Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 158 Car Building

In three days, all candidates entered Starry Sky City and lived there under the arrangement of the staff. On the second day, the assessment began, and all candidates entered the game room with the help of the staff. This is a novel experiment. Although they have a gaming headset at home, they haven't touched it once because of the college entrance examination.

In the outside world, the videos of all the candidates are broadcast live, and everyone can see the actions and behaviors of everyone here. This is also a live video specially launched by Chen Qiang at the request of the Minister of Education, and there is a more detailed live broadcast in major universities, and the people who watch it are some professor-level figures.

Everyone who enters the virtual world is novel and confused, because there is no one around them, and the surroundings are empty. But after a while, a projection appeared in this space, and everyone recognized it at a glance. It was Chen Qiang, the chairman of Xingkong Bio, and he said: "Welcome to this space, this is a wonderful space where you can imagine anything, and he can help you realize it. Here is an assistant for you." You can call 'Little Dragon' like this, and he will appear to solve your problems that cannot be solved by your current knowledge, well, I will stop here, and let your future dean announce the rules to you." Chen Qiang finished speaking, The projection is simply dissipated.

But there was another projection, an old man. But for these students who have already come to understand most of the high-level members of Starry Sky Creatures, this person obviously knows him. He is a member of the Starry Sky Academy Committee, the director of Starry Sky Academy, and their principal Kong Ru.

"Hello, children. I am Kong Ru, your future principal. Welcome to Star City. You have proved your potential by coming here. But our Star Creatures really want the best, come on!" Let’s fight. As for the rules, it’s a bit long so I’ll read them one by one. It’s in this space, so you can just find it and read it. The four deans of Starry Sky Academy will arrange the next one for you later. The content of the assessment." Kong Ru disappeared immediately after speaking.

But those examinees looked at the place where Kong Ru disappeared with bewildered faces. After seeing this scene, the parents of some candidates immediately scolded them.

However, some clever children also found some tricks, combined with Chen Qiang and Kong Ruo to talk, and directly shouted in hyperspace, "Xiaolong, I want to know the rules of this exam."

Immediately, a virtual screen appeared in front of their eyes, and on the screen were the assessment rules for this time. Of course, there are still some people who haven't found it. The expressions of those parents watching their children are all kinds of strange. Of course, those whose children find the rule are smiling. Find your own children.

About ten minutes later, four figures appeared in front of all the candidates, and at this moment a voice rang out: "All candidates, please choose a college."

Of course, the vast majority of children chose the subject they tested themselves, but some people did not choose their talent subject, but chose another subject.

"Su Jianyun, what are you doing?" The mother shouted with tears when she saw that her child had chosen the Aerospace Academy.

"Okay, wife, this is the child's own choice, he should be sure of it." Although the father was also very angry, but now he can only comfort himself in this way.

"But he doesn't have the slightest understanding of this aspect." The mother could only protest silently like this.

"It's all right." His father stared at the screen with complicated eyes.

"After the selection, a total of 8,000 people have taken the exam. Among them, 2,400 people are taking the exam of the School of Mechanical Engineering, 1,300 people are taking the exam of the School of Bioengineering, and 2,600 people are taking the exam of Aeronautics and Astronautics. There are 1,700 people participating in the assessment of the School of Communication, and it is now entering the assessment stage." As the voice in the space fell, one of the four deans was left, and that was the one who was conducting the assessment.

The dean of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering has been replaced by Zeng Long. He has been thinking about this topic for the past few days. In the end, he chose a more difficult task, which is to let these people design and manufacture a car that cannot be used in the current market. All cars are somewhat repeated. As soon as the topic of the School of Mechanical Engineering came out, the people who watched the assessment were very shocked, because at present, Huaguo does not have its own independent cars. How can these youngsters who have never even touched the structure of cars drive early? If it is made, it will only mock the entire Huaguo auto industry.

This is a difficult task, but many students who take the test have a way. They directly let Xiaolong show a car they know, and then modify it on the basis of this car, so it is simple. But some students started from scratch and planned to build a new car, while some people planned to go wrong. There was a girl named He Miao who planned to build a maglev car.

"Xiaolong, I plan to build a maglev car, what do you think?" He Miao looked at the BMW in front of him and said thoughtfully.

"The plan is feasible, but there is no market." Xiaolong replied directly. In fact, Xiaolong has already been used in the entire research institute, and researchers are used to using Xiaolong to record some experimental data and query experimental methods.

"Oh, then I'm not going to stop doing it." He Miao fell into deep thought again. She understood that this time it was not for you to build a car, but to test your imagination and learning ability through this process, so she She felt that it was absolutely impossible to follow the usual way of thinking, so she thought of maglev vehicles, but she gave up because there was no market for Xiaolong's, because Xingkong Bio is a company, and they will not do things without a market.

"Magnetic levitation, floating, anti-gravity. That's right, we can make anti-gravity cars." He Miao said directly and loudly, but her idea made many people watching the assessment outside have their eyelids twitch.

After He Miao finished speaking, she devoted herself to the design on the virtual screen and the 3D projection, but just as she finished the design and was ready to manufacture, a voice of He Miao passed in the space.

"Yeah, I'm in." He Miao jumped up happily, and He Miao's parents in front of the screen also cried happily.

"Someone has already passed." At this time, the doubts in the minds of all the mechanical candidates, and they became more and more anxious at this time, because they found that this assessment is a progressive system, and the recruitment will stop after the number of people is full. It is no longer a ranking system. So many people also adjusted their design plans one after another.

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