiaolong's cautious words.

After hearing what Chen Qiang said, Xiaolong obediently marked the companies that belonged to the two lands on the map—Central Huijin Investment Co., Ltd.

"Hey, I should have thought of it a long time ago." Chen Qiang couldn't help but smiled wryly.

And Xiaolong is always watching Chen Qiang's every move. He will never forget the way Chen Qiang roared loudly in the laboratory after the starry creatures were invaded. It was really terrifying.

But at this moment, Chen Qiang was very calm, with only a wry smile on his face.

Well, today's second chapter, thank you all book friends for your support.

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