Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 218: Fierce revenge

One hundred thousand players quickly came to the front line, and quickly approached the city wall under the protection of npc shield soldiers. When they were three meters away from the city wall, the shield soldiers retreated directly, and the 100,000 players began to use their skills to jump onto the city wall. For a while, the entire city wall fell to one side. The power generated by a player with skills will be huge, and the commander of the monkey country defending the city did not expect that Huaguo would invest in players so quickly.

For a while, the entire city wall was emptied, and more than one million monkey country npcs were slaughtered by Hua country players. And none of the 100,000 players lost, and they began to feel that there was no difficulty in this war.

But as the commander of this team, Mu Nianshi didn't have such an idea. He quickly said in the team channel: "Don't be too happy, quickly replenish your physical strength, and the first team and the second team will tentatively attack the two sides. The city wall, the three teams tentatively went to open the city gate. Remember, as long as there is an unusually rapid retreat."

"Yes." After the first captain, the second captain, and the third pair of captains answered, they led their subordinates to explore the two sides and the gate of the city respectively.

Mu Nianshi's guess was not wrong at all, when the three teams had just stepped out of the entire city wall, they were attacked and killed by a large number of players. The three captains reacted quickly and retreated into their place.

"Fix the formation." Mu Nianshi shouted. In an instant, a team of 100,000 players formed a mandarin duck battle formation. Battle formation is a benefit of Huaguo, and this scroll can only be used by Huaguo's ID.

"Professor Wu, can you explain this mandarin duck battle to us?" The host came out to make trouble again. This made many people who watched the live broadcast very upset.

"Mandarin duck battle formation is also known as mandarin duck formation. Qi Jiguang, a military general in the Ming Dynasty, applied this formation for the first time according to the hills and gullies, vertical and horizontal canals, narrow roads and Japanese pirates' combat characteristics in the southeast coastal area. It is named after the shape of mandarin ducks. The formation is mainly set up to deal with Japanese pirates, it is convenient to move, has both long and short, and both offensive and defensive. The professor began to introduce quickly.

"Professor Wu, can you give us a detailed introduction." The host continued to push forward. He seemed to completely ignore the resentful eyes of the netizens and Professor Wu. In fact, this is also the director's idea this time, and the host is also secretly complaining psychologically. Because these directors knew that the fight just now was a bit bloody, and now they need a little time to soothe their emotions.

"Mandarin ducks form a team of 11 people, with the captain at the front. One holds a long card and the other holds a rattan card. The long card player holds a long shield to block the Japanese pirates' arrows and spears, and the rattan card player holds a light rattan shield. There are javelins and waist knives. The long player and the rattan player mainly cover the advance of the rear team. Besides the cover, the rattan player can also engage in close combat with the enemy. The other two are the wolf whisks. For the solid ones, the bamboo end is beveled into a pointed shape, and sharp branches are left around. Each wolf whisk is about 3 meters long. The wolf whisk uses the sharp edge at the front of the wolf whisk to stab the enemy to cover the advance of the shield player and the spearman behind. followed by four spearmen with long spears, two on the left and two on the left and right respectively, taking care of the shield hand and the wolf hand on the left and right in front respectively." Professor Wu also got instructions from the directors in the earphones, so he could only press down The excitement in my heart began to introduce this battle formation.

This time, Professor Wu spoke very slowly. Although the voice was full of emotion, it was indeed dry and uninteresting to the audience. Professor Wu's ramblings finally filled up the time required by the directors. Maybe they were well-intentioned, but when they switched the live broadcast to the battlefield, everyone was stunned, because the first batch of 100,000 players who went up the city wall all died.

But in another part of Tencent City, a war is breaking out here. When the whole perspective is moved here, all the people who watched this live broadcast saw the most shameful scene, that is, the last Huaguo player was killed by a The Monkey Country player pierced his heart with a sword, and the last player was smiling when he fell down. Although the entire battlefield has been beautified by the game's intelligent system, it doesn't look that bloody, but the moment in front of him makes everyone's faces horrific.

"I know, I know. I know Qiushui's plan to attack the city, and they have already won." Professor Wu suddenly said loudly. At this time, Professor Wu's microphone was not turned off, and the voice spread throughout Huaguo at this moment.

"Professor Wu, what do you know?" The host was also dumbfounded, because he also had a hideous face at the moment he watched the movie.

"Qiu Shui is really powerful, but it's a pity that the 200,000 players are gone. Let me explain to you, first of all, the first batch of 100,000 people just now is just a bait. Attract them. The other 200,000 people are in the underground tunnel of Tencent City. Their task is to destroy the entire trebuchet at all costs. We all know that trebuchets are a kind of power in the entire game It's a powerful weapon. And in this game, if the player is killed by an npc, his level will be cleared directly, but if he is killed by a player, he will just lose some equipment and a level." Professor Wu was surprised by Qiushui's arrangement Said.

"But the combat power of npcs is very low, and the sacrifice of nearly 300,000 players is just for 10,000 trebuchets." The host asked a little confused.

"That's not all. You need to know that there are no players in Huaguo who have such a big killer as a trebuchet. You must know that this was created by us in Huaguo. Qiushui wants to bring everyone in Tencent City back to their original form. Quickly Cut the camera to Huaguo's lineup." At this moment, Professor Wu finally understood the difference between himself and these children.

After hearing Professor Wu's analysis, the directors quickly cut the live broadcast to the Huaguo lineup. Under everyone's shocked eyes, 20,000 catapults were divided into five batches and began to throw stones into Tencent City regardless of the target. Everyone was shocked by these stones, and the director cut the camera to Tencent City.

Stones fall from the sky, this is what everyone is thinking at this moment. And those Monkey Country players started to evade one after another, but their evasion was useless, because the purpose of the Hua Country players was to fill up the entire Tencent City.

You must know that in order to set the entire battlefield in Huaguo, the Monkey Kingdom will send 10 million players to the entire Tencent City. If all the 10 million players become zero-level. That was a huge blow to the game community of the entire monkey country.

At this moment, all Huaguo people felt that the depression in their hearts was swept away. And the commander of the Monkey Kingdom in the city was also trying to break out of the siege, but the trebuchets on Huaguo's side fell on them as if they didn't need to install stones, and they couldn't even get out of the house now.

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