Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 151 Weakness

The happiest thing is the various countries, because at this moment their control over their own national network has reached its peak.

The opening of the virtual network brings more opportunities. A large amount of capital has poured into this field, and the successful construction of virtual networks has directly promoted the construction of the Internet of Things. More and more companies have begun to enter this field on a large scale. Among them, Huaguo, represented by Ali and Tencent, is directly ahead of everyone.

The moment the virtual network was approved, their company's new architecture software had already been released. This is also a way to better adapt to the new network environment in the future. In the new virtual network, many software and website bugs are very obvious, and because of language problems, there may be some small problems during the conversion process, and sometimes it is precisely this small problem that will ruin the company.

So most companies in the world have begun to reprogram their network software. However, because there is a genius hacker in the United States, Kevin Mitnick, he actually edited an advanced programming language using the elementary Chinese language programming released by Xing Kong Biology, and this language can be programmed in English, but there are Some restrictions, on some basis, still have to be done in Chinese. However, this has also greatly accelerated the understanding and development of virtual networks in the entire English-speaking world.

So now Huaguo is only one step ahead, and the gap with Western countries has not been widened too much.

On the third day after the virtual network was successfully released, many technology companies in the United States released their own virtual wearable devices, including virtual gloves and virtual helmets. This almost scared Chen Qiang, and he immediately let go of his worries after checking the virtual helmet.

The chips of this virtual helmet are from the batch of star creatures, and the virtual degree of the virtual helmet they made is only 30%, and it can only be used for two hours a day. If it is worn for a long time, it will damage the human brain. It has a certain impact and will disrupt people's memory.

Although this virtual helmet is relatively poor, it is very good to buy in the West, because no one can stop patriotism. And those unscrupulous media in the West directly called this the rise of Western technology again.

Chen Qiang can only hehe, the starry sky creatures don't care about things like this at all, they can do whatever they think, as long as you give them money. At this time, he is like the little rabbit when he was in trouble. He only needs a small amount of money, and everything else can be discussed.

Chen Qiang was not at all surprised that the West had developed a virtual helmet. On the contrary, he had already made preparations when he sold chips to the West. It's just that he didn't expect that the storage technology of these western countries is so powerful that they solved the problem of nerve transmission in just three months. You must know that Wu Gui spent half a year at the beginning. This is still some information provided by Chen Qiang in the case of.

But thinking about the investment in the field of life by the rich in Western countries, he is not too surprised. You must know that among the world's top 500 companies, there are seven biomedical companies on the list, and Huaguo has none. As the largest pharmaceutical company in Huaguo, Huayao does not have its own technology until now, and the technology of its products all comes from abroad.

Moreover, many rich people abroad are very keen on investing in the field of life, especially in the field of scientific research. Overseas, 60% of biological scientific research institutions are funded by those rich people.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiang was not surprised at all. When he was in class, his teacher also lamented this in front of them, saying that Huaguo's research in the field of life has fallen far behind. The Human Genome Project is the biggest proof. In this plan, Huaguo, a permanent member of the world council, has only 1% of the share. This means that Huaguo's technology in this field is not very strong.

And after entering the new century, this gap has become wider and wider. In the end, all the biological worlds in Huaguo followed the traces of others, and there was no field under their own leadership.

The human body is a big black hole, and every life scientist is tightly attracted by this black hole. This is a proposition that can never be explored clearly. If the real secrets of the human body are known to all human beings one day, then human beings will become gods. These were the words of a professor who taught Chen Qiang an immunization class. Although he sounded a bit shocking at the time, Chen Qiang now has no doubts.

The virtual network has completely replaced the communication of the entire earth, and the society is undergoing rapid changes. Everyone and every country is trying their best to adapt to this change.

But at this time, Novartis, the manufacturer of Gleevec in Switzerland, suddenly announced that it would reduce the production of Gleevec due to technological upgrading. Many pharmaceutical companies in the world have successively cut production for the same reason, especially the supply to China has been directly reduced by 50%.

Originally, these companies did not supply enough medicines to China, but now they have directly reduced the supply by 50%, which suddenly caused the price of such medicines in the whole of China to surge. Some people start hoarding such drugs. However, at this time, the country directly took action, and directly blocked a group of unscrupulous merchants hoarding medicines with a thunderous force, which suppressed the soaring trend of medicines in the entire country.

However, this is a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure, and the main root cause lies with the pharmaceutical company.

"Xiaolong, find out who is behind this incident." After Chen Qiang learned the news, he felt that someone must be inside.

"I can't find it, but recently these companies are very close to Morgan Bank." Xiaolong will report after searching for a while. Now because of the upgrade of the network, each country has strengthened its control over its own network, so Xiaolong also needs to be careful. This is another form of cocooning.

"Morgan?" Chen Qiang sat in his chair and thought quietly. At this moment, Chen Qiang's phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number. But this did not bother Xiaolong. In less than ten seconds, Xiaolong found out the owner of the call, and it came from Morgan.

"Hi, Mr. Morgan, hello. Why do you have time to call me?" Chen Qiang took a deep breath. At this moment, he was sure that Morgan must be behind this incident. Because when ordering that batch of chips, all the families ordered, only the Morgan family did not order, it seems that they have a big plan.

"Mr. Chen, I just miss you a little bit, and I just want to catch up on the old days." Morgan laughed cheerfully on the screen.

"Mr. Morgan, if you have something to say, just speak up. You also know that I don't like to go around." Chen Qiang said directly and coldly.

"Oh, Mr. Chen Qiang, you are a bit unlovable like this. This is what you Huaxia say." Morgan still smiled.

"Mr. Morgan, what is your intention in doing this, can we discuss it if you tell us, after all, those patients in Huaguo are innocent." Chen Qiang suddenly smiled and said.

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