Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 259 Two Aircraft Formation

"The No. 1 inspection is ready"

"The inspection of the second machine is ready"

"The inspection and preparation of the 12th machine is completed." At 10:50, the whole process was ready, and the ground crews on the ground reported one after another.

It has been 40 minutes since the astronauts boarded the space shuttle at 10:10, but no matter whether the people on the scene or watching through the Internet, there is no trace of impatience, but they are looking at the meticulousness of the ground personnel with relish. inspection and installation.

"Get ready to take off, take off on time at eleven o'clock." Mu Bing gave the order again in the command center.

"Yes, engine number one is on."

"Engine number two on"

During the entire communication channel, the captains of the various space shuttles began to manipulate the instrument panel to turn on the two engines for takeoff. Seeing that it is finally about to take off, everyone has a kind of expectation in their hearts. At this moment, many people regard this feat of the Star Group as the greatest hope for mankind to get out of the earth.

"Plane No. 1 is ready, request to take off." As the first aircraft to take off of the entire space shuttle fleet near eleven o'clock, the captain began to request to take off.

"It can take off." Although Mu Bing's words were brief, they were very powerful. This is confidence in Star Group and confidence in Chen Qiang. After the space station project started, Chen Qiang spent a lot more time going to the Starry Sky Research Institute, and sometimes even lived directly in the research institute.

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of millions of people, the first space shuttle began to increase its thrust and taxi on the runway. When it was less than 800 meters away, the space shuttle took off. Although the sound was deafening, it was like that Many people envy.

After the first space shuttle took off, the second space shuttle began to increase its thrust to taxi on the runway, and then took off again under the surprised and puzzled eyes of everyone.

"This is also to make the live broadcast more clear. We installed cameras on the space shuttle, so that the two space shuttles can form a two-plane formation to shoot each other." Chen Qiang explained under the puzzled eyes of the big bosses.

"You are not afraid of accidents like this. You must know that this is in space, not in the air. It is too risky." The second elder did not expect Chen Qiang to do this. For this live broadcast, the country has sent two people to the sea. An ocean-going survey ship is to ensure the normal communication of the space shuttle launch this time.

Chen Qiang didn't speak any more. He couldn't possibly say that he couldn't trust CASIC. After all, he didn't get the news of Gao Hong's resignation. The first two space shuttles carried more than 100 employees of Xingkong Construction, and he couldn't take risks.

"Two-plane formations form a group, turn on all afterburners, five, four, three, two, one, turn on." The two-plane formation must have some commanders, so the pilot of the first space shuttle is the commander of this formation. At the end of the countdown, the shuttle climbed rapidly.

"Turn on the heat insulation system, turn on the anti-gravity system." The operators of the two space shuttles began to operate the space shuttles according to the predetermined procedures. And on the Internet, they can clearly see the flight of the space shuttle during the whole process, and even the sparks generated by the friction between the space shuttle and the atmosphere can be seen very clearly. This is the first time they have seen it so clearly.

One minute and twenty seconds later, Captain No. 1 began to report: "The two-aircraft formation successfully entered space and turned on the gravity system." They have repeated this action many times, whether it is a real flight or a virtual network. virtual flight. In fact, with the current scientific and technological strength of the Star Group, it is already possible to fully simulate the flight. Especially after the data collected by Zhang Jian and the others after their first flight were perfected.

"Enter the scheduled orbit according to the scheduled plan, and wait for the follow-up space shuttle to arrive." Mou Bing breathed a sigh of relief after the space shuttle entered orbit, because there are more than 100 people in the starry sky building on the two space shuttles. If something happens, it will be a disaster. A colossal disaster.

Seeing the space shuttle safely enter the space, the second elder was also relieved, because he did not expect Chen Qiang to be as crazy as to send more than a hundred people into space at once. He didn't seem to see the Star Group disappear like this. After all, the entire Huaguo has produced such a company with global leading technology for so many years.

"The space shuttle loaded with the space station module started to take off." Just when everyone was thankful and excited that more than a hundred people had gone to the sky, Mou Bing's voice sounded again. After Mu Bing's order was issued, the space shuttle No. 3 began to take off, but this time the No. 4 space shuttle did not take off, and the No. 3 did not wait for the No. 4 to form a double emergency formation. The power state began to fly into space.

In this way, the remaining ten space shuttles flew into the sky one by one. Of course, the take-off of the ten space shuttles also excited the blood of all the people watching, especially the people of Huaguo, because Star Group is a company of Huaguo.

"Great elder, the second elder's space shuttle has already taken off, so let's go to the control hall to watch it now." After the last space shuttle entered space, Chen Qiang said to the two leaders who were still a little shocked beside him.

"Okay, let's go now." The Great Elder can't wait to see the next construction process of the space station.

So Chen Qiang brought a group of leaders and senior officials to the control center of Xingkong Aerospace. However, the viewing place of these leaders was not in the control hall, but in a conference room next to the control hall. The control center is already busy. It became a mess, so Chen Qiang didn't bother them. So after taking these leaders to do a good job, they came to the control center to check the situation.

"Bing'er, how's the situation?" Chen Qiang came to the command console and asked.

"Everything is normal now." Mou Bing said, staring at the console screen.

"That's good. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. These are all simulated, so there should be no problems." Chen Qiang comforted Mou Bing when he saw Mu Bing's nervous expression.

"No, space is too dangerous." Mu Bing was still staring at the big screen. Although her major was not in the field of space, her awe of the starry sky became more intense after studying and understanding these days.

Seeing Mu Bing's nervous appearance, Chen Qiang was also very helpless. In fact, he was also very nervous, because there were too many people sent into space this time. But he can't show it, some things are better buried in his heart.

After Chen Qiang walked around the control center, he came to the meeting room where the leaders were. There was also a big screen in front of the meeting room, and the leaders watched it with great interest. Although the entire space shuttle formation is still in orbit, some of the scenes they inadvertently photographed during the flight also made these leaders very happy.

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