Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 249 Dialogue

After Chen Qiang mentioned Pearl Aerospace and Interstellar Aerospace, everyone in the world was stunned, because most people in these two companies, except some people in Huaguo, did not know about them. What surprised them was that these two companies were so rich and courageous that they directly put all their net worth on the Star Group's space shuttle.

And some businessmen with their own ideas also began to ponder whether to set up an aerospace company to enter this market, but the purchase fee of up to 50 billion made these businessmen hesitate, but there are always some businessmen who like to take risks. In Huaguo alone, more than ten companies engaged in aerospace activities were established. This is because Huaguo raised the registration requirements for these companies very high, otherwise at least dozens of companies would register on this day.

On the second day, the whole world was overwhelmed by news about spaceflight. "The era of space exploration is coming" is the headline of all the media on this day. It seems that space exploration has opened the door to human beings at this moment, and they are only waiting for human beings to rush out.

All countries in the world have established their own aerospace departments, and some countries with sufficient technology have also hastily announced their own space shuttle programs, while those countries without technology have set their sights on the Star Group for sale. of the space shuttle. I have to say that this is a very good idea. Since there is no way to cultivate their own technology, it is also possible to gain some voice in the space field first, so that their entire country will not fall into an embarrassing position.

In the field of aerospace, as long as you send your country's astronauts into space, it means that you already have the right to intervene in space, no matter how you do it. Although Star Group's space shuttle is not its own technology, its ownership is its own, which also allows a country to gain its own right to speak in the space field.

However, the Star Group blocked the sales channels at this time. The reason is that the production is insufficient. The Star Group has a project in progress and has no extra energy to manufacture space shuttles for sale. This once again surprised the world, and this is the first time to see a private enterprise that does not want to make money.

However, some interested people saw something different in this sentence, that is, the Starry Sky Group is working on a big project, but now the Starry Sky City has been blocked again, and the media have no way to interview people who know about it. person. The hierarchy of the Star Group is very strange. People like the entire management team can know some of the company's projects except those who have just started the manager level, and other people will not know these things about the Star Group at all. Moreover, the entire Star Group system, scientific research system and administrative system are completely separated.

Star City began to fall into calm after the test flight of the space shuttle, but the entire national department of the Star Group is busier than before, because now the Star Group's space station plan has begun construction, including the construction of space station components and the construction of twenty space shuttles.

But Star Group is very busy, but all of this has nothing to do with Chen Qiang, because Chen Qiang is drinking tea with Secretary Xu right now. I don't know if it's because of Secretary Xu's influence, but now Chen Qiang likes to make a cup of tea and quietly watch the sky all afternoon when he has nothing to do.

"Chen Qiang, the First Elder and the Second Elder will retire in March next year, and you will have to go the rest of the way by yourself. The two pieces of land north of Starry Sky City will be transferred to you from the country, and the price will remain the same. You can accept it when the time comes." Secretary Xu said, although he seemed to be chatting, he was explaining something.

"I don't need Secretary Xu. This will affect the First Elder and the No. 2 Elder. The current space in Starry Sky City is enough, and the goal of our Starry Sky Group is not on the earth." Chen Qiang refused, because the two pieces of land The purpose of the country's stay is to monitor the Star Group, otherwise why would the country deploy a mixed brigade and a special warfare brigade in those two places.

"Oh, are you so confident? You must know that the strength and value displayed by the Star Group is already worth the country's risk." Secretary Xu said very cryptically, but he still reminded Chen Qiang not to be arrogant.

"The current Xingkong Group has the ability to protect itself, and Elder Lao and Second Elder have to worry about it." Chen Qiang is now very confident in Xingkong City's defense measures.

"What do you think of me coming to Xingkong City?" As the second elder's personal secretary, Secretary Xu's career development will not be bad as long as he works hard. Chen Qiang never thought that Secretary Xu would have such an idea.

"It's not that good. It's a bit of a waste of talent for you to come to Star City, at least not now." Chen Qiang refused without thinking, because if Secretary Xu was accepted by Star City, then his job must be in the administrative department of Star City , and the level cannot be too low. But the high-level executives of Starry Sky City's administrative organization now control the living expenses of nearly 250,000 people in Starry Sky City. He dare not gamble, and Secretary Xu has not yet reached the point where Chen Qiang can trust him.

Secretary Xu also understood the meaning of Chen Qiang's words, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

"Then what do you think if it's the Second Elder who wants to settle in Starry Sky City?" Secretary Xu said jokingly.

"Ah, old Xu, don't scare me. Will the Second Elder agree to come to Starry Sky City to settle in the country?" Although Chen Qiang knew that the country's leaders would still have a strong protective force after retirement, Secretary Xu's question also scared Chen Qiang one jump.

"Okay, I'm just teasing you. Even if the second elder wants to come to the country, he won't agree, so don't worry." Seeing Chen Qiang's big reaction, Secretary Xu didn't take offense, because he knew the Star Group In the entire government, it can be said that it is ranked first.

"Let me just say, no matter what, I am also very willing that the second elder can come to Starry Sky City to guide and guide the work when he has time. As for settling down, don't cause trouble for the country." Chen Qiang said just to be on the safe side.

"Okay, if you don't want to, you don't want to. There is nothing to cover up. I came today with a mission. The National Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation of the Star Group's space shuttle does not allow you to sell it, and the report has also been sent to the second elder. , What do you think about this matter?" Secretary Xu took a sip of tea.

"What, it's not allowed to sell?" Chen Qiang didn't expect such despicability from CASIC.

"Yeah, there was also a discussion at the elders' meeting, and half of the elders approved the suggestion, but the first elder and the second elder used their influence to directly suppress it, so your life will be difficult in the future. " Secretary Xu sighed.

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