Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 265 Director Xu

Starry Sky City has started to quiet down slowly, and those who were trying to get Starry Sky Group's ideas didn't show up anymore. At this moment, a strange balance has appeared.

However, this strange balance was quickly broken. The central government announced that it would upgrade the ALS National Economic and Technological Development Zone to a national aerospace industry base. Xu Bu, the former secretary of the State Council and now the director of the National Economic Commission, was appointed as the director of the base, and served as The leader of the National Economic and Technological Development Zone.

All of a sudden, the whole water was completely muddied, but what does this have to do with Chen Qiang. In the early days of the establishment of the entire enterprise, Chen Qiang's intention was to stay away from these things, and he has always done so.

Xu Bu came to Chen Qiang the day after the country's order was released, because to build an aerospace industry base, a leading aerospace company is required. And Xingkong Aerospace is the leading company in Secretary Xu's eyes. However, he still thought too ideally about his relationship with Chen Qiang.

"No, all the parts of our space shuttle cannot be provided by those parts companies at all. Even if they can provide the price, it will be higher than the cost of our own production." Chen Qiang directly rejected Secretary Xu, no, it should be called now Director Xu's suggestion.

In Xu Bu's idea, Chen Qiang was asked to release some parts orders for the space shuttle, so that some labor could be added to the Star Group, and those companies that received this order could also earn some money. This is a win-win situation, and now all manufacturing companies in the world are using this technology. Like Boeing in the United States, each aircraft is jointly completed by nearly 60 countries, but only the core assembly technology mastered by Boeing.

However, he thought of the construction of the "Starry Sky" as being the same as traditional manufacturing. All the parts of the "Star" space shuttle are 3D printed, and the error of the whole part will not exceed 0.1 wire. Moreover, some of these materials cannot be formed by smelting, and can only be carried out by this kind of 3D printing.

Now there are more than 20 large-scale 3D printing machines in Xingkong Group working at overload. For example, the one-time molding of the shell of the space shuttle cannot be completed by traditional manufacturing.

Hydraulic presses and hydraulic presses are the main forming methods for many large metal parts in the world, which also leads to very high requirements for materials, not only high temperature resistance, but also beating resistance. With the pressure of more than 100,000 tons, the internal structure of many materials began to gradually change. This is an absolutely fatal problem and thing for the space shuttle.

"Chen Qiang, you only need some peripheral technology. It's not difficult. You can even sell the insulation bacteria liquid of the space shuttle. This technology is nothing." Xu Bu already knew Chen Qiang's character very well. It's just too domineering, and I don't like to share my things with others. But he only had this idea after Chen Qiang opened the heat-insulating bacteria liquid. After all, things like heat-insulating bacteria liquid would never be produced by the Star Group in the past, especially this kind of product that is easy to reverse engineer.

"It's not that I don't give it to you. It's because I gave it to you and you can't make it. We all use a special way to build these parts. You can't learn this at all." Chen Qiang also said earnestly.

Seeing Chen Qiang like this, Xu Bu knew that the person in front of him was not lying, so he could only suppress his thoughts. For the construction of this space base, the country has also made great efforts to directly move the supporting factory of the space shuttle developed by the country to ALS. It can be said that the situation has been opened, but these are not enough, because the space shuttle on the country’s side is also I don't know when the development will be successful.

What the aerospace base needs at this time is to open up this situation as soon as possible, which is also a test for him from above. Although the place of ALS has slowly turned green in the hands of Star City and those companies that have already bought land, it is still a wild place in the hearts of all Chinese people. So in order to reverse this impression, Xu Bu was very worried.

"Well, I'm going to set up a production enterprise of that kind of heat-insulating bacteria, and Xingkong Group will hold 30% of the shares with technology." After thinking for a while, Xu Bu directly put forward his own conditions. The purpose of his coming today is to bring the Star Group into this base no matter what, even if it is a joint venture company.

Now when everyone in the world hears ALS, the first thing they think of is Star Group, and the second thing they think of is Star City. So he needs to pull out Star Group to advertise for the entire space base.

"Yes, but it's not the Xingkong Group, but the Hardworking Biological Charity Foundation." Chen Qiang is also a very nostalgic person, so he agreed to Xu Bu's request to borrow flowers to present Buddha.

Opening up this situation is also what Chen Qiang is willing to see. There is only one starry sky city in the entire Tengger Desert. This is a very bad thing for a defense of more than 7.8 square kilometers. After the group officially enters the space age, it needs too many people, and the source of these talents is these people.

Xu Bu left, and began to take up the post with his own revenge in mind. Xu Bu, who had been by the Second Elder's side for a long time, also brought the Second Elder's resolute way of doing things into his whole style. On the second day after he took office, he released a series of announcements about the ALS National Economic and Technological Development Zone. In the announcements, he first drew a big pie, saying that he would build ALS into a space port within ten years, and that he would The following announcement also explained the establishment of a joint venture with the Star Group to produce heat-insulating bacteria liquid.

This suddenly caused those countries that were building their own factories to stop, and carefully looked at the company's shareholder composition. When they found out that it was the Xing Kong Biological Charity Fund, they continued to start construction. Of course, those countries with relatively weak biotechnology placed orders directly. If they were asked to build their own factories and produce them themselves, they would have no idea.

Now there is a company in which the Star Group has a shareholding to do this, which can be said to have directly solved their problem, because as long as the Star Group participates, there must be no problem with the quality. Although this is not regarded as worship, the concept that Xingkong must be a high-quality product has penetrated into the minds of people all over the world.

As a result, the company had already reserved the originally designed output before construction started, and paid in advance. This allowed Xu Bu to see the horror of the Starry Sky Group once again, and he felt a little lucky that he had brought the Starry Sky Group in.

Because of the support of Xingkong Group, the construction pressure of the entire aerospace industry base has gradually opened up, and various investments and funds have poured in. As the world's first public spaceport city, ALS must be resounding all over the world at this moment.

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