Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 280: The Era of Interstellar Migration

Because this press conference of Star Group did not adopt a live broadcast method, so I also have expectations and hopes for this press conference of Star Group. After the press conference ended, the media moved very quickly, releasing the news of this press conference to their platforms in less than an hour.

"Shocked, Star Group is about to launch a space station relocation plan"

"Will the moon belong to humans or Star Group?"

"The era of interstellar immigration has arrived."

The titles such as these have attracted everyone's attention. Interstellar immigration, a word that only appears in science fiction, will now become a reality, which makes many people feel like they are in a dream. After all, the current generation has experienced the technological explosion, and their acceptance of the technological explosion is still very high, but now they really can't accept it.

"I'll go, Star Group is going to heaven."

"I'm going to move to live on the moon by then, and I've wanted to go outside for a long time."

"There is a mine upstairs at home, so you have an idea?"

"I think so too."

These are just the thoughts of ordinary people, but the ideas of those elites are much simpler. What they see is the benefits brought to them by this change. After all, now is a period comparable to the age of great voyages. No one wants to lag behind this world, especially compared to these successful understandings, control is their idea.

So after this press conference, many companies in the whole world have established their own aerospace exploration companies one after another, and various countries have also begun to introduce corresponding support policies to mobilize national funds to the aerospace field. No one will be a fool, and the aerospace field will be a very promising industry.

Even Huaguo has opened up the registration process for aerospace companies. Now as long as someone has their own ID card and the capital verification is successful, they can own their own aerospace company. Because of the rapid increase of aerospace companies, the demand for space shuttles is also increasing, so now the Star Group, Huaguo, and the United States, which have practical space shuttles, are all being targeted.

Among them, the United States has gained the most. In just two days, it has received nearly 40 orders? And it is the kind that has paid a deposit. This part of the deposit alone will wipe out the research and development funds of the entire space shuttle. up. This has also caused many powerful countries to announce their own space shuttle research and development plans. Of course, some countries just talk about it, and they don't have this capability at all.

Of course, some more ambitious countries have begun to combine the scientific research forces of several countries to tackle this project. In the future, the space shuttle will continue to serve on the stage of space exploration, so no country is willing to give up this big cake. Even some families have set up technology companies to start research and development of space shuttles, but those who dare to play like this are some top families, and these families are deep enough and have this strength.

All of a sudden, the whole world's aerospace fever has also been fired, and the old horse and Han Hao of the chicken thief also announced at this time the first batch of personnel from their aerospace company to go to the sky. The two space shuttles are specially customized, without those more dangerous weapon systems, only part of the self-defense system is retained, and everything unrelated to manning will not appear. The design of the entire space shuttle is designed according to the specifications of civil aviation, but compared with civil aviation, the manned capacity of this space shuttle is a bit small, only about 20 people, but there is a specially designed space walking device at the rear of the body and weightless cabin.

Because of the breakthrough of anti-gravity technology, the gravity technology has also been mastered by the Starry Sky Research Institute, so except for a few prototypes produced, other aircraft have a gravity system, and this gravity system has been modified to simulate the gravity of the earth. Eighty-tenths, that is, about eight Gs. Therefore, the astronauts will not feel any discomfort after going to the sky, which is also for the sake of the bodies of these astronauts.

"Now I announce that the first manned travel project in interstellar space has taken off." Under the gaze of nearly 100 million people, Lao Ma announced while sitting on the seat of the space shuttle, wearing a spacesuit. The old horse is also hard enough, even at the age of 60, he dares to be a space shuttle to the sky.

"Hello passengers, welcome to take the 'Interstellar' space shuttle, this is an unprecedented trip, you will experience a fantastic trip. The space shuttle is about to take off, I wish you a pleasant journey." After the old horse finished speaking, the space shuttle The captain said on the call channel China.

The fifteen people inside the plane are all rich or expensive people. The pilots of the interstellar spaceflight are a little afraid to drive. After all, he is just a teacher and has not yet reached the level of a veteran driver. So for this flight, Lao Ma found a crew from the Star Group to fly.

"9, 8, 7" During the captain's countdown, everyone on the plane became nervous, especially the female passengers on the two planes were sweating.

"Take off." After the captain finished taking off, everyone on the space shuttle was crushed by a strong force. In fact, we also feel this way when we are building airplanes, but the space shuttle It feels more obvious, and the crew of this flight was seconded from Star Group, so they still take off according to the previous operation method.

Then a very funny scene appeared, a five-kilometer-long runway, the plane took off after only taxiing for 500 meters.

"I'll go." The old horse scolded directly. He felt that he seemed to have miscalculated this time. In fact, this is not the first time for Lao Ma to take a plane. He has done it a few times during the training of interplanetary space pilots, and each time he did not have such a strong effort.

But before he recovered, he heard the captain of the space shuttle say: "Passengers, the next thing we will do is to fly through the atmosphere. The space shuttle will have a slight tremor. Please be prepared. If you are ready Please press the green button on your left when you are ready." This is to give all passengers another chance to choose, but this time there is no choice, because these people are hired by old horses and do not need to spend money . And the only woman is Miss Dong, she has always had an adventurous spirit, so this time she came.

"Wait, let me say Hong Bin, this is not your Star Group's space shuttle, but our Interstellar space shuttle, can you operate according to our operation manual, you are killing us." The old horse directly opened the call channel and complained.

"President Ma, hehe, I'm used to it. I forgot that you and everyone are sitting on the plane. I will follow the operation manual for the following operations." Hong Bin was obviously stunned, and then he said quickly.

Now there are more than one hundred people in the Star Group who can fly the space shuttle alone, and after each pilot has flown once, he will not be able to fly again in the next week. But Hong Bin likes this feeling very much, so every time he waits is like a year. It happened that Lao Ma was looking for someone, so Wang Peng sent Hong Bin over.

"I'll go, can such astronauts go to the sky?" People who watched the live broadcast on the Internet were a little confused, because they all saw that many people began to turn pale.

"Hong Bin is the best-skilled astronaut in Starspace. He was the one who escaped another space junk crash into the space shuttle. I think that's why Lao Ma sought him out." Some netizens who followed Starspace said.

Although some people in the space shuttle turned pale, they still firmly pressed the green button on the left.

"Passengers, start the flight through now. If you are not nervous, you can look out the window next to you, and you will see the sparks of the friction between the atmosphere and the space shuttle's insulation layer. Turn on the anti-gravity system and turn on the oxygen system." Hong Bin also began to operate according to the operation manual after Lao Ma complained. In fact, Hong Bin never flew a manned space shuttle before, he was always flying a cargo space shuttle.

After Hong Bin followed the operation manual, everyone in the cabin of the space shuttle felt a little more comfortable. Although there was still some chest tightness during the ascent of the space shuttle, they did not have the oppressive feeling of taking off. So they also began to cast their eyes outside the porthole.

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