Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 256 Cold Treatment

After the government staff entered, Chen Qiang instructed the government affairs department of Star City to cooperate with the state in the work handover. As for some office facilities unique to Starry Sky City, these people are completely rejected. Therefore, although these staff members did not encounter obstacles from Starry Sky City, their work was not going smoothly. Because the people of Starry Sky City are already accustomed to the way the government affairs department led by Chen Shun handles affairs, they are not used to the sudden change.

Of course, Chen Qiang didn't know about this, because now he is conducting a rehearsal of the first phase of the space station with the aerospace company. In the first phase of the construction of the entire space station, there are a total of ten modules to be assembled in space. This is the core module of the entire space station, so it needs to be installed at one time. So this time to install the entire Star Group, a total of twelve space shuttles will take off.

The flight of twelve space shuttles is a big challenge. It is important to know which space shuttle will fly first and which one will fly last. Therefore, the entire aerospace company is rehearsing and discussing these issues these days. training. Twelve space shuttles, one captain, one co-pilot plus the construction personnel this time, this time the Star Group will send more than 160 people into space, so we must be cautious if we want to do this well. Be careful, otherwise a little problem will make more than 160 people lose their souls.

"The mission site this time is in geosynchronous orbit, and the space shuttle has to perform multiple orbit changes in space, which has extremely high requirements for operations, so what we have to do now is to rehearse all the possibilities and solve the problems arising from them. We must ensure the safety of the astronauts during the whole process." This is what Chen Qiang said when he inspected the entire project team.

Geosynchronous orbit, also known as 24-hour orbit, the orbital period of the satellite is equal to the rotation period of the earth in inertial space (23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds), and the direction is also consistent with it. The orbit of the sub-satellite point of the satellite at the same time every day Similarly, when the orbit coincides with the equatorial plane, it is called a geostationary orbit, that is, the position of the satellite and the ground remains relatively unchanged.

And the construction location of Star Group's space station is above Star City, which also has some considerations from Chen Qiang, because Star City can control the space station in all directions and all the time at this location. In addition to forming a layer of electromagnetic protection, the role of the star tower can also emit a special biological signal for communication, and the watches sent by Chen Qiang use this method to achieve global all-round communication.

It's just that this communication method consumes more energy, especially in space. The vacuum environment has a weakening effect on this biological signal, so the power must be increased when the signal is transmitted to space. As for why Chen Qiang did not use this communication method during the first test flight of the space shuttle, the first reason is that Chen Qiang did not install such a signal receiving device in the space shuttle. Another is that the space shuttle moves irregularly during flight, which requires a wider range of signal transmission from the star tower, which requires more power.

Because of the air inside the earth, the propagation of this biological signal does not require much energy, but as long as it does not rise a kilometer after passing through the stratosphere, the energy required will be an astronomical figure. Therefore, during the first test flight of the space shuttle, Chen Qiang planned to mobilize 80% of the power of the entire Star City to realize communication.

But this kind of biological signal also has another feature, that is, fixed-point communication, which is quite suitable for as long as the positions of the two parties are fixed, the energy consumption will not be too large, and it is within the range that the entire Starry Sky City can bear. That's why Chen Qiang built the Star Group's space station above Star City.

The entire Star Group is now moving like a clock that has been wound up every moment. And Starry Sky City is still very calm. Although the administrative structure has changed, the leader who came this time is obviously not a fool who overthrew all the government affairs of the entire Starry Sky City, but followed the old system.

However, some of the staff members who entered together were a bit dishonest, and they were very happy to run around in various places in Starry Sky City every day. After these people came, the Star Group also increased the security of the entire group, and deployed security in places where technical information might be leaked. After all, everything on this land belongs to the Star Group legally, so listen to They say that those places are confidential areas, that is confidential areas.

The leaders of Star City who came this time also came to see Chen Qiang many times, but Chen Qiang refused them all. It's not that Chen Qiang is busy, but that Chen Qiang doesn't want to see him. He also knew the purpose of these people, so it was the same whether he saw them or not. It's better not to have less trouble.

So the work of these people slowly stagnated, because without Chen Qiang's consent, they would not have access to some more valuable areas. Even if they are government officials of the country. This also makes the people behind these very anxious, because the Star Group has not yet recruited some foreign students. If the Star Academy recruits some foreign students, if something happens, it will be an international incident. They cannot bear the price. At first, they were just asking for money.

Cold treatment is also the best way Chen Qiang thinks of now. After the completion of the first phase of construction of the space station, the Star Group will enter the era of space tourism, and the Star City will also be opened, which will make those insane people in the country calm down a little. After all, if they attack the Star Group when they have foreign friends, then they are slapping the face of the Chinese government, which is absolutely not allowed by the government.

Time was also slowly passing by, and those people's actions became more and more intense. In less than a week, at the border of Starry Sky City, Starry Sky Security personnel arrested more than a hundred people. People who want to enter Starry Sky City, these people are all stunned by the pitcher plant.

After a week of fruitless infiltration, the government of the development zone is finally going to expand its tactics. They released the news of the opening of Star City separately on the website of the newly built development zone. Why is it the government of the development zone and not the government of Star City? It is because the website of the Star City government is supervised by the Star Group. There is no way to send this message.

However, Chen Qiang is not easy to mess with. After the development zone government released the news, Star Group also released a message. The content of the news was that Star Sky Airport had no plans to pass airline planes, and Star Sky City did not receive the public. The infrastructure is so so, but all the Huahua can be summed up in one meaning, that is, Starry Sky City does not accept customers, so don't come.

This is a bit interesting. Many media who don't know the inside story have slowly guessed a frown, but they don't report the idea. Those who know the current affairs are the best.

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