Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 134 Lesson

What Chen Qiang does is not to make the world more chaotic, but to make this world a better place. His biggest advantage is that he can correct his mistakes. When he finds that something has gone wrong, he will stop immediately, trying to minimize the impact of this matter as much as possible.

"Mr. Chen, this is the sales volume of our millet yesterday. Can you take a look?" Boss Lei handed a document to Chen Qiang who was behind the desk, and he was very energetic at this time.

"It's not bad, Mr. Lei. Yesterday's sales volume reached 50 million units, nearly 200 billion in sales, which is nearly a month's sales of our Starry Sky Creatures." For heroes, Chen Qiang never loses his praise. , and the company's scoring system also recorded the contributions of all employees this time.

"Isn't this the support from the headquarters? Without the technical support from the headquarters, it would be impossible for Xiaomi to create such a strong sales volume." Boss Lei is also very happy, because yesterday's sales can be said to be a miracle, and It is Xiaomi who created this miracle.

"It's still your credit, and the rewards from Xiaomi can't be less." Chen Qiang didn't feel that it was his own credit at all. In his opinion, those leaders who took credit for themselves are idiots.

"Mr. Chen, come here today. One more thing is that I think we can produce a batch of virtual bracelets. After all, the market is far from saturated." Boss Lei carefully counted out some of his suggestions. He will never forget that the production plant in the basement of Xingkong Biology headquarters is fully automated and operates 24 hours a day, and even the handling and transportation of materials are done by intelligent robots. Moreover, he also discovered that the source of all the materials in this base is an underground passage, so he guessed that the underground of Starry Sky City is all empty, and it is all covered by these advanced production lines.

This production line is a masterpiece of the Precision Instrument Branch of the Starry Sky Research Institute. There are a total of 500 such production lines underground in the entire Starry Sky City. Ten electronic instruments.

"Mr. Lei, let's not be too greedy. With 150 million virtual bracelets, the overall sales amount reached 600 billion, and in the end our profit reached 300 billion, which is very good. We eat meat, I also want to give others a drink of soup. Do you know that the shipment of smart modules for our bracelets has reached 500 million. I think some smart bracelets from other companies should be on the market soon, and our bracelets are so Entering the market quickly also has the effect of their fueling the flames behind, they want to expand the market and let people accept the bracelet." Chen Qiang explained patiently. He also understands Boss Lei's mood at this time, and there is nothing wrong with earning more money, but it is a taboo in the business world that one person eats meat and does not belong to others. I was fascinated by the great achievement before my eyes.

So after Chen Qiang finished speaking, Boss Lei suddenly realized: "Thank you Mr. Chen for reminding me, if you don't remind me, I will make a mistake."

"It's okay, as long as you understand." Chen Qiang still admired Boss Lei's quick awakening.

"Then Mr. Chen, what are we going to do next?" Boss Lei asked directly, at this moment he was a little slow-witted.

"Continue to launch a new generation of bracelets, and that is to recycle old bracelets. After all, although the bracelets are old, the smart modules inside are suitable. On our side, as long as we make a small improvement, we can directly sell them as new ones. , This is much better than producing it yourself. After all, the entire Starry Sky City is currently under construction, and resources are still relatively tight. Another thing is that I plan to put the sales of game helmets on Xiaomi, what do you think?" Chen Qiang has already made plans for what Xiaomi will do next. After all, among all the companies under Xingkong Biology, Xiaomi's marketing ability is the strongest.

Boss Lei knows about the shortage of resources in Starry Sky City. The current Starry Sky City can be described as a gold-swallowing behemoth, and at least one billion funds must be filled in every day. Although the state contracted the task of building Starry Sky City, the cost of materials still had to be paid for by oneself. We must know that more than a thousand traditional building materials companies in China have been brought back to life because of the construction of Starry Sky City. However, some special materials cannot be purchased, and can only be produced by the star creatures themselves. The source of all materials is the waste treatment plant. The waste treatment plant decomposes different wastes through the action of different bacteria, then classifies them, and finally forms various new raw materials. All the materials used in the Xiaomi bracelet come from here.

"Mr. Chen, is it true? You want to hand over the sales of game helmets to Xiaomi." Boss Lei still agreed with Chen Qiang's previous words, but after hearing the latter words, Zi ah immediately became excited.

"I have this idea. After all, the game company still has some flaws, and now its mission has been completed, so there is no need for it to exist, and the star creatures will not enter the game field." Chen Qiang explained.

"Mr. Chen, you can have this. You can sell the communication chip and the game helmet separately, so that you won't take up too much of the resources of the three majors, and you won't be restricted by them." Boss Lei has heard about the three majors for a long time. They almost fell out with Xingkong Biology. After all, they used to be a very powerful state-owned enterprise, and any Chinese people had to rely on them, but the sudden appearance of Xingkong Biological made them completely a service company, which made their Psychologically very unbalanced. So they stumbled the starry sky creature when the game helmet was sold, and finally suppressed it under the intervention of the high-level state.

"I can't stand the Big Three for a long time. This time I gave them this opportunity because of the more than one million households. I didn't expect them to go all the way and want to gain control over communication chips and the right to price and sell them. Maybe I must have been wrong at the beginning." Chen Qiang couldn't help sighing.

"Mr. Chen, then leave it to us. We have to fight back when we are bullied, right?" Boss Lei knows the benefits of getting the game helmet very well, so he looks like I don't go to hell, who goes to hell? The look of righteousness Ling Ran said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. The three majors will handle it themselves. You can just sell the goods." How could Chen Qiang not know what Boss Lei was thinking, so he smiled and shook his head.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I promise to complete the task." Boss Lei was very happy at this time, because he once again brought in a very competitive product for Xiaomi. He has been in the starry sky creature for a while, so he still has a clear understanding of some things. For example, the virtual helmets sold now are only 50% simulated, which means that there will be 60% in the future. Eighty or even one hundred percent virtual headsets.

And he also saw virtual pods in the homes of some old employees in Starry Sky City. He also wants to have one, but buying a virtual warehouse requires star coins, and star coins are distributed every six months, so Xiaomi employees have not yet received star coins, but there are other benefits besides star coins.

Today is still a chapter, and I will add it later.

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