Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 236 Discussion on the Airport

In Chen Qiang's plan, the aerospace port should include living areas, port areas, and industrial areas. As the name suggests, the living area is the place where space tourists and spaceport residents live. He intends to establish a micro-ecosystem here. This project was created in the process of research, and the main force of the research is the first graduates of Starry Sky Academy. Now they can take charge of their own.

The port area is very simple. It is here to supply and dock space shuttles and space vehicles. The industrial area is relatively large. Because of the gravity of the earth, some very large space vehicles cannot be produced on the earth. Therefore, it is very necessary to establish a large industrial area in space, and there are also Related projects are doing this.

It can be said that the Xingkong Group used the entire Xingkong Research Institute to support the space program proposed by Chen Qiang. The current Xingkong Research Institute is not what it used to be. The Starry Sky Research Institute, one of the most prestigious research institutions in the entire world, directly ranks first, and no one doubts this number one. Because this institution has no interest in the Nobel Prize. In the past two years, the Star Academy has been nominated for the Nobel Prize by five people, and two of them won the prize, but none of them to accept the award.

As for the reason why they didn't accept the award, they wanted the Star Award, not the Nobel Prize. From the beginning of its establishment, the Starry Sky Award was regarded by everyone as an award for Chen Qiang to play with, and no one cared about it at all. But with the fermentation of the past two years, the Star Award has a tendency to surpass the Nobel Prize.

At the beginning, those scientists didn't come after the Starry Sky Award. Even though the Starry Sky Award reached 10 million U.S. dollars, those scientists cherished their feathers and were not moved by money at all. Just when Chen Qiang was about to discard this, Kong Ru, a teacher, appeared, and he suggested that this award should be awarded from within the Xing Kong Research Institute.

Chen Qiang didn't know if he didn't check, but he was shocked when he checked. Now the scientific research progress of the entire Starry Sky Research Institute is five to ten years ahead of the entire scientific community in the world. So Chen Qiang directly waved the Starry Sky Award and established it as an internal award of the Starry Sky Research Institute. The scientific researchers are all boring. They are not interested in all the honors on the surface, but they are more active than one when declaring the awards.

Because artificial intelligence is making the final selection, it directly eliminates the mixing of personal emotions, so the selection of the Star Awards is very fair. Moreover, on the day of the awards, Chen Qiang also held an awards show and broadcast it live on Star Group's official website. Although it was an awards show, more than 50 million people watched the live broadcast.

Because everyone in Starry Sky Research Institute has the opportunity to freely apply for projects, the projects in their hands are very complicated, but the awards are a very subdivided field. Therefore, the Chen Qiang Starry Sky Award has only three awards: Innovation Award, Contribution Award, and Starry Sky Award. The Innovation Award is awarded to those scientists who have made great innovations in a certain field and promoted the progress of human science; the Contribution Award is awarded to those who have made outstanding contributions in a certain field; the Star Award is awarded to those who have formed their own theories Scientists, this award has been vacant since Chen Qiang received one.

A live award show is normal for many people, but it is a bit abnormal for Star Group to do so, because the award show in the field of science and technology will definitely mention the contribution of the awardee when awarding the award. So many scientists watched the live broadcast of the Star Awards.

Sometimes everything is fine when you don't have a comparison, but as long as you have a comparison object, you will find how ridiculous you are. The Starry Sky Award has been awarded twice, and there are five recipients in total, and these five recipients can be said to be at the forefront of the entire scientific research community. At this moment they suddenly found that they had fallen behind.

That is, at this moment, the outside world has a clear understanding of the research strength of the Starry Sky Research Institute, which is even comparable to the five major countries. This is a sentence in the Times report. That is to say, from that moment on, the Starry Sky Research Institute became the top scientific research institution in the world, bar none. At this moment, the Star Award also became more prestigious, and it was gradually recognized by everyone.

Although the Starry Sky Awards have been awarded by people from the Starry Sky Research Institute so far, no one dares to question their research results. Therefore, the Nobel Prize winners of the Starry Sky Research Institute are not in the mood to accept the Nobel Prize, after all, their bosses did not go.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Ma from Interstellar Aerospace and Mr. Han from Pearl Aerospace want to see you. They are in the company's meeting room right now." Just as Chen Qiang was discussing with Anderson and Lei Jun about the next things, Anderson's secretary came in and reported .

"It seems that we can't talk today. Let's stop here today. We will hold a core meeting tomorrow and we will talk again." Chen Qiang did not expect these two people to be so fast, he thought that the news of his exit would be leaked later.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, then I'll go to work first." Lei Jun directly offered to leave.

"Okay, then you go to work first, don't start the matter of which reporter, we will invite you one week before the test flight." Chen Qiang watched Lei leave the office after admonishing.

"Let's go, let's meet these two people who want to buy a space shuttle." Chen Qiang stood up and said to Anderson. As for why he didn't bring Lei Jun, it was because the company had a lot of external affairs. burden him. Another reason is that Lei Jun has the upper hand in the external contacts of the Star Group, and Anderson seems to be somewhat elevated. Although they have a division of labor, Anderson is the president. He must have his own voice in any area of ​​​​the group.

He came to the meeting room, but there were not two people in the meeting room, but three people. One of them was Han Yuanchao who had questioned Chen Qiang at the dinner.

"President Ma, Mr. Han welcomes you to Xingkong City." Although Chen Qiang held grudges, he still wanted to talk about the scene.

"Mr. Chen always takes care of everything. Seeing us in person is enough to give us face." There was some resentment in Lao Ma's words, and Chen Qiang thought he heard it wrong, but seeing Lao Ma's eyes, he could only laugh or cry.

"Mr. Chen, I am here to apologize to you this time. What happened last time was my fault. I am willing to pay for my mistake. This is a total of 1,500 stores in the world. As long as Mr. Chen signs , these stores will be yours. Don’t get me wrong, Mr. Chen, I just think it’s a pity that there is no experience store for Xiaomi’s so many excellent products. I am also a loyal user of these products, so please accept them.” Han Yuanchao I also went all out, and directly used you.

"Mr. Han, you're making me angry. I'll accept these shops. I don't remember the past." Chen Qiang also saw some comments from Chinese netizens on the Internet about the experience store. These stores Chen Qiang also intends to let Xiaomi set up an experience store in many cities. Since someone sent it up, don't want it for nothing, so he took the document and handed it to Anderson behind him.

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