Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 196 Back to the previous house

Three days passed quickly, and Chen Qiang arrived at the airport very early today. Since it is a press conference, you must arrive early, otherwise it will be bad if you are late. You must know that there are many reporters at the scene today.

Liancheng is the place Chen Qiang is most familiar with besides the small county in his hometown. Even when he first entered school, he thought that this would be the place where he would live his whole life, but in the end he left.

Taking advantage of the early time, Chen Qiang came to the small house that he and Mu Bing bought together. The house is still the same, but it hasn't been cleaned for a long time. Although he hasn't lived in this house for a long time, this house carries all his memories of the Star Group's founding.

After tidying up the house with a few people accompanying him, Chen Qiang left with the accompanying personnel. As for keeping this house like this, it is also a kind of nostalgia, he thought so.

But what they expected was that the news of Chen Qiang's coming to Liancheng had already been leaked. He was just going to the former Liancheng headquarters of the Star Group, which is now the location of the game company, when he was surrounded by a group of reporters as soon as he went downstairs. But with the help of the security guards, Chen Qiang ignored the reporters and got in the car and left. He came to attend the game company's press conference and didn't want to steal the limelight.

Chen Qiang did not expect that the reporters would get the news so quickly, and even came to find his location. It seemed that this place could no longer be visited, so he said to Zhang Jian who was accompanying him: "Old Zhang, you should sell this room sometime, it's useless." When Chen Qiang said this, Chen Qiang's tone With a trace of loss.

"Good boss, I will deal with it as soon as possible." Although Zhang Jian is now the manager of Xingkong Security, he is in charge of security whenever Chen Qiang goes out.

"Whatever, you can't even think about it." Chen Qiang sighed with a headache.

Zhang Jian didn't answer the call, it was considered Chen Qiang's private matter, he could neither ask nor listen. This is some experience he has summed up as a security guard over the years.

There are now more than a thousand people in Star Security. These people have been transformed by cell activating agents and Zhang Jian's intensive training. Their technical ability is also ranked first in the world. If they are equipped with a complete set of military equipment, this The destructive power produced by a thousand people is comparable to that of a nuclear bomb.

The car is fast along the way, but very smooth. Chen Qiang just squinted for a while, after all, he got up early today.

"Mr. Chen, we've arrived." Zhang Jian called out cautiously.

"Ah, so fast." Chen Qiang woke up in a daze, looked at his watch and muttered.

"Mr. Chen, the Liancheng traffic police have opened a way for us." Zhang Jian explained.

"Let me just say, I used to walk this way for more than an hour, but today it takes less than half an hour." Although Chen Qiang knew that this was a goodwill from Liancheng officials, he still couldn't help complaining. After all, he still wanted to sleep a little longer.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Ding from the game company, and Mr. Ma from Ali are already waiting for you." Zhang Jian reminded. Zhang Jian has seen a lot of his boss's childishness, so just ignore it.

"Ah, let's go then." Chen Qiang quickly woke up and got out of the car.

"Young Chen Qiang, please be restrained." Seeing Chen Qiang got out of the car, the old horse came over and joked.

"Go, I didn't come here early." Chen Qiang rolled his eyes and said.

"Actually, you don't have to come so early. The game company's press conference was arranged in the afternoon to take care of you, a slob." Lao Ma whispered.

"Ah, then arrange a room for me and I'll catch up on sleep for a while." Chen Qiang also whispered.

"You have to ask Boss Ding about this, right Boss Ding." Lao Ma winked at Ding Sanshi and said.

Although Lao Ma and Chen Qiang spoke in a low voice, Ding Sanshi who was next to them could hear clearly. Seeing Lao Ma winking his own eyes, he said, "Mr. Chen, the current game company was established by you yourself. There is a place to sleep there, don’t you know? Besides, there will be a shareholder meeting in a while. The shareholders of the game company have also undergone great changes this year. As the major shareholder of the game company, you must attend .”

"It's not mine anymore, it belongs to the game company. I won't go to the shareholder meeting, and I'll ask a few familiar people to drink together at night." Chen Qiang waved his hand and was about to get in the car and leave.

"Alas, you are now the largest shareholder of the game company. If you are not in the game company's shareholder meeting, it might as well not be held." Lao Ma hurriedly pulled Chen Qiang who was about to get into the car and said.

"When did I become the largest shareholder? I remember that my shares were diluted to 20% back then." Chen Qiang was stunned and asked with a puzzled face.

"Now the game company has more than 100 shareholders. Except for your 20%, no one else holds more than 15% of the shares." Ding Sanshi explained.

"Oh, more than a hundred people, it seems that your ability is very strong, and the game company can still operate by twisting so many forces together." Chen Qiang said with a smile that was not a smile.

"It's not delaying your fortune, they all respect me more." Ding Sanshi also found that he seemed to have talked too much, so he could only smile wryly.

"Okay, then go and meet me. Since I'm already a major shareholder, I also want to support you as the president of the company." Chen Qiang took the lead to walk in the gate. This used to be the laboratory building of Xing Kong Biology, but now it is It is the office building and R\u0026D building of the game company.

Seeing Chen Qiang leave first, Lao Ma and Ding Sanshi looked at each other and followed. Under the leadership of Ding Sanshi, Chen Qiang came to a meeting room. When he pushed the door away, more than a hundred people in the meeting room stood up and looked at the door.

"Everyone, this is Chen Qiang, the largest shareholder of the game company and the founder of the game company. Welcome." Ding Sanshi hurriedly introduced.

"Okay, no need to applaud. Let's start directly. Let me see what kind of games the game company has produced in this year." Chen Qiang said bluntly.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, your seat is here, and the shareholder meeting will start in a while." Ding Sanshi brought Chen Qiang before his actions, and then went to prepare. But sitting here, Chen Qiang could feel that everyone was staring at him with fiery eyes.

Chen Qiang raised his head and looked around. Following Chen Qiang's glance, these people lowered their heads one after another. Looking at these people in front of me, there are many people in the city that I am not familiar with, and these people have a faint sense of majesty. Chen Qiang didn't think that these bosses came here to participate in the game company's press conference. Even if they had shares in the game company, they didn't need to come in person.

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