Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 114 Green Energy Shareholders Meeting

"Hey, Ma, what's the matter, call me so late." Chen Qiang said while eating dinner on the plane. He is going back to Liancheng. Today he accompanied his parents, Mou Bing and others to Starry Sky City. After settling down, he flew directly to Liancheng. need people.

"Chen Qiang, Lvneng will hold a shareholder meeting tomorrow, you must come here." Ma's voice was unusually serious.

"Ah, has the matter gotten to this point?" Chen Qiang was a little surprised. If nothing else, the shareholder meeting was probably aimed at him, because in the early days of Green Energy, Starry Sky Creatures owned 2% Ten shares are non-dilutive shares. After several rounds of financing, the current largest shareholding in Green Energy is less than 7%.

"It may be more serious than you think. Currently, 45% of Green Energy's shareholding structure comes from foreign capital. Recently, I heard that they are in contact with Xiaoma, but Xiaoma has not agreed. It is estimated that now Their holdings are almost 50%, and by that time we will have no choice but to turn around." Lao Ma introduced some recent situations of green energy to Chen Qiang.

"Oh, what do you mean?" Chen Qiang said solemnly after hearing Lao Ma's introduction.

"To go public, to list the entire green energy, and to make it public in the capital market, so that we can deal with it clearly." Lao Ma resolutely said.

"IPO? Where are you going to go?" Chen Qiang asked with some doubts. The current green energy valuation is too high, and it has exceeded 100 billion US dollars so far. Only the Australian Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, and New York have such a large volume. Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Deutsche Börse, London Stock Exchange, Nasdaq Stock Exchange, Toronto Stock Exchange, Shanghai Stock Exchange, these exchanges can be eaten. Most domestic companies are listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

"Shanghai Exchange." Lao Ma said a name that surprised Chen Qiang.

"What, are you crazy? Do you think the Shanghai Stock Exchange can accommodate green energy? That will directly mess up Huaguo's financial market." Chen Qiang warned.

Shanghai Stock Exchange: Market value of 2.547 billion US dollars. It is the second largest stock market in China and the third largest in Asia, with a market value of US$2.547 billion. Founded in 1990 as a non-profit organization, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is directly under the jurisdiction of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and is headquartered in Shanghai. It is not fully open to foreign investors.

"I'm not crazy. The country is also planning to reform the domestic stock exchange market. It just so happens that green energy is used as an experiment this time. Anyway, this company has been an empty shell since its establishment. Life and death are not your words." Ma said a little Reluctantly said.

"Old Ma. The higher ups are looking for you?" Chen Qiang said cautiously.

"Chen Qiang, I know what your kid is worried about. The country is not as dirty as you think. This is just my idea, I just want to do it, and no one is forcing me." The old horse's voice was deep and firm.

"This country is our motherland. We all hope that it will be prosperous and strong. What do you think I was doing when I founded Alibaba? Isn't it to change the impression of the poor and backward people in China on China?" Lao Ma said a lot Heap, what you said is very sincere.

"Old Ma, there are some things that we see beyond the surface." Chen Qiang said after being silent for a while.

"Fart, what you're talking about is bullshit." The old horse suddenly cursed.

"Okay, Ma, I'm thinking about it. As for tomorrow's shareholder meeting, I will go." Chen Qiang was thinking about whether his mentality was right.

"Okay, then think about it for me." The old horse hung up immediately after finishing speaking.

Chen Qiang put down the mobile phone in his hand, leaned quietly on the sofa and couldn't help thinking. Since the last time the starry sky creature was invaded by the network, after Chen Qiang discovered the existence of the state department in the list of all intruders, he has reached a very high level of defense against the state. Chen Qiang couldn't help but suspect that the country's department appeared on the intrusion record, and the prime minister was in Liancheng after the intrusion for the artificial intelligence of the starry sky creature.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the country doesn't need to proceed in such a sneaky way. If the country came directly to ask Chen Qiang, there would be no reason for him to refuse.

The more Chen Qiang thought about it, the more confused he became. There were some things that he couldn't think about carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more thoughts he would have.

Back in Liancheng, Chen Qiang went straight into the laboratory. In the laboratory, he once again showed the whole process of the last starry creature invasion in detail. In the last invasion, a total of seven pseudo-artificial intelligences participated. Two, one in India, two in Europe, one in the United States plus Fuxi from China. However, Japan was the first to enter the starry sky biological system, followed by the United States, and Fuxi of Huaguo was the third pseudo-artificial intelligence to enter the starry sky biological system. This is an ironclad proof.

Chen Qiang once again strengthened his mind. This is ironclad proof, there is no coincidence, if it is not for the order of the country, he does not believe that Fuxi of the Hua Kingdom will be controlled by other countries to attack the star creatures. If that was the case, then Huaguo might have been subverted long ago.

Chen Qiang worked in the laboratory all night. He didn't squint his eyes all night. His brain kept spinning, thinking about his relationship with the country and how to get along with him. Once bitten by a snake for ten years, I am afraid of well ropes, and Huaguo is not a snake, it is a dragon, and it doesn't spit out bones when it eats.

"Boss, today you are going to the shareholder meeting of Green Energy. It is time to leave now. The special plane is ready." Xiaolong reminded.

"Ah, and it's dawn." After Chen Qiang heard Xiaolong's reminder, his thoughts came to reality.

"Yes, it's already dawn. The crew has been waiting for a long time." Xiaolong replied.

"Oh, then I'm leaving now." Chen Qiang went to the bathroom and washed his face with clean water, and then came out of the laboratory.

Come to the airport, board the plane, and take off. This has been his daily life for a period of time, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a trapeze. After Chen Qiang ate the breakfast brought by the flight attendant, he began to browse the news. This is a habit he developed when he started the company.

It takes three hours from Liancheng to Hangzhou, so this time is still relatively long. After browsing the seats, Chen Qiang took a nap on the sofa. Because he knew that today's shareholder meeting might be very long. The flight attendant saw that the boss was asleep on the sofa, so they took a blanket and covered Chen Qiang's body.

These flight attendants are all recruited from the family members of Xingkong Biotech's employees. This is also Chen Qiang's consistent principle. Since the company wants to recruit some service personnel, it is better not to let the fat go to outsiders, and just digest it directly inside Xingkongbio.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, Hangzhou is here." After arriving in Hangzhou, the flight attendant came over and called Chen Qiang softly.

"Oh, so fast." Chen Qiang rubbed his sleepy eyes and said.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, that Mr. Ma is waiting for you below." The flight attendant said with a sweet voice, handing a wet towel to Chen Qiang.

"Oh, I see." Chen Qiang took the wet towel and wiped his face.

Sorry for the lateness.

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