Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 139 Solve

"Hello, everyone. I am the person in charge of the Human Medicine Branch of the Xingkong Biology and Xingkong Research Institute. My name is Mu Bing. Next, I will explain to you the mechanism of action of the solution in the game cabin. The first thing I want to explain is that this The production of this solution is very difficult, and the current production can only supply everyone in the entire Starry Sky City. This solution uses the "lock and key theory" in biomedicine. We have installed thousands of A biological sensor, and the function of these sensors is to detect the abnormality of the human body in the first time, and then feed it back to the central chip of the game cabin. The central chip will activate the corresponding program, allowing the components in the liquid to enter the abnormal part through the immune system such as the skin. "Mu Bing explained it in detail, and the reporters below also listened to you in detail, even if they couldn't understand it.

Seeing the seriousness of the reporters below, Chen Qiang nodded in satisfaction. This was the effect she wanted. There is nothing wrong with Mu Bing's explanation, this is part of the working principle of the game warehouse. But in this explanation, Mu Bing completely avoided the key point, but with the current knowledge of Mu Bing, there are not many people who can hear the ambiguity in her words. Even with the addition of people from the Starry Sky Research Institute.

"Miss Mou, may I ask if this is the latest achievement of your Institute of Human Medicine?" The next reporter stood up long after Mu Bing had finished speaking. This was a flash of thought in the reporter's mind, so he simply dropped the previous question.

"No, it's just that we are researching similar things and are familiar with its principles, so we were recruited by Mr. Chen." Mou Bing still had a certain resistance to Chen Qiang pulling himself to deceive others.

The next reporter seemed to have discovered the New World. After Mu Bing finished answering, he stood up and said, "Miss Mou, can you reveal it."

"This is a drug. We are also in the theoretical research. Our idea is to use the 'key theory' and the mechanism of targeted drugs to make a brand new drug carrier. We will use this drug carrier to develop a drug that can treat all diseases. Medicines for diseases." Mou Bing faithfully implemented Chen Qiang's confusing plan, although the introduction was brief, it was enough to achieve the goal.

really. After Mu Bing finished speaking, all the reporters were very excited. If there is no accident, this topic will be under the headlines next to the game cabin tomorrow. Huaguo's pharmaceutical industry has always been in a weak position. According to statistics, 80% of Huaxia's medicines now come from authorized production. Even in some critical life-saving medicines, foreign countries directly monopolize the Huaguo market.

The entry of Xingkong Bio into the field of medicine is a boon to all patients in the entire Huaguo, at least they no longer need to take tens of thousands of bottles of medicine.

"Mr. Chen, is this Xingkong Biology's struggle against Huaguo's high-priced drugs?" The next reporter stood up and asked.

"This is the established strategy of Starry Sky Creatures. After all, medicines, products with huge profits of hundreds of percent, are still very attractive to Starry Sky Creatures who are short of money." Chen Qiang did not answer this question directly, but Said with a little sarcasm.

The real people in Huaguo realized that all their medicines were controlled by foreign countries in 2018. That movie completely tore off the fig leaf of Huaguo's pharmaceutical industry. Since then, a lot of Huaguo capital has also entered this field, but Huaguo has too little experience in this field, and many current patents have been registered by foreign countries. It is too difficult to bypass this patent .

Originally, drug research and development is a gold-swallowing behemoth, plus the cost of bypassing patents, which is nearly 60% more than foreign companies. This is a huge investment, and ordinary companies are unable to do it.

However, it is much easier to put it on Xingkong Biology's side, because before that, Chen Qiang has sorted out part of the information in his mind and put it on the internal website of Xingkong Research Institute. These materials include some pharmaceutical information .

And what Mu Bing did was to verify the authenticity of these materials. Although Chen Qiang knew that there was no problem with these materials, he had to do it for safety verification. After all, he didn't know where the knowledge came from, and this method was applicable to this race but it does not necessarily apply to humans.

This is why Chen Qiang has been suppressing the growth of the starry sky creatures. He has been building an organization that can verify the authenticity and safety of these materials, and now these things have begun to take shape.

"Mr. Chen, I would like to ask if there is any intention to sell the game cabin." This blond man, his task is to know all the news about the star creature game cabin. When it came to the non-existent medicine, he was a little anxious, and when it was his turn, he stood up and asked.

After all, in his view, even if a drug developed by the starry sky creature, which is recognized as the strongest biological force in the world, it is included in the ascension to the sky.

"I don't have this intention. After all, the nutrient solution used in the game cabin is produced in a very small amount, and its transportation is also a big trouble. Before these problems are solved, the starry sky creature does not plan to sell the game cabin." Chen Qiang did not expect that someone would ask about it. The question about the game cabin, but since it was asked, he had to answer it.

The answer to this question was no surprise to the reporters at the scene, because if this thing was sold, the star creature would not have to be so secretive.

After the blond reporter finished asking questions, the reporters finally remembered that the theme of this press conference was the game cabin, so the reporter's question center also returned to the game cabin. Of course, some reporters also asked questions about medicines. , Most of the people who asked this question were Chinese media. There were more than 200 reporters present, and more than 200 questions, which also allowed these reporters to get the news they wanted.

The trouble of the starry sky creature is over, and everyone outside believes Chen Qiang's explanation. The attraction of the game cabin without the effect of healing human injury is not too great, and those who make the starry sky creature open for sale are all It's some technology enthusiasts or game enthusiasts, just ignore these people's star creatures.

The news after the press conference was very interesting. The domestic media in Huaguo focused on Starry Bio's entry into the pharmaceutical field, while the foreign media focused on the report on the game cabin. Because in their view, even if Xingkong Biology entered the pharmaceutical field, it would not be able to change the result of Huaguo's pharmaceuticals being monopolized by the West. After all, money is not enough to enter this field. Accumulation and background are very important conditions.

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