Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 148 Enrollment

After the host continued to ask Chen Qiang a few questions, he directly handed over the establishment of the interview to the audience. These audiences were all parents with college entrance examination students at home, so their questions were basically related to the enrollment of Star Academy. Chen Qiang also understood the thoughts of these people very well, so he answered the questions patiently.

The response to this interview was very good. This interview allowed everyone to see a Chen Qiang with a human spirit. Before that, Chen Qiang was still untouchable in the hearts of ordinary people. But now everyone's focus is no longer on this place, everyone's focus is on the test question after the Starry Sky Academy's official website was launched.

Three days after Chen Qiang was interviewed, the official website of Star Academy was launched slowly. An hour after it went online, its page views had reached 100 million times, directly creating the world's largest one-hour Internet browsing record.

"Xiaozhi, today I allow you to use the computer. I have already downloaded the test client of the Starry Sky Academy. You can do it after dinner." A mother told the child who came back from school.

"Okay, Mom." Xiaozhi agreed with some embarrassment. Today, because of the test, the school gave all senior high school students an early holiday, otherwise he wouldn't have come back so early today. But he knows what his interests are, he likes to sing, what he likes is music, there is no need for a test at all. And this test will completely shatter his parents' dreams. He has been a very obedient child since he was a child, and he will listen to the correct advice from his parents, so he took music as his side job and entered science studies.

After dinner, Xiao Zhi sat next to the computer and turned on the computer he hadn't touched for half a year, and then logged into the test client. And Xiaozhi's parents were watching, and they all stared at their son with hopeful eyes. They don't want their sons to be outstanding, they just hope that their sons will not be eliminated in the future social life and have a good job.

Xiao Zhi sighed softly, and then began to answer the question, because this answer is to turn on the camera, so Xiao Zhi has been very cold. He also has a little understanding of this, the Star Academy's test this time is not only a written test, but also a micro-expression test. So he planned to use this expression to deal with it. Although this test is only of reference value, there is nothing wrong with making parents happy.

This scene is happening in many families in Huaguo. As for those families without computers, the school has directly opened its computer room to these students. In fact, the teachers at the school really hope that the children they teach can enter the Starry Sky Academy, after all, the starry sky creatures are treated very well. All the students who study so hard mean that they will be able to find a good job after being admitted to a good university in the future. Since there is a shortcut, they are naturally happy to see it. It's really hard to find a job now.

The college entrance examination is the fairest way to choose. As for some of its disadvantages, everything seems very small under fairness. Many poor students changed themselves through this channel. Although the Starry Sky Academy's exam does not have the same quantitative standards as the college entrance examination, his selection method is indeed the most reasonable.

In three days, this is the time given by the Star Academy, and 10 million students across the country have completed their own tests in the afternoon of the second day. Although the test results have not yet come out, many students have understood what they like after this test.

And many netizens also joined in the fun, but they couldn't log in to this client. Star Academy's official website explained that it is temporarily closed to the public because it is in the test stage for college entrance examination, but it is because of this that netizens are more curious about this aspect.

At the end of the test, everyone's results came out. Many families are happy, but many more are depressed. Because the test situation of this system is that their children do not like these four fields, and the system also gives answers to the fields that their children like. At this moment, their emotions are very complicated, because now parents understand the hardships of their children, so they also hope that their children will engage in the industry they like, but the reality cannot help them make this choice.

"Nuwa, report the results of this test." Chen Qiang said while sitting in the conference room.

"Currently, the national college entrance examination test has been completed, and there are 230,000 people eligible for admission, of which 150,000 are around 60, 50,000 are around 70, and 80 There are 21,000 people, and there are 9,005 people with more than 90 percent." A virtual projection appeared on the table in the conference room, which can be seen by everyone attending the meeting.

"Tell me, everyone, in which section we will conduct the next selection test." Chen Qiang said to the main leaders of Starry Sky Academy below. At present, Kong Ru is the dean of the Academy of Starry Sky, Mou Bing is the head of the School of Biology, Hao Yun is the head of the School of Communication, Academician Zhao is the head of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Wu Gui is tentatively head of the School of Mechanics .

"I think we can select from the crowd of over 70. After all, some of these students may not be willing to come to Starry Sky Biology, so that we can select more people, so that we have a choice. Now the people of the whole country are in Keep an eye on this project." Seeing that Kong Ru didn't speak, he spoke first.

"This is too many people. There are about 80,000 people who are over 70. Let's choose from people who are over 80. Thirty thousand people are enough." Chen Qiang rejected Kong Ru's proposal after thinking for a while. This proposal, after all, he is very confident in the attraction of starry sky creatures.

"That's fine." Kong Ru heard that Chen Qiang had already arranged it like this. His proposal just now was just to expand the enrollment scope of Starry Sky Academy.

"The next step is the allocation of these 3,000 people. What do you think?" Chen Qiang asked the deans.

"Mr. Chen, the aerospace branch is very short of people. We need a quota of 1,000 people." Academician Zhao was also a little anxious, and he stood up and said.

"Academician Zhao, our computer branch is also very short of people and you have so many teachers." Hao Yun said directly without being afraid of Academician Zhao's identity and age.

"Dean Hao Yun, our aerospace branch is Mr. Chen's key project." Academician Zhao is also a thick-skinned person. He was not angry at the run-on by this junior but retorted.

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