Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 227 Auto Industry Conference

With regard to the research and development of thermal insulation coatings, Chen Qiang is steadily advancing under the general direction. Starry Sky Group has also made a lot of money on anti-gravity vehicles, and the financial tension of the entire group has eased, so these days, as group presidents and vice presidents, Anderson and Lei Jun also have smiles on their faces.

Anti-gravity cars are still in short supply in the market, even now Xingkong Motors has invested 3 million vehicles on the market. In order to deal with the lack of anti-gravity vehicles in the entire market, Anderson and Lei Jun convened a car development discussion meeting with global car manufacturers.

This is also what Chen Qiang, Anderson, and Lei Jun discussed before Chen Qiang entered the laboratory. The entire auto market is a trillion-dollar scale, and the Xingkong Group simply cannot support it. Sometimes the Xingkong Group may be built. Therefore, during the discussion, Chen Qiang decided to open the anti-gravity module and battery pack module to these car companies.

These two modules are also the most important part of the entire anti-gravity vehicle, so for these companies that rely on the automotive industry for their livelihood, as long as they have these two things, it is only a matter of time before the successful development of the anti-gravity vehicle. Even for some enterprises, battery packs are needed. We must know that the research and development of battery packs in the whole world is also very powerful. Even the batteries used by some special departments are more advanced than the battery packs used by Xingkong now, and their functions are also more advanced. powerful.

This is also the first time Starry Sky Group has held an industry development conference, so Anderson and Lei Jun did not place the conference in Starry Sky City, but directly in the capital. It is also the focus of some media attention that the two power holders of the Star Group appear at the industry development conference at the same time.

Especially Anderson, the president of the Star Group, has almost become a hermit since Lei Jun took office, and if it weren't for his high exposure in the past, his degree of mystery would directly catch up with Chen Qiang.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the auto industry forum organized by our Xingkong Motors. This time, what we want to do is to have some imagination about future cars and some announcements for the entire industry, so please speak freely." As a member of Xingkong Motors The general manager Chen Jun is just a junior among this group of bigwigs, so it fell on him to preside over the meeting.

Although the entire industry development conference was invited in the name of Xingkong Group this time, the real organizer was Xingkong Motors. Moreover, the two leaders of Xingkong Group came here for the purpose of overwhelming Chen Jun. After all, Chen Jun will enter the core management of Xingkong Group sooner or later, so he needs to quickly learn the skills of these things.

"Isn't the future directly contracted by your Xingkong Motors? What future do we have?" Toyota Motor Chairman Eiichi Inada said directly.

"Mr. Inada, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can speak it out directly, don't be so eccentric, and if you don't want to stay here, you can leave. We want to communicate with the big guys in the auto industry and come up with a plan, no I'm here to listen to your eccentricity." Lei Jun directly yelled at him. The current Lei Jun does have the confidence to say such things.

Since the release of the anti-gravity flying car, all the cars in the world have been unsalable, and the stock of the entire company has plummeted, falling by 50%, and even some smaller car companies have fallen by 100%. For countries like Bangziguo and Japan, where the automobile manufacturing industry accounts for a relatively high percentage of the entire gross national product, the decline of the automobile industry means another heavy blow to their already sluggish economy.

So during this period of time, these countries are frantically boycotting Xingkong’s anti-gravity flying car, but this is just as Xingkong’s wish, they directly canceled the quotas of these two countries, and then put these two The national quota was given to Huaguo. The people of China are happy to see this method, but the people in these countries who want to buy anti-gravity flying vehicles are very angry at the country's approach.

"Mr. Lei, don't be angry. Let me talk about my thoughts first." Li Fu, the chairman of Geely, said quickly. The dominance of the Star Group is well known in the entire business circle, and Li Fu was afraid that the entire meeting would break up badly, and their group would go bankrupt.

"Okay, Mr. Li, please tell me what you think first." Lei Jun saw someone giving the steps, so he said directly. As for Inada Eiichi, he didn't pay attention to it at all. You must know that the products of the Star Group are still not on the market in Japan. The products of the Star Group that appear in the entire Dongying market are all entered through smuggling, and even some of them are Fake. Inviting Eiichi Inada to this meeting this time is also because of the importance of this meeting. A car company with the world's second largest sales volume did not participate in the auto industry conference. It is rumored that some people will feel distrustful of this conference.

"I think that the future of the auto industry should be a world of electric vehicles. All oil will be used for industrial production and will not be used for fuel. And in the future, the entire auto industry will form three levels of classification. The first The first level is an anti-gravity flying vehicle; the second level is a large electric vehicle; the third level is a small electric vehicle. I don’t need to go into details on the first level, because this is an epoch-making flying vehicle that changes human travel. This is right Supplementary to the flying car, the current load capacity of the flying car is simply unable to meet the demand for cargo transportation in the whole world, and this field will have higher technical requirements. There is no way to get rid of the dependence on oil. As for the third level, this market is prepared for those who cannot afford the anti-gravity flying car, and this market is relatively large.” As expected of a bigwig in the auto industry , These remarks will classify the future automotive market world.

"I think Mr. Li's words are still very correct. From the first level to the third level, the requirements for technology are gradually decreasing, so the entire automobile industry will undergo a major change in the future." As the eldest son, FAW The chairman of the board also agrees with this statement.

"Now the whole world is developing and utilizing new energy, but there is no trace of getting rid of traditional energy, so I think that in the next 30 to 50 years, the mainstream of the world's automobiles will still be fuel vehicles and electric vehicles. will not be too high, and the ownership rate of anti-gravity flying cars will not be too high." The chairman of BMW said conservatively.

"Yes, I also think so. At present, only Xingkong Motors produces anti-gravity flying cars, and the price is relatively expensive, so the penetration rate in the world will not be very high." Ford's old Ford also agreed. These people are also very aware of the changes in the entire industry. What they say today is to form an auto alliance. Don't let the technology of the car be updated so quickly. The current technology can still make money in the entire market.

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