Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 222 The Boss Flying Over

Chen Jun came to the stage amid the applause of everyone. He was dressed so handsomely today that it was impossible to tell that he was a student who had just graduated from school less than a year ago. As soon as he came on stage, he greeted him and said, "Hello everyone, my family, Chen Jun, is currently working for Xingkong Motors, a subsidiary of Xingkong Group, and is also a researcher of the anti-gravity car released today. Maybe you are a little confused about my name, why is my name and The founder of Star Group, Chen Qiang, is very similar. The reason for this is very simple, that is, my brother is called Chen Qiang. Well, this puzzle has been solved, so please don’t ask this question in the next question and answer session. "Chen Jun talked eloquently on the stage, appearing very natural and mature.

In a small county town in Hainan, a young woman who was preparing lunch shed a line of tears when she saw Chen Jun on TV and quickly wiped them away. Maybe sometimes there are lovers in the world who will not get married in the end.

"I'll go. I already knew that Chen Qiang has a younger brother. Now I finally see the real person. He's a little handsome."

"It's not about his brother."

"Are you sick upstairs? It's the result of your own hard work. Don't you even know about Star Group's assessment?"

"I can prove this. Chen Jun graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology last year. He has always been an excellent talent in the school. He published five articles in SCI alone in the four years of university. I didn't expect him to be so low-key."

"Wow, I just like this kind of temperament and talent. After I declare, this will be my husband."

"Upstairs is really shameless, that's my husband, okay?"

"That's my husband."

The young and wealthy Chen Jun became the husband of many girls at the moment of appearance, maybe he didn't know it.

"The anti-gravity car is also called a low-altitude aircraft. It is composed of a 'Pangu' type anti-gravity module and a bio-battery newly developed by the Starry Sky Research Institute. Its maximum flying height is 2,500 meters. The maximum load capacity is 800 kilograms, and the maximum flight speed is 300 kilometers per hour, which is completely sufficient for the current family car." Chen Jun began to introduce the entire anti-gravity vehicle.

With Chen Jun's introduction, everyone has an intuitive understanding of the anti-gravity car, and the common people feel that this is a means of transportation that only appears in the science fiction world. Some technology giants are concerned about the bio-battery and the 'Pangu' type 1 anti-gravity module, because they hope that this kind of thing can be sold on the market. These two products are very useful.

Chen Jun's introduction is very detailed, so the time is also very long, but the introduction of this car that has never appeared in the real world is still a bit short. Some experts even wish Chen Jun could explain each part and its production principle clearly. Of course, their idea does not exist and is not tenable.

After Chen Jun finished his explanation, he left the podium in the applause of everyone. This time the applause was much warmer than when he came to the stage, which also represented everyone's recognition of Chen Jun.

"Wow, my husband is so handsome."

"Upstairs, wipe your drool off."

"It's as if you didn't flow."

"A group of rotten women."

"Now I invite Mr. Chen Qiang to speak." Lei Jun said directly after taking the stage.

"Ah, Chen Qiang is here. Why didn't I see it? I've been staring at the door. As far as I know, there is only one door in this conference hall." A reporter asked the reporter beside him with some doubts.

"I haven't seen it either." The reporter was also puzzled.

There was also a lot of discussion in the auditorium, because the main purpose of their participation in this press conference was Chen Qiang. Up to now, Chen Qiang hadn't appeared at the scene. Now the host suddenly announced that Chen Qiang would speak next, which made them Both happy and worried.

The happy thing is that the next step is that they can finally get in touch with Chen Qiang. What is worrying is that they have not seen Chen Qiang coming in from the entrance so far. This may be a trick of the Star Group, and they may use 3D projections to explain this matter. Perfunctory.

But the next scene made these people dispel this idea directly, because they saw a car flying over through the skylight. It landed firmly on the rostrum.

In fact, many people were puzzled at the front, because they did not see the actual anti-gravity car at this press conference, but kept looking at the pictures. It is speculated that the Star Group may be grandstanding this time.

But now all the speculations have vanished, since Chen Qiang drove in through the sunroof, then stopped at the rostrum and got off the car, everything became nothingness.

"Wow, so handsome."

"Yes, the car is indeed very handsome, as if I own one."

"Fuck off, I mean Chen Qiang."

"Hi everyone, welcome to the Xingkong new product launch conference. How is it? I was handsome just now." After Chen Qiang got out of the car, Lei Jun handed over the microphone.

"Handsome." Although there are some big bosses below, they are not as serious as ordinary people.

"It's good to be handsome. This is the first anti-gravity car of our Xingkong Motors. It's called 'Qingcheng'. Now you only need 300,000 yuan to take it home. Do you think it's worth it?" Chen Qiang said again. then asked.

But this time there was no answer, but an uproar. Whether it's the bigwigs at the scene or the people watching the press conference in front of the Internet. Cheap is the first thought in everyone's mind, and the second thought in their mind is fake.

"Isn't it very cheap? It is only the mission of our Star Group to make products that everyone can use. So this time, you can take home the standard version of the anti-gravity car for only 300,000 yuan, of course. Then don’t underestimate the standard version, because the one I drove today is the standard version.” Chen Qiang once again emphasized the reason why he set the price so low.

Chen Qiang's introduction was very simple. These were all prepared before the press conference. As a person who didn't want to waste time, Chen Qiang accepted the arrangement for the first time, and began to carry out the entire press conference according to the script. So today's press conference felt like something was missing to all the reporters.

"Why do I feel that something was not done in today's press conference." A reporter asked his director.

"Actually, I also have the same feeling, but I can't remember it." The director also scratched his head.

At this moment, a reporter who was at the front suddenly stood up and asked loudly: "Mr. Chen, can I ask you a few questions?" At this moment, all the reporters thought about what was wrong with them .

As long as the boss Chen Qiang is present at the press conference of the Star Group, then the boss will enter the questioning part of the press conference, but today Chen Qiang has been saying that he has no intention of asking reporters to ask questions, which makes those who are already familiar with Chen's release The reporters at the meeting were a little awkward.

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