Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 143 Corruption

The game company Download has a total of more than 10,000 game developers. After the successful development of Liberty Village, they did not stop working. Instead, they were doing some tasks on the company's internal website. These tasks are sometimes original paintings and sometimes would be an idea. In short, they didn't do a complete game development, but they went here and there, and then did some very piecemeal work.

This makes many game developers a little bored, they came here to make the world's first virtual game. But the game of Liberty Village is more a map than a game, so many people have submitted their resignations during this period, but under Ding Sanshi's persuasion, they temporarily let go of this idea.

Ding Sanshi has a special feeling for online games, and the rise of NetEase started from the field of online games. And NetEase is also a game company in Huaguo that has always insisted on independent innovation. They have made great contributions to the overseas culture of Huaguo. So he was very unwilling to disband this company that concentrated the top game R\u0026D talents in all of China.

Huaguo's online game research and development field has always been in a state of disunity. This is the best opportunity to integrate Huaguo's game power, so Ding Sanshi is the most active in persuading Chen Qiang's team. Because he knew that if this company did not have Chen Qiang, then the company would split up sooner or later.

After Chen Qiang agreed to continue to hold the shares of the game company, Ding Sanshi was excited. Even when the share transfer agreement was signed later, Ding Sanshi personally handed over the documents to Chen Qiang.

Of course, Chen Qiang did not transfer the shares of the game company for free. Chen Qiang wanted to do it for free, but was rejected by Lao Ma and others. Also, for a company whose valuation exceeds the unicorn level, its largest shareholder wants to transfer the company's shares for free, which is not very good for the company's image.

The decision made by Lao Ma and others is that they use the largest funds in their hands to eat part of the shares in Chen Qiang's hands. As for the rest, they will conduct a financing and go public after the financing. The shareholding is compressed at about 15%. And Chen Qiang also agreed to this request. After all, the plan of Lao Ma and others is the safest.

In fact, Lao Ma and others also have a small ninety-nine, that is, this time the company's financing will introduce foreign capital, which will be of great help to g company's entry into foreign markets. Wu's shares will once again become the largest shareholder of the game company. As for this kind of operation, Lao Ma and others are already very familiar with it. Otherwise, how could Lao Ma use 7% of the shares to manipulate Ali.

On the second day of this meeting, the game company released the news of financing, which went crazy in the financial circles all over the world, and this time there is no difference between domestic capital and foreign capital. In the eyes of netizens, this is A manifestation of the degeneration of the starry sky creatures.

"Oh my God, did my old Chen fall too? It was all led by Lao Ma and his group." After the news of the game company's financing was announced on the Internet, the comments on the Internet immediately spread all over the sky.

"I used to think that Xingkong Bio would be the company I admired the most in my life. It would not go public or raise funds. But now I find that I am still too young. Is the capital market so bloody? Can't stand it anymore?" A cynic youth posted on the Internet.

"Yes, it's all the fault of those people in the capital market. Let's slaughter their website."

"go together"

As a result, the official websites and customer service of various well-known domestic investment companies are about to explode, and the Huaxia branches of some foreign investment companies have not escaped. All the investment companies today wanted to cry, because it was unwarranted, but they didn't dare to say a word, because if they said a word, they would be overwhelmed by hundreds of times of saliva. And Red Shirt Capital is that unlucky guy, because they posted a Weibo and explained it a little bit. So their official Weibo was exposed, and the website was crumbling.

The financing of game companies is undoubtedly good news for the current sluggish financial industry. The Huamei economic war has severely damaged the financial industry around the world. After the Huamei emergency war, Huaguo immediately used Fuxi to take over Huamei. China's financial system, and the United States followed suit to allow artificial intelligence to enter the financial field.

Originally this was good news, but it is very bad news for some underground funds, and more or less investment banks all over the world have their own channels of this kind, but now this channel is broken , which means that the money in their hands can only become a number. The financing of game companies now gives them a great opportunity.

As a result, the valuation of the game company began to increase crazily. In just ten days, the valuation has increased several times, reaching 83 billion U.S. dollars, and there is even room for further growth.

Where is this valuation? Among the world's top 500 companies last year, Huaguo's petrochemical company was on the list, and its market value was more than 70 billion, ranking 146th. That also means that as long as the game company is listed, it will not be a problem to enter the top 100 of the world's top 500.

The game company's financing went smoothly. This time the game company released 30% of the shares, but they were all of the same type of shares with different rights. All of this was under the control of Lao Ma and others.

As for Chen Qiang, after the meeting that day, he left Liancheng and returned to Starry Sky City.

"Bing'er, the principle is this. The function of this enzyme is to act on this receptor, and this receptor is even repulsive to this enzyme, so we need to modify this receptor. Generally, our modification method It is to add some catalysts. But this method is not suitable for our experiment, so we need to do a method that does not introduce new substances. The method I do is to directly change the conformation of the receptor without changing the receptor As for the specific operation steps, I will not explain them one by one.” This is one of Chen Qiang’s jobs these days is to tutor Mu Bing in learning.

The cell activation solution is really obscure. Some of the new technologies used in it were unknown to Mu Bing before, and some of the technologies she found conflicted with some current biotechnologies. This made her feel a little bit confused. After all, anyone who realizes that some of the things she has learned over the years is wrong will also feel confused.

So Chen Qiang, who came back from the meeting, became Mu Bing's tutor. In the past few days, apart from eating, sleeping and breastfeeding the child, Mu Bing has been studying with Chen Qiang. At this time, she had a feeling of returning to college.

"Chen Qiang, I have a feeling of going back to university." After listening to Chen Qiang's explanation, Mu Bing immediately understood.

"Oh? But our identities have changed. At that time, you were a senior and I was a junior. Now I am a teacher and you are indeed a student." Chen Qiang picked up the girl who was playing next to him and said.

Sorry for the late update. The internship is over today, so there are a lot of things to do, but starting tomorrow I will have nothing to do, so I plan to be a tentacle monster and make up all the debts I owed before. I calculated that I owe about fifteen chapters.

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