Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 247 Operation of re-entry into the atmosphere

In the different eyes of all countries, the "Xing Kong" received the satellite called Iridium 33 into its belly. Then it flew away, and the accompanying satellite next to the space shuttle was also put away. However, because the "Starry Sky" has not turned on the stealth mode at this time, any country with some strength can use radar to detect the traces of the "Starry Sky".

But what puzzled these monitors was that on the radar detection screen, the flight curve of the entire aircraft was not a straight line, but a special curve, fluctuating up and down.

"Mr. President, the Star Group is demonstrating to us. Look at the flight curve of their space shuttle. This is basically a process of re-entry into the atmosphere. It's just that they have done this action many times. If we guess wrong If so, the position where Starry Sky entered the atmosphere for the fifth time is above Washington, and if you order it to be shot down, there is still time.” Peter, the commander of the North American Space Command, directly analyzed.

Everyone in the room had their eyes on the president, because it was no longer up to them, and they were holding their breath in their hearts. Don't think that the United States has no patriotic spirit, it's just that it has been annihilated under the freedom that the United States advertises, but it does exist. Otherwise, how could the United States become the country where racial discrimination is the most prevalent.

"What are your chances of shooting him down?" the president asked the head of the North American Command after thinking for a while, and it seemed that he was indeed a little moved.

"Twenty percent." As a soldier, Peter knew that he couldn't lie at this moment, otherwise the president felt that it might lead to the decline of the entire country.

"Twenty percent?" The president didn't expect that, as the most powerful military force in the world today, he was only 20 percent sure of shooting down a space shuttle that was about to ravage the skies of North America.

"Then don't do it, the United States can't stand big setbacks." After thinking for a while, the president gave up his idea of ​​revenge. The power exposed by the Star Group has already made the United States a little afraid . After all, even if they shot down this space shuttle, there is still a space shuttle at Xingkong Airport.

As a result, the radars of the entire U.S. government were all dumb when the space shuttle passed over North America, so the "Starry Sky" took half an hour to circle the entire earth for warning operations. The Action Star Group did not conceal it, but it did not publicize it on a large scale. Because the threat to Star Group is not the people but those countries and greedy capitalists.

"Hey, Lao Han, Chen Qiang is here." Lao Ma's eyes were still relatively good, and he immediately spotted Chen Qiang entering the Xingkong Airport.

"Old Ma, you are not a star chaser. Come here as soon as you come. You are no longer in the same field as us." Although Han Hao's words were sour, his eyes couldn't help but flicker Chen Qiang looked over there.

"I spent 50 billion Chinese yuan for the space shuttle. Don't they all say that the customer is God? My God wants to see the space shuttle, but I have to come here myself. Only the Star Group can do such a thing." The old man Ma complained all over his face. He had already paid a deposit of 10 billion Chinese yuan for the space shuttle, which basically emptied all his cash flow. So he needs to release the news that Interstellar Space owns the space shuttle as soon as possible, and withdraw some funds as soon as possible, otherwise he will have no money to pay the final payment after the connection.

As for the way to make money, it is space tourism. Now that the income of domestic residents has increased, many people in Huaguo want to see this beautiful world. Space is also included in it. At present, Huaguo has not launched such tourism projects. This is The old horse saw the opportunity. At present, the people of Huaguo spend more than two trillion U.S. dollars on tourism every year. If there is a space tourism project that does not require training, has no harm to the body, and is within the range of people’s tolerance, Chinese people are definitely willing to try, and Lao Ma has also decided to go to space by himself, which is the most distant dream in everyone's heart.

"Okay, don't sell it when you get it cheap. The space shuttle is a heavy weapon for the country, who will sell it to you, and only Chen Qian will sell it to you and me, so we have taken advantage of the sky." Han Hao was a little bit I couldn't help pretending to be an old horse, so I kept saying sarcastically.

Because of the same pursuit, Lao Ma and Han Hao still hit it off. Because there are only two companies in the country, and both of them have obtained the space shuttle of the Star Group, and both of them are thinking about space tourism. The market is huge, and none of their companies can eat it, so they formed a partnership. became an alliance. And they are preparing to build a space shuttle airport next to Star City, where the maintenance, takeoff and landing of the space shuttles of the two companies will be carried out.

Just when Lao Ma and Han Hao were talking and laughing, excited shouts broke out in the entire stand area. The two immediately set their sights on the runway. Sure enough, a silver space shuttle slowly taxied from the other side of the runway to the side where Chen Qiang was standing. He stopped less than ten meters away from Li Chenqiang. This series of actions once again caused all the countries to take a deep breath.

It is important to know that a larger object has the longest gliding distance at the same speed and the same resistance, and the gliding distance required for takeoff will be longer. At the Houston Rocket Launch Base in the United States, there is a 10,000-meter-long runway, which was specially built for landing space shuttles. But Star Group's "Xing Kong" only lands and takes off on a very ordinary runway. According to the visual estimation of some experts, the take-off distance of the "Starry Sky" space shuttle will not exceed one thousand meters.

This is a distance that makes all aviation companies ashamed. You must know that the take-off and taxiing distance of civil aviation aircraft is also more than 1,000 meters.

Under all the attention, the hatch at the nose of the space shuttle began to open, and the astronauts inside came out one by one. The first one to leave the hatch was Zhang Jian, the captain of this mission.

"Report to Mr. Chen, the mission has been successfully completed, please give instructions." After rectifying the astronaut team, Zhang Jian reported to Chen Qianghui.

"Okay, as long as you come back safely, you are the heroes of the Star Group." Chen Qiang couldn't hold back his tears at this moment, he hadn't cried for a long time, but at this moment his eyes were whirling. It wasn't that he was emotional, but that he was under too much pressure in just a few hours, and now he was crying with joy.

Brothers, sorry for posting a bit late, I have something to do today.

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