Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 141 School

So the manager of Starry Sky City became Chen Qiang's father, and the corresponding appointment document appeared on Starry Sky Creature's website the next day. This has no effect on the residents of Star City, and some residents even agree with this decision.

However, this appointment has caused great disturbance in the outside world, because it is the prerogative of the state to publicly appoint a city manager in this way. But now the star creatures here have appointed local management officials without informing the country. However, the country quickly came out to refute the rumors. The country said that Star City is not a local city officially recognized by the Hua Kingdom, so this is an internal appointment of Star Creatures.

Although the country said so, few believed it. Because the permanent population of the Starry Sky City will reach 300,000 after the completion of the Starry Sky City, if a city of this size is not called a city, then 100% of the actual cities in Huaguo can only be called towns. This incident also made many people re-recognize the strength of Xing Kong Biology. After all, there are really few companies that can be endorsed by the state in person, except for a few major central enterprises.

Anderson handed over the work very quickly. In less than a day, he handed over all the affairs of the entire Star City to Chen Qiang's father, and the first thing Chen Qiang's father did when he took office was to apply for a quota in the public security department from the country. Then the department formed by Anderson was streamlined. In his view, with the services of artificial intelligence, the work of some government departments can be completely handed over to artificial intelligence.

He defined the management organization of Star City as a service organization, not a management organization. Therefore, based on the fact that so many people are not needed, and all the employees of the Starry Sky City management organization must be selected from the residents of Starry Sky City, this is a bit difficult, so many employees who manage drumming are from Starry Sky Creatures. They were seconded over there, and these people don't like to enter this management organization too much.

So it was the most correct decision for Chen Qiang's father to deal with it this way.

How much time does Anderson have to rest when he returns to the starry sky biology retreat? Because Chen Qiang, the boss, has put down the challenge, and Chen Qiang Haiao has reformed the existing system, so Anderson must find out the existing organization and personnel of the starry sky creature as soon as possible, in order to Bei Chen Qiang's selection and transfer. But at this time, he was much happier than the Starry Sky City management organization.

Ever since Anderson returned to the starry sky creature, Chen Qiang has left the starry sky creature directly. After all, after the starry sky creature has Anderson in charge, Chen Qiang's role is dispensable.

Chen Qiang, who was completely liberated from official documents, began to wander around various places in Starry Sky City. The second phase of Starry Sky City's project is coming to an end, and with the completion of the second phase of construction, the area of ​​Starry Sky City will double. And Starry Sky City will once again influx some people. At that time, the population of Starry Sky City will exceed 100,000, but it is not known where these people are now.

Walking and walking, Chen Qiang came to the school in Star City. This school occupies a very large area, even larger than our brother in the laboratory building. This is a comprehensive school, where you can go directly from kindergarten to high school graduation. At present, all the children of Starry Sky City employees are here Go to school, among which young children have the most and high school students the least.

This school was designed by Chen Qiang himself, and it contains a lot of technology, such as virtual projection technology, which was first used in the school. And in this school there is a super-large classroom with game pods. There are a thousand game pods in it, but these game pods are not used for playing games, but for teaching. Every student up to the age of twelve can use this game room to learn some knowledge that interests them.

After all, Chen Qiang has worked hard for this school. There are thirteen national special-grade teachers alone, and he is also very good for other teachers. The first thing these teachers do when they come to Star City is not to teach students but to edit textbooks. This teaching material includes book teaching materials and electronic teaching materials, and the editing of electronic teaching materials is assisted by Xiaolong.

In Chen Qiang's view, these students are the future of the star creatures, and their education must not be sloppy. What the star creatures need is someone who has innovative thinking and will not be bound by traditional concepts. However, our traditional education very restricts children's imagination, so Chen Qiang's first task in running a school is to explore a way to cultivate talents with out-of-the-box thinking based on the actual situation in Huaguo.

"Chen Qiang, these children are the future of our star creatures." A voice came from behind Chen Qiang.

"Teacher, teacher's wife. Why are you here?" Chen Qiang turned around and saw Kong Ru and his wife standing beside him looking at the children playing around in the school.

"Your teacher is used to teaching students, so I come here every day to see these students and miss their teaching career." The teacher's wife said with a smile.

"Obviously you want to come." Kong Ru retorted like a child.

Chen Qiang suddenly thought that his teacher's wife was an educator before retiring, so he tentatively asked: "Mrs., why don't you work hard and become the principal of the school's high school?"

After hearing the news, the teacher's wife's eyes lit up, but then dimmed again.

Kong Ru sighed and said, "Chen Qiang, your teacher's wife is powerless now. Now her body is not as good as before. She can't bear such a big work pressure."

"Don't we have that thing, you can exchange it with your star coins." Chen Qiang said directly.

"Do you want to put that thing on the exchange website?" Kong Ruyou said excitedly but also worried.

"I've had this idea for a long time, but now it's just a little too early to release it. There must be a certain level of exchange for this item, and there are rules for taking it." Chen Qiang briefly introduced, and she has long been concerned about this matter. She was ready, but he kept dragging her along like this.

"Now the star coin is worth money?" Kong Ru was very happy after receiving the good news, and said jokingly. As for star coins, it is indeed a little tasteless for the employees of Starry Sky Creatures. It has no other role except to determine the order of entering Starry Sky City. After all, everything in Starry Sky City can be purchased with Huayuan. The company that treats its employees well all over the world, Star Bio's employees are not short of money.

"This is also the reason why I issued star coins in the first place. In the future, I will give benefits to my employees first." Chen Qiang laughed.

The teacher's wife at the side was quietly watching the children's play in the playground, as if not paying attention to the situation here.

"Teacher, I'm leaving first. You and the teacher are slowly romanticizing." After talking with Kong Ru for a while, Chen Qiang bid farewell and left.

"Let's go, let's go back too." Kong Ru walked over to hold his wife's hand and was about to leave.

"Let's take a look again." The teacher's wife said with some pleading.

"No need, you can go to work here tomorrow." Kong Ru said softly as he touched his wife's cheek. Chen Qiang's teacher's wife's illnesses all occurred during the time when she was a teacher. Although she has achieved a lot of achievements, it is not without price, that is, her body has collapsed and she can't do too much tiring work. And being a teacher is a job that requires a lot of physical strength.

It's ok, guys. About 50 subscriptions, more than 2,000 collections have this achievement is already very good, I have seen more than 5,000 collections for the first order and no more than 50 subscriptions. Post five more chapters, I will do what I say, starting from the fourth.

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