Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 208 The Elimination of the No. 1 Assessment

"Then let's do it. I'll call Mr. Wu of Northwest Industries and ask him to help." Gao Hong immediately took out his mobile phone and started making calls.

Seeing Gao Hong in a hurry, Yang Cheng smiled wryly. Yang Cheng also understood Gao Hong's mood at this time. Over the years, the country has invested more and more in aerospace, but the accompanying pressure has also increased. However, there are not many colleges and universities offering aerospace majors in the country, coupled with the current policy of wide entry and wide exit. The quality of college students is getting worse and worse, so that undergraduates majoring in aerospace are now useless at all. But now is the expansion period of Aerospace Science and Industry, which needs a lot of people, so he is not surprised that Gao Hong is attracted by these outstanding talents.

Gao Hong is a manager rather than a technician, so he doesn't understand that aerospace is a process of slowly accumulating experience. He thought that with excellent talents and strong capital as investment, he could get a good return, and this return was his advancement. But Yang Cheng is not very optimistic about the child on the screen, because this child is too proud, he may not be able to hold back.

The Institute of Mechanical Engineering paid much less attention to the assessment, because the 3D printer has now become a mature industrial product, so there is nothing surprising about it. However, some merchants who specialize in the production of 3D printers also came to have a look at this product, which is incredible. Because these printers can print multiple materials at the same time. For example, our mobile phone is an assembled product. Although the current 3D printing equipment can restore the shape of the mobile phone, the mobile phone produced cannot be used. And the mobile phones printed by the printer designed by these students can be used, and there is no difference in performance from the original one.

Although mobile phones have been eliminated now, the uses of this 3D printing instrument are very extensive. Before the live broadcast ended, the Star Group received more than ten calls from manufacturers who obtained the right to produce printers. Unsurprisingly, all these people were rejected. If these projects are popularized on a large scale, it will definitely deal a huge blow to the current industrial system, so Chen Qiang has no intention of selling them, at least not at this stage.

And he had already found an excuse, because all the assessments this time were conducted in a virtual network, so what everyone saw was the situation after computer simulation. Since things did not appear, everything is easy to explain, for example, a certain key material has not been successfully developed, etc., any reason can be prevaricated.

Moreover, 3D printers are also prepared for aerospace projects, and such small-sized tools are perfect for loading on the space shuttle.

As for the School of Communication, their assessment has long since ended, and their assessment is to operate the system. Moreover, their assessment topic is the assessment topic of the entire college, which requires the participation of students from the entire college. Of course, some students from the School of Mechanical Engineering participated in project teams of other schools. Starry Sky Academy did not object to this phenomenon. On the contrary, they encouraged this kind of cross-school cooperation.

The entire assessment was over in one day. The judges did not score the students. Their task was to evaluate and score the machines, and the students' scores were evaluated by the intelligent system. Therefore, the results were issued very quickly. Chen Qiang appeared in front of all the candidates in less than ten minutes after the assessment.

"Hi everyone, I don't need to introduce myself. Now I announce that the assessment of the second batch of students of Starry Sky Academy is officially over, and then you will get your grades, and this grade will also determine whether you will be eliminated. As for staying Congratulations to the students who have come down. You will get a formal contract from the Star Group. Don’t be discouraged by the students who have been eliminated. It’s not that you are not outstanding, but that your excellence cannot stand out in the Star Academy. You don’t need to be sad, because your future The road will be very long. All the eliminated students will go to the auditorium tomorrow to enroll in the top 37 universities in the country, where you will continue your journey. Well, you can check yourselves now If you are not satisfied with the results, you can file an appeal, and our intelligent system will give you the detailed evaluation of your results. If you are still not satisfied, you can click the red button in front of you to talk to me directly. Let me explain it to you personally." Because all the students were assessed on the virtual network, they were all in the dormitory, so Chen Qiang used the campus network to give this speech.

At the same time, this scene was also broadcast live to the outside world, and the parents of every student can also see it. However, the parents in West Zhejiang entered a special channel. Here they can see their children's every move. This is also a preferential treatment given to these parents by Starry Sky Group. At least they can know the status of their children's assessment in the first place.

All the students are very nervous at this moment because it is a moment that decides their fate. They also knew that they would go to other universities to continue their studies and life after being eliminated, but since they chose Starry Sky Academy, they recognized this place. Going to other schools will make them very uncomfortable, even if they are the top universities in the entire Huaguo.

However, there is one exception among these students, and that is the child who completed the ecosphere experiment alone. The kid's name was Huangfusong, and he happily clicked on Kailian's own results. To his surprise, he was the first. But under the grades, there was a big elimination, which made Huangfusong a little confused. Moreover, Huangfusong's parents, who were also concerned about their children, were also dumbfounded.

"The first place will also be eliminated?" This is the common question in their hearts.

Huangfusong was in a good mood, and he really couldn't accept that the first place was eliminated. So he directly clicked the red button on the screen.

"Your name is Huangfusong, and you are the number one in the assessment of this year's School of Bioengineering. You came here to ask me why you were eliminated, right?" Chen Qiang said with a smile.

All the candidates were dumbfounded, and the first place was eliminated. Is there any reason for this? All the candidates stopped checking their scores and began to pay attention to Chen Qiang's explanation.

"Yes, why." Huangfusong felt aggrieved.

"Did you ever think about cooperating with others when you were working on this project?" Chen Qiang asked.

"No, I think I can complete it by myself, and the score is higher if I complete it alone." Huangfusong said with some doubts.

"Do you know what the assessment items for this project are?" Chen Qiang continued to ask.

"Isn't it just to test us?" Huangfusong was still puzzled.

"No, what we are evaluating is your teamwork ability. No matter how strong one person is, it is impossible to beat a group of people. You are too proud. You think that no one is better than you, and no one is worthy of being your teammate. You Not suitable for the Star Group." Chen Qiang was very serious when he said this.

"Isn't it good that people are excellent?" Huangfusong asked back.

"Do you think this is a question of whether you are good or not? You are talented. I hope you can succeed in the future." Chen Qiang hung up after finishing. But Huangfusong's face is still full of doubts, and his parents' eyes are also dim at this time, because they know their children too well.

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