Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 224: The End

These scientists feel humiliated at this moment. When they think that scientific research has reached a bottleneck, someone actually stands up and says that your bottleneck is fake, it is just that you are at a loss. They wanted to refute, but could not.

"What Mr. Chen means is that the bottleneck of the entire civilization process is the bottleneck of theory, and the bottleneck of tools like the current one cannot become a bottleneck." Hoffman concluded.

"Yes, that's what I meant." Chen Qiang replied directly.

"Then, does Mr. Chen have a way to solve this tool problem?" Hoffman would definitely not be the person in charge of the well-known Bell Labs in the world, so he directly threw this question to Chen Qiang. Now we are faced with three choices, one is to point out a way for the whole world, and the other is to open the scientific research system of the Starry Sky Research Institute to the world, which is a tool for the Starry Sky Group to cross this bottleneck.

Chen Qiang took a deep look at Hoffman and said: "This is very simple. If the existing natural sciences in the world are integrated at a high level, this problem will naturally be solved. In fact, the easiest way is to combine the current quantum If you develop and utilize mechanics on a large scale, you should find some interesting things.” Chen Qiang chose the first option, but these people don’t even think about the second option. For the Starry Sky Research Institute today, Chen Qiang was heartbroken.

"Then, can I think that Starry Sky Group uses biotechnology as its backbone, and then integrates several disciplines into it to form today's Starry Sky Group." Hoffman continued to ask, the older a person is, the more shameless he is, Hoffman didn't seem to see Chen Qiang's eyes full of emotions at all.

"Yes, you can think so too." Chen Qiang's words were ambiguous, but in the eyes of those scientific researchers, all problems have been solved now. Their confused hearts already have a direction, which is enough for them. At this moment, a problem that has puzzled scientists all over the world for more than a year has been solved.

Hoffman still wanted to speak, but was blocked by Chen Qiang and said: "Mr. Hoffman, I have finished answering your question. Next, I will hold a press conference. Do you want to participate?"

Hoffman planned to participate, but after seeing Lei Jun who was already standing next to him, he gave up the idea. Sometimes you can be shameless, but you can't stalk the relationship directly. , which is not good news for both parties.

In the end, although Hoffman was unwilling, he still got up and left the rostrum. And Lei Jun also asked the staff to move two chairs and put them around Chen Qiang. Anderson and Chen Jun, who attended today's press conference, also took the stage and sat on those two chairs.

"Okay, now I announce that the anti-gravity car press conference will start now, because there are more reporters sitting today, so we no longer use the sequential method to ask questions, but we use the traditional method to ask questions. This Let the first question be handed over to Huaguo National TV Station." Lei Jun spoke so well that these reporters accepted such an arrangement.

"Hello, General Manager Anderson, my question is that if the anti-gravity vehicle is used by terrorists, it will be very lethal. I don't know what the Star Group's solution is for this." This is a female reporter, but Her thoughts are clear.

"Our solution is very simple, that is, to cooperate with countries. We have specially developed a tracking system, and every anti-gravity car sold will leave information on the country's artificial intelligence, and this information is The only thing. If there is an unregistered anti-gravity car in the airspace of the country, then the country has the right to shoot it down, so I am here to remind those who buy the next anti-gravity car, the first time you buy an anti-gravity car You should register right away." For this question from Huaguo National TV Station, Anderson's answer is naturally very proficient, after all, he has read at least five standard answers to this question.

"I'm going to invite a reporter from German National Television to ask questions." Lei Jun directly called out his name.

"Mr. Chen, I would like to ask if your company's large-scale construction projects around the world last year are for anti-gravity vehicles." The German reporter is an older man, but he has a pair of wise eyes.

"Yes, in fact, there are two brands of anti-gravity vehicles, one is the family car brand 'Qingcheng', and the other is a flying car specially used for express delivery. What we are constructing in various countries is the parking garage and the flying car. Distribution center." Chen Qiang didn't hide anything, he said directly.

"Wow, I will use the flying car to deliver it in the future. It seems that I don't need to go out in the future. I can just fly in mid-air and pass it over the window. This is simply a benefit for nerds."

"This is a bit of a violation of the privacy of some residents."

"Hua Guo has no right to privacy."

"That's right, I've considered these things for your convenience. Sluts are hypocritical."

"The next question will be asked by British Reuters." Looking at the hands raised high by the reporters, Lei Jun could only call a media outlet based on his feeling.

"As an excellent scientist, Mr. Chen, what do you want to do?" British Reuters was not surprised, and the reporter asked in a provocative tone.

"I just want to bury myself on Mars." Chen Qiang replied calmly. Without any foreshadowing, directly cut to the topic.

"Next, the reporter from the Associated Press will ask questions." Regarding the provocation of the Reuters reporter, Lei Jun directly clicked on the next reporter, without giving the reporter time to say what he was going to say next.

"Mr. Chen Qiang, I don't know what you think about the current situation between China and the United States." The reporter of the Associated Press is a bit broad. As a new product launch event, it is a bit superficial to ask questions related to politics.

"Sorry, I won't answer any questions about politics, you are new here." Chen Qiang said without giving face at all.

"I'm asking a reporter from Russia's Interfax to ask questions." Lei Jun directly called the next reporter. For this kind of reporter who doesn't know how to count, the Star Group simply doesn't allow them to give them face.

"Mr. Chen Qiang, can you introduce the current progress of Star Group's aerospace project?" The issue of the fighting nation is different. It directly concerns the star space that has long been looked down upon by the international scientific and aviation circles.

"Everything is normal now. Our time limit is six months to make the first flight." Although Chen Qiang said something lightly, it sounded like a fantasy to everyone.

All of a sudden, the whole scene was a sensation, which was even more sensational than the anti-gravity car. However, Lei Jun did not give these reporters a chance, and ended the press conference directly after asking the two reporters to ask questions. Just when the reporters wanted to continue to ask Chen Qiang, Chen Qiang got into the anti-gravity car and flew away.

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