Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 272 Is it useful?

"The assessment begins." At nine o'clock in the morning, Kong Ru announced that the examination had begun. At this moment, 50 million people from all over the world have entered the examination client of Starry Sky Academy at the same time. Because of the popularity of virtual bracelets, it is not that difficult to log in to the client.

However, every high school in Huaguo still gathers the students who have graduated to take a unified examination. This is also a major feature of Huaguo, and it is completely impossible to achieve abroad. The entire exam time is one hour, because the first level is the talent assessment, so the most people pay attention.

Even now, when the major universities in Huaguo register, they still need to receive a talent assessment report card. If Starry Sky Academy hadn't kept this assessment score completely secret, all universities in Huaguo would have listed this talent assessment list as an important part of their enrollment. Reference conditions.

Because the entire assessment process of the Starry Sky Academy is monitored throughout the entire process, each candidate answered the questions very seriously. An hour is a short time, especially when you are busy with things. This year's Star Academy's assessment questions still have some changes, and some have even been added, and many students have not finished answering them.

"Woo, I didn't finish the answer." A woman in the capital squatted on the ground and cried after leaving the examination room after the exam. The surrounding parents also looked at the girl with sympathy. In Huaguo, the entrance examination of Star Academy is no less than the college entrance examination in the hearts of parents. It is even higher than the college entrance examination in terms of employment and future development.

This time, Starry Sky Academy's assessment time was already very late, so the results came out very quickly. On the second day, candidates were notified that they could check their results and enter the second round of examinations. Out of 50 million people, only 500,000 entered the second round of assessment, and the elimination rate was quite high.

The media in the world is very powerful. In less than a day, the number of people entering the second round of assessment in each country was counted. The maximum number in China reached 300,000, followed by Russia with 10,000, and the United States. The third has 9,600 people, the least of which is one in Afghanistan.

What's even more awesome is that these media have compiled the list of each country together and made a ranking. This is a must-buy for the common people and the parents of the candidates, which has caused the media to make a lot of money. These media can't wait for the enrollment of the Star Academy to be held several times a year.

"How about it, son, how much do you line up?" In a manor in Hangzhou, a woman asked with a smile.

"Thirty-fifth." It seemed that the examinee was a little unhappy,

"Now you know that there are people outside the sky and people outside the sky. But don't worry, since you already know your interest, I will hire you a tutor, and I will definitely be no worse than them when the time comes." The woman said dotingly.

"Mom, I want to go to Star Academy." The candidate said cautiously.

Sure enough, when she heard that her son was going to the Starry Sky Academy, the woman's face turned ashen and said: "Bai Xinyuan, your wings are stiff, you have to go out to fly, go, don't come back after you leave."

Sure enough, after Tie Xinlan got angry, Bai Xinyuan fell silent immediately. But he knew that this was his last chance to break free from the cage, but he didn't want to make his mother sad.

He also knew that his mother was protecting her by doing this. In this huge family, sometimes being too smart and capable is not a good thing. As an illegitimate child, he couldn't do anything shocking, otherwise he would disappear into this world immediately.

"Ma'am, it's time to eat." This is the voice of the nanny of the villa from below.

"Okay, Mama Wu, come down now." Tie Xinlan quickly wiped away the tears on her face, then turned her head and said to Bai Xinyuan: "Son, it's not that Mama won't let you go, it's that you can't go, if you It would be even better if you get in smoothly, but if you don't get in, do you know what the consequences will be. Mom, with only you to rely on, you can't have an accident."

"Mom, I get it, I won't go." Bai Xinyuan also knew that his resistance was useless, so he accepted his fate,

"My son, it's good that we live a normal life in this life. Compared with ordinary people, we are living a good life now. Let's go to eat." Tie Xinlan has a clear understanding of the grievances of wealthy families over the years, so she Will let his son give up.

However, things will not go as she wished. Although the Bai family is a big family, they will not forget Bai Xinyuan, a candidate of the right age. Because now all the families in the world want to break into the Star Group to get something, and the Bai family is no exception. Therefore, Bai Xinyuan's entire assessment was carried out under the monitoring of the Bai family, so the Bai family was very clear about Bai Xinyuan's results.

In the hall of Bai's house, dinner is in progress. But a private person like Bai Xinyuan is not qualified to come here.

"Boss, that illegitimate son of yours ranked well this time." The second son of the Bai family boasted seemingly unintentionally at the dinner table, but it changed the expressions of the two children and one mother. Lose Bai Xinyuan's impulse.

"Second, what do you mean by fanning the wind like this? You have the ability to let that kid from your family in." The boss of the Bai family retorted directly. Because this illegitimate child entered the second round of exams at the Star Academy, he has mastered a province's property, so now this illegitimate child is still useful, and no one will allow anyone to touch him.

"Boss, send someone to talk to your wife and let the child review well. As long as she enters the Starry Sky Academy and successfully enters the Starry Sky Group, the family will give her a title." At this time, the old lady of the Bai family spoke. . But this sentence caused those three people to have a deeper killing intent towards Bai Xinyuan.

"Boss daughter-in-law, be broad-minded. It's just a status. It won't affect you." The daughter-in-law of the boss of the Bai family is from another big family, so old man Bai also needs to comfort her. Sure enough, after Mr. Bai finished speaking, the woman sitting next to the boss of the Bai family looked much better.

"Yes. Dad. I'll send someone over after dinner." The boss of the Bai family knew that this was an opportunity for him, so he was very active.

Perhaps in these big families, family affection has become an important factor hindering the development of the entire family. In their eyes, the most important thing is profit.

Tie Xinlan's first impression when she got the news was that she was about to die, while Bai Xinyuan's first thought was to be relieved. So he began to study frantically. He had to enter the Star Group, not for the Bai family, but for his mother and himself.

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