Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 185 Three Project Teams

The first group to play was a group composed of pure members of the Mechanical Academy, and this was the only group that was pure, and it had reached this point. The person in charge is a very strong man named Feng Zhengming.

"Hello, judges, Mr. Chen. My name is Feng Zhengming, and I am the first student of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Xing Kong Academy. Today we are bringing a purely cross-border water resource allocation method." After taking the stage, Feng Zhengming and the present After all the judges greeted each other, they said their titles.

"Okay, let's start directly." Chen Qiang's father is the main management leader of Starry Sky City, so his speech on this matter is the biggest.

"Why is it a purely cross-border water resources transfer method? Because according to our vision, we will carry out all-electric propulsion and unmanned transformation of all the large aircraft of the Star Group, which can greatly reduce the number of aircraft. The use cost. Then the entire aircraft will be modified to remove all useless devices, and all of them will be used to transport water resources. Based on the current aircraft inventory of the Star Group, if all the aircraft are modified, they can get more than 10,000 tons of water every day. Resources" Feng Zhengming talked about Kaikai, but everyone sitting there frowned, because according to this plan, the transformation of the entire aircraft is still relatively large.

As for those outside experts and scholars who watched this report work, they just laughed outright, because there is no way to make it at all. First of all, the all-electric transformation of the aircraft is a very difficult technical problem. Although all-electric propulsion has been used on some ships, it is because the ships have relatively large space and can accommodate large-scale battery packs and current conversion devices.

Thinking of this, a terrifying idea suddenly appeared in the minds of these experts and scholars, that is, the Star Group may have a high-efficiency battery with a small size. So they quickly cast their gazes on the screen in front of them.

Feng Zhengming was interrupted directly, and it was Chen Qiang's father who interrupted him: "Student Feng Zhengming, let me interrupt here first. According to what you said, after transforming all Star Group's aircraft, about every word can be transported." The arrival of 10,000 tons of water means that the loading capacity of each aircraft has reached 45 tons. As far as I know, the main transport model of the Star Group is Yunba, and its maximum load is about 25 tons. , may I ask how you only increased the load of twenty tons?"

"I plan to talk about this question later. Since you asked, I will introduce it first." Feng Zhengming was neither humble nor overbearing, although he didn't know that the person in front of him was the main speaker who decided this project. He has always said that the decision maker for this project is Chen Qiang.

But since someone asked, this part was originally mentioned in the back and directly mentioned the front. I saw him swipe his hand in the air, and a model of the Yun-8 aircraft appeared in the space between him and the jury, but this model It is somewhat different from Yunba.

And Feng Zhengming casually promoted and introduced: "Everyone, please look, this is the modified Yunba model. Here is the battery module we designed. It uses the latest high-energy bio-battery developed by Xingkong Research Institute. There are 30 batteries in total. The group can supply the entire aircraft to fly at cruising speed for 30 hours." Feng Zhengming introduced while turning the aircraft model. And when introducing some key parts, this part can be disassembled directly for analysis and introduction.

All the people here are Tongjia, and the Starry Sky Research Institute has been carrying out aerospace projects for a while, so Feng Zhengming's Huada Residence can understand it. Projects have a great say. Their perspective is different from that of researchers. Researchers are here to evaluate the maturity of this technology, while they are here to evaluate the true application degree of this technology in real life.

However, the experts from universities and scientific research institutes who were not at the scene were a little bit hard, because the plane model was covered with mosaics, but fortunately, Star Group did not block the sound, otherwise these experts would be crazy up.

"Old Wu, this project seems to be very feasible. As long as the battery problem is solved, all-electric propulsion aircraft is feasible. After all, all-electric propulsion ships have become popular now, and the engines and aero-engines used in ships are a kind of core. machine. There is no problem technically." An expert in the field of ships said.

"It's too rich and powerful, so what is the price of the water in Starry Sky City?" Old Wu couldn't help but lost his voice.

"It's not a day or two for the Star Group to be rich and powerful. Don't forget that all the planes of the Star Group are unmanned, so there is no consumption on labor issues, and according to the introduction of this student Feng, one Yunba can transport 45 tons of water. It is impossible for the Star Group to allow the plane to fly only once. As long as the hovering problem of the fixed-wing aircraft is solved, basically each plane can fly ten times a day, which is 100,000 Tons of water resources, these can probably supply the daily needs of the entire Starry Sky City." An old professor sighed.

"There are also these children. At the beginning of the introduction, the group of this child is all members of the Mechanical Academy. The modification of an aircraft is not limited to the mechanical modification. It seems that the way we train students is still somewhat I'm behind. According to the depth and detail of the child's explanation just now, the child's knowledge structure is more complete than that of a professional doctorate in aircraft design. As for other students, I think it is similar. In just one year, Star Academy has done At this point, it seems that we have to study hard." Another old professor also sighed.

These words silenced everyone, and at this moment an old man stood up and said: "Mr. Qian's three questions about Huaguo education directly took away the fig leaf of the entire Huaguo education circle. We have been looking for changes, but we are still exploring, and now we have a way, we must not fall behind.” The old man was impressively wearing a military uniform, and this old man was the principal of the National University of Science and Technology, with the rank of lieutenant general.

"Old Shen, you're right, but Starry Sky Academy has always been very conservative, I think we'll just wait." The old man beside him said.

"Old Wu, no, I'm going to learn some scriptures even if I put this old face in. If this continues, when will we produce a master." The principal of the National University of Science and Technology said a little disappointed.

"Old Shen, the masters are all in the field of basic science, but how many people can really stay in the field of basic science now, look at the students of Starry Sky Academy, they are taking the path of applied science, not the path of basic science." Another An old man also advised.

These old people are the veterans of the National University of Science and Technology or the best group of people in the entire country, so they were called to watch this video today. These people are some colleagues or comrades-in-arms of the president of the National University of Science and Technology. Last year, the National University of Science and Technology also recruited several students who were eliminated from the Star Academy, and the performance of these students was very eye-catching. So this time, the headmaster set his sights on the testing system of Starry Sky Academy, which is a student who has experienced it from the first stage to the third stage.

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