Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 192 Brother Chen Jun

Star Group's benefits have always been famous in the world, but this year's Star Academy students did not receive this benefit. They did not sign a contract with Star Group at the moment they entered Star Academy, which means that these students have not yet received this benefit. It is an employee of the Star Group.

This is something these students did not expect. They thought that after passing the test three times, they would become employees of the Star Group. After all, the students of Starry Sky Academy in the previous session were awarded a contract as long as they stayed in Starry Sky Academy, and none of them were eliminated in the assessment half a year later, but in this session, one-third of them will be eliminated. They are still under a lot of pressure.

The response to the new system of the Star Academy this time on the Internet is mixed. Among them, more than two hundred people directly gave up the opportunity to study in the Starry Sky Academy. Most of these decisions were made by their parents for their children. Maybe some parents also made decisions for their children.

Entrance to the Starry Sky Academy is a week after the assessment, so those students who passed the Starry Sky Academy test have all gone home and will report to the Starry Sky Academy a week later. Of course, these things have nothing to do with Chen Qiang. After the assessment, he has been staying at home as his daddy.

But today the family was extremely lively, because Chen Qiang's younger brother, Chen Jun, had graduated and returned home. Chen Qiang has kept Chen Jun's identity under wraps all these years. Even the media with great powers have not dug it out. They know that Chen Qiang has a younger brother, but they don't know the exact appearance of this younger brother and what school he goes to. .

"Brother, give me a hug from my niece." Chen Jun looked at the girl in Chen Qiang's arms and said emotionally.

"Here, be careful, Xiaolu is a bit shy." Chen Qiang hesitantly handed the daughter in his arms to his younger brother.

"I said why do you two brothers like your daughter? Xiao Yi has been staring at her for a long time, but you are ignoring her." Tang Li came over and picked up her grandson and gave Chen Qiang and his brothers a supercilious look.

"My daughter is my father's little padded jacket, and my son is my enemy sent by heaven. This brat is over a year old now and he pissed on me all my life yesterday." Chen Qiang retorted with a smile.

"Don't say that about my grandson, adjust this Liangpi." Chen's mother was a little upset, and directly handed a stainless steel bowl to Chen Qiang, asking him to turn over the Liangpi inside.

Chen's mother likes her two grandsons and granddaughter very much, but she likes this naughty grandson a little more. And Chen Yi also knew that his grandmother liked him very much, as long as his father didn't want to be with him, he would go to find his grandmother, and he would giggle when he saw his grandmother admonishing his father.

No, seeing his deflated father smiling happily, Chen Qiang gave his son a grimace and began to stir up the cold noodle.

Chen Jun hugged Chen Lu and taught him to speak: "Call me uncle, uncle, uncle." Chen Jun never tires of it.

The two children are more than one year old, and their vocal tract development is almost the same. Chen Qiang is also teaching the children some simple pronunciation these days, such as father, mother and so on. Now the two children can pronounce some simple syllables, although not very clear, but this also made Chen Qiang happy for a long time. Because the first vague syllable the two children uttered was the word dad. This also made Mou Bing jealous for a long time, and she didn't stop until she taught the child to pronounce the mother's syllable.

Chen Qiang and Mou Bing have always cared about their children. Needless to say, Chen Qiang, as long as the company has nothing to do, he will stay with the children at home. Mu Bing is very busy all day because she has to manage the Branch of Human Medicine and the School of Bioengineering of Xingkong Academy, but she gets off work on time every day, and stays with her two children after work. The two of them don't want to neglect the child because of work. After all, they can still do work later, but the child's time will not be there anymore.

Moreover, the Starry Sky Group does not advocate overtime, especially after the popularity of smart office in the entire Starry Sky City, such things as overtime have become rare. This is the case even in the Starry Sky Research Institute. If your experiment is not finished after get off work, you can save your experiment with artificial intelligence and wait until tomorrow to start.

Working overtime at the Star Group has become a shame for everyone, because if you work overtime, it means that you haven't finished your work today. Because of the birth of the artificial intelligence system, every task assigned by the top management of the Star Group will be decomposed and assigned to each employee by artificial intelligence. The workload of this employee is the workload of his working hours. If you have not done it before leaving work If it is over, then you are doing something else during working hours. Now you work overtime, that is your own fault.

Today is Chen Qiang's mother's chef. Now Chen's mother's cooking skills are getting better and better. She can cook many dishes. Because today is a welcome banquet for Chen Jun, Chen's mother did not accept being a helper and cooked it herself. Such a table of dishes. This is what a mother wants for her child.

Chen Qiang was already hungry, so he picked up the bowl and ate directly after serving the table. From time to time, he put some rice and some broth for his son and daughter next to him. Because the teeth of the two children have not yet grown hard, so now they can only be fed some soft food for them to eat with their hands.

"Come on, Chen Jun, have a drink. Congratulations on your successful graduation." After finishing the meal for the two children, Chen Qiang ate a little food to fill his belly before picking up the wine glass and saying to his younger brother. It was hard to drink on an empty stomach, something he had experienced before.

"Little brother, congratulations on your graduation from Harbin Institute of Technology. Chen Qiang has already arranged for you at the Star Group. Do you have any ideas?" Mu Bing also raised his glass and said to Chen Jun. Chen Qiang didn't know what his parents meant. Don't you know? So she also raised it directly at the dining table, and besides, the Star Group really needs someone to take care of it. Before that, she had already mentioned it to Anderson, and Anderson agreed. As for why Chen Qiang didn't know, it was because she had mentioned it to Chen Qiang many times, but he didn't take it to heart.

"Sister-in-law, I still want to go to school, I want to go to Star Academy." Chen Jun said with a red face. This statement puzzled everyone present, especially Chen Qiang's parents. They were worried about how the youngest son would join the Star Group, and they had mentioned it to Mou Bing many times, both openly and secretly. Mu Bing was also very happy for Chen Jun to enter the Star Group, but they did not expect that Chen Jun wanted to enter the Star Academy to continue his studies.

"Starry Sky Academy is not good, the enrollment is over now. I can't squeeze one person in, tell the truth about what you want to do." Chen Qiang said with a frown. He didn't think that his younger brother would want to enter Starry Sky Academy, he thought that his younger brother might have some other purpose.

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