Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 155 Busy Airport

Huaguo's chip companies have been suppressed for too long. The hope this time made these people see the hope of revitalizing the chip industry, so they signed the contract very quickly. These people planned to hold a big and sensational press conference, but Chen Qiang directly refused.

Chen Qiang knew that these people would definitely develop their own smart chips when they went back. In fact, these companies had already thoroughly researched the Xingkong Biochip after it was launched, but they were unable to launch their own chips due to the lack of manufacturing equipment. And Morgan also came up with this idea, the set of production machinery they needed, not a series of production techniques and the chip architecture of star creatures. If Chen Qiang didn't expect, most of the chip companies in the world have already designed their own smart chips in the laboratory, but they can't make the finished product.

The chip of Xing Kong Biology uses microorganisms as a medium to build a small neural network on the entire silicon chip. This neural network is simple, and it can be read and understood with current scientific research.

As for Chen Qiang's selling price, he also has a little idea about it. The core of this production line is the microbial culture tank and arrangement device. And the most central thing is microorganisms. Even if Chen Qiang really released this thing, he would not worry that someone could cultivate it, because Chen Qiang directly defined it as a one-time consumable at the beginning of the design, and its lifespan would not be too long. Especially when it comes into contact with the air of the real world, it will die directly.

After the contract was signed, everyone left by plane. As for the machine, of course it would take a while to produce it, and it was impossible to deliver it directly. Although Chen Qiang still has three sets in the total library, that one is not for these people, but for the military.

"Chen Qiang, you finally figured it out." Secretary Xu did not leave with Lao Ma and his party, but stayed behind.

"Have we thought about it, what is mine in my consciousness will always be mine." Chen Qiang shook his head firmly.

"Then why did you release the chip this time?" Secretary Xu finally asked his purpose of staying.

"Do you know that foreign companies' blockade of Huaguo's pharmaceuticals is aimed at me, and the person behind is Morgan." Chen Qiang stared at the plane that was gradually taking off into the sky.

"What, so you released this technology." Secretary Xu was also shocked, because there was such a guess during the meeting, but he didn't expect it to be true. This is a big event, and it concerns the face of the entire Hua Kingdom.

"That's right, it's actually nothing, just let it out. They just want to know how the chip is made and satisfy their wishes." Chen Qiang laughed at himself.

"Chen Qiang, why didn't you tell the country about this matter. Do you know what kind of impact this will have on Hua Guo?" Secretary Xu said very seriously.

"I know, that's why I made this matter very secretive. As for Morgan and those pharmaceutical companies, I will make them pay the price sooner or later." There was a cold light in Chen Qiang's eyes.

"This is not something you can do alone." Although Secretary Xu's tone was also very flat, there was some worry in it. Because the relevant departments of the country have analyzed Chen Qiang's character, which is stubborn and timid. This is why the country has always indulged the starry sky creatures. They are afraid that Chen Qiang will leave Huaguo in a fit of anger, and they will be sinners of the nation. From the value shown by Chen Qiang now, he has surpassed Einstein now.

"It's not easy for the government to intervene in this kind of thing. After all, this kind of thing is a market behavior. You go back and tell the leaders, and leave this matter to me." Chen Qiang also said thoughtfully.

"Oh, what method do you use. Do you want to force yourself back." Secretary Xu said curiously.

"You go to the State Food and Drug Administration to have a look at this, and you will know what our idea is." Chen Qiang said mysteriously.

At this time, the internal communication of a starry sky creature was directly displayed in front of Chen Qiang. After browsing, Chen Qiang said to Secretary Xu: "Okay, the three sets of core equipment have been installed for Yun 20, and you can go back to make business .”

"Then let's go, this place has a magic that makes people stay." Secretary Xu said looking at the green grass outside.

"Then it's better not to leave, my dad still needs a helper." Chen Qiang joked.

"Hey, I don't want it anymore, this is your boss Chen's site." Secretary Xu also responded with a smile. However, the conversation between the two stopped directly here and did not continue. Because both of them know that some things cannot be said openly.

Coming to the plane, Chen Qiang was a little envious looking at this huge guy. Because the largest transport planes of Star Creatures are the five second-hand Boeing 737s. As for Yun 8 and so on, they are much shorter in front of this big guy.

"Mr. Chen, why don't you buy one too?" Secretary Xu stood beside Chen Qiang, and beside him stood several officers in military uniforms.

"Sell it in this country?" Chen Qiang exclaimed.

"Mr. Chen, there are foreign trade models of Yun 20, and you can sell them to you." Secretary Xu smiled directly.

"Hey, it's better not to. I already have a business jet, and it's enough. It's a bit too extravagant to buy one as a transport plane." After thinking for a while, Chen Qiang still refused.

"That's fine, Mr. Chen, if you want it, just tell me. I'll help you get in touch." Secretary Xu boarded the transport plane directly with those soldiers in military uniform after speaking. Traveling by plane is already the norm for all star creatures. Although there is a road directly connected to the national road in Star City, and a railway was connected to Star City a month ago, the two roads are mostly used by supplies. transportation.

Although Xingkong Airport is not the airport with the most traffic in China, when it comes to the number of takeoffs and landings of aircraft, Xingkong Airport definitely ranks in the forefront. Before the railway was opened, all the garbage disposal liquid in the world was transported by plane, and it was not until the railway was opened that this part of the business was given to the railway.

Just as Chen Qiang returned to the office to look at the documents, his phone rang as soon as he opened the first document. As for the caller, it was the Morgan that Chen Qiang hated the most.

"Mr. Chen, it seems that you have figured it out. I don't know how we will conduct the transaction." Chen Qiang clicked on the virtual screen, and Morgan's face that Chen Qiang hated very much said with a smile.

"It's fine to buy your production line." Chen Qiang said helplessly. Seeing Chen Qiang's helpless expression, Morgan was really happy.

"Hahahaha, it's Mr. Chen who understands what we need. Well, it's settled like this, but the delivery time needs to be confirmed." Morgan said, changing the subject.

"Delivery with those in our country, after all, we may need production time." Chen Qiang spread his hands.

"Oh, it seems that Mr. Chen has grown a lot, so that's it." Morgan hung up the phone immediately after speaking. And Chen Qiangye removed the virtual screen with a sneer on his face.

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