Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 118 Terminal Equipment

At this time, the situation was no longer controlled by one person, and Chen Qiang had already guessed the situation. In fact, this is not what he guessed, but Xiaolong calculated it. After Chen Qiang made this decision, Xiaolong had already calculated it, so he was not surprised at all when he got the action of the country after leaving the laboratory.

Chen Qiang has always been a very cautious and knowledgeable person. Although he doesn't want others to participate in his starry sky creatures, there are some things that he really wants others to participate in. For example, this time in the construction of the virtual network, Chen Qiang hopes that more and more people will participate. The more people there are, the better it is for the starry sky creatures. Anyway, Chen Qiang's ultimate goal is to protect the starry sky creatures. For him, as long as the star creatures exist, everything is possible.

Not long after Chen Qiang left the customs, Secretary Xu called and said that he would bring some heads of factories that produced helmets to meet Chen Qiang, but Chen Qiang refused. For Chen Qiang, this is not necessary at all, because he firmly believes that even if the country is given ten years, he will not be able to crack the secret of the chip.

At this time, he has a very important thing to do, that is to receive Boss Lei who is about to arrive at the starry sky creature. After Chen Qiang left the laboratory, some employees told him that Xiaomi's Boss Lei had been visiting Starry Sky Bio for five consecutive days. Regarding the plan of this Boss Lei, he actually understands it, but he is destined to disappoint Boss Lei, not because of anything else, but because Xiaomi is a listed company. The current market value of Xiaomi has reached 80 billion US dollars, and foreign capital has already participated in Xiaomi since its establishment, so he is not very optimistic about this matter.

Although there are not many purely state-owned private companies in China that are relatively well-known. But for Chen Qiang, he would rather break the promise that Xingkong Biological entered the field of electronic production than give this technology to these listed companies.

"Mr. Lei, welcome to Starry Sky Creatures." Chen Qiang greeted the old man in his fifties with a smile.

"It's not easy to meet Mr. Chen once. This is the fifth day, and I plan to leave Liancheng after one more day." Boss Lei sighed while holding Chen Qiang's hand.

"Boss Lei, I'm sorry. There is an experiment on my side that is in retreat, and people from the company can't contact me." Chen Qiang apologized.

"Mr. Chen is now in this position and still conducts experiments himself. I'm afraid that the title of model worker in the shopping mall will go away from me." Lei Jun also complained, without too much malice.

"Mr. Lei, I'm joking. I can't bear the title of a model worker in a shopping mall. Come on, please, let's go in and talk." Chen Qiang saw that the greetings were almost done, so he brought Boss Lei to his office.

"Mr. Chen, your office doesn't have the aura of the richest man in China." Boss Lei turned around in Chen Qiang's office.

"Mr. Lei, the rich man worth more than 50 billion US dollars doesn't even have a private jet, and he travels in economy class. Do you think this is reasonable? In fact, everything is practical. I also come to this office. The number of times is not many, usually I am on the side of the laboratory building, so it is better not to waste it." Chen Qiang also replied with a smile, and handed a glass of water to Boss Lei.

"Hey." Boss Lei shook his head and sighed after taking the Qingshui handed over by Chen Qiang. It is well known that Boss Lei is a coffee lover.

"Mr. Lei, don't even think about coffee. I don't have a secretary here, and I don't come here often, so a glass of water is pretty good." Chen Qiang naturally knew what Boss Lei meant, so he rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay, clear water is clear water. When you come to Wuhan one day, I will treat you to eat and drink all over the city." Boss Lei naturally knew that Chen Qiang's words could not be faked, and he also knew that he was Chen Qiang's number one. Guests received in their own offices. Foreigners have always been curious about the office of star creature Chen Qiang. If the outside world knows that the office of the richest man in the country is so simple, they will not be shocked.

"Mr. Lei, I don't know why you came to the starry sky creature today." After all, Chen Qiang was still relatively young and couldn't hold back.

"Mr. Chen can't guess?" Lei Jun asked suspiciously.

"I've been in the laboratory all the time, and these business matters are still relatively unfamiliar." Chen Qiang said with a harmless smile.

"Actually, Mr. Chen, the purpose of my coming here today is very simple, and that is to get a batch of chips for making game helmets." Boss Lei didn't waste any more time, and went directly to the topic. For some bigwigs who have entered the business world, a big deal is often negotiated in this humble small talk, but for a rookie like Chen Qiang, it is better to be straightforward. Of course, this is just Boss Lei's idea. As for whether Chen Qiang is a rookie or a newcomer, it is still debatable.

"Are you going to make game helmets?" Chen Qiang said in a puzzled tone.

"It's not a gaming helmet, but a simple and portable device to enter the virtual world, just like a smart bracelet." Boss Lei introduced.

"Oh, a smart bracelet? This is a good idea, but have you solved the technology of air imaging?" Chen Qiang asked once. He has a great say about this technology, because he has a similar device on his wrist, but the function of this device is a hundred times stronger than that of Boss Lei.

"This is not available yet, but one of our ideas is to apply the now mature VR technology, and we can make a set of devices." Boss Lei took out a piece of paper from his bag and pointed to the picture on it to explain road.

"There is no development in this. You have to know that once the virtual network is established, the terminal equipment required will be huge. I know you have seen it, but it is wrong for you to fool people like this. As a listed company, Xiaomi, other Will the shareholders allow you to act like this?" Chen Qiang said very unhappy.

"Mr. Chen, you misunderstood. I didn't disclose anything about the virtual network. This is just my own idea. I asked those people in the company to help me improve it. They laughed at me at first." Lei The boss said with some embarrassment.

"Mr. Chen, let me tell the truth. I won't give Xiaomi this chip. It's not because Xiaomi is not strong enough. In this regard, the Precision Instrument Branch of our Xingkong Research Institute already has a good technical reserve. It's because Xiaomi is a As a listed company, if Xiaomi obtains this technology, can you ensure that the entire Xiaomi is controlled by you, as far as I know, your current share in Xiaomi is only about 33%." Chen Qiang expressed his thoughts directly.

"Mr. Chen, what if Xiaomi is delisted." Boss Lei was not disappointed, but calmly said a very explosive news.

"Delisting? You've thought it over." Chen Qiang was a little surprised, but it made sense after thinking about it. The news that Chen Qiang doesn't like foreign capital is well known in Huaguo's business circle, so this time Boss Lei dared to come to negotiate with Chen Qiang, he must have a trump card.

"It's not a thought, but it must be done. So they thought of a way to delist and privatize all of our companies, and the money was lent to us privately by the state." Boss Lei said helplessly .

"Then the explanation makes sense. As a hardware company, Xiaomi can only do terminals on the virtual network, so you come to me." Chen Qiang stared at Boss Lei and said.

"Yes." Boss Lei said honestly.

Bros. I worked overtime today so I came back a bit late, so I only coded a chapter, but please rest assured, I will definitely make up this weekend.

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