Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 285 Great Change

The breakthrough of nuclear fusion technology also means that the mainstream way of using fossil fuels as energy sources in the whole world has been abandoned, so those countries that rely on selling fossil energy such as oil and natural gas have begun to look for a way out of national transformation, but give them time to prepare It's just too short. The most intuitive thing is that after Huaguo reached an agreement with all countries capable of building and researching nuclear fusion in the world and announced it, many international financial institutions began to shrink their money and sell their accumulated energy futures in the international financial market.

And those countries of origin of oil and natural gas began to reduce production, intending to maintain the price of oil and natural gas by reducing production. The entire OPEC countries directly cut production by 60% with nine notifications in just three days. But they still failed. Under the vigorous siege of financial institutions, in addition, many countries have established their own reserve warehouses over the years, and these warehouses seem to be useless now. So not only financial institutions but also various countries are also selling their oil and natural gas.

The financial market has been in turmoil during this period of time, and there is even a situation where it has evolved into a financial crisis. However, for some people in the know, the entire financial market is their cash machine, but for those retail investors and small dealers, it is a huge disaster.

Many people want to make a fortune in this turmoil, but in the dumping of such a huge amount of funds and raw materials, their little funds can't afford a single drop of water. Just like a river flowing into the sea, it will disappear without a trace, without the slightest wave. Even though every retail investor in the futures market knows these things, they still gamble with the mentality of a gambler, betting that they can make a fortune. Some people may succeed, but more people still fail, and some even lose nothing. Maybe there is a greedy devil in everyone's mind.

However, these have nothing to do with Chen Qiang. In order to deal with this turmoil, Anderson specially formed a financial team in Star Group to take charge of this matter. It is still qualified to participate in these things with the size of the current Star Group, and the money comes so easily, why not earn it.

"Academician Zhang, start testing the performance of room-temperature superconductivity this afternoon, and check the entire experimental device, and conduct a 100-hour ignition experiment tomorrow." Chen Qiang handed a document to a gray-haired old man.

"Okay Chen Gong, I'll make arrangements for it." Some people who can enter Chen Qiang's laboratory are relatively pure scientific researchers, so they are not called Chen Qiang, Mr. Chen, but Chen Gong, in their hearts Chen Qiang's identity as a Scientologist deserves their respect even more.

Nuclear fusion ignition refers to starting the tokmak device, but the most advanced device in the world can only be ignited for about three minutes, and this is a theoretical value rather than an actual number. Just last week, the tokmak device located in Starry Sky City achieved a 30-hour ignition experiment. The success of this experiment means that the entire nuclear fusion project team is going in the right direction, so this time Chen Qiang fully extended the ignition time to 100 hours. As long as this experiment successfully achieves a 100-hour ignition test, the entire experimental project can be ended, and the rest of the life test can be handed over to various countries.

It has been a long time since Chen Qiang has done such research day and night. Just like sports can be addictive, scientific research can sometimes be addictive, and this kind of addiction is a state that all scientists can't meet. Chen Qiang is a person who likes to study things quietly from the bottom of his heart, so he has been very happy during this time, and the most important thing is that Chen Qiang has found a few better seedlings in this project team. It will be a matter of time, so this requires a large number of talents to form the various majors and departments of the entire school. Naturally, these people are also under Chen Qiang's investigation.

Chen Qiang felt that the reform of Starry Sky Research Institute and Starry Sky Academy had reached an urgent point. If it weren't for the fact that the nuclear fusion project hadn't been completed, he would have solved this problem a long time ago.

Chen Qiang has considered the matter of changing Star Academy's name to Star University and recruiting students from all over the world for a long time, especially now that Star Academy is recruiting students from all over the world, Chen Qiang's idea is already very strong. After all, this is also increasing the technological strength of the entire earth. Ever since Xiaolong leaked the coordinates of the earth, Chen Qiang has been planning for the worst. Although the law of the dark forest has not been verified, he would rather believe it.

He also has the idea of ​​moving the space station to the "earth-moon point". He intends to install a signal receiver on the space station, whose principle is similar to that of an antenna array and FAST. The main thing is to accept some electromagnetic and other signals from the outer space and analyze them, and Chen Qiang, who has a knowledge of civilization, still has some understanding of this kind of information. So he needs to build a biological signal detection device and receiving device with a coverage of fifty light years.

And this kind of biological signal consumes a lot of electricity. Originally, he planned to build a huge solar panel array outside space, but now with nuclear fusion, everything is very simple.

Sometimes Chen Qiang doesn't know what he's doing. From the first qi-cleaning plant way to the bio-drinks, it can be said that the management of starry sky creatures is very messy now, and there is no distinction between primary and secondary. A hammer to the east and a stick to the west, it seems a bit boring to many people, and Chen Qiang also feels that he is so tired. But he knew that he couldn't stop. From the little dragon at the beginning to a certain unknown civilization now, he had to hold on.

He is not a person suitable to be a hero, because he himself is a combination of contradictions. If he shared the memories in his head with other countries in the world at the beginning or now, then the scientific and technological strength of the entire earth would improve faster, but he didn't want to do this. Because of his selfishness, he wanted to make some unemployment. From the very beginning of recruiting Anderson, he was betting that he could succeed. Even now he gambles. Gambling Xiaolong did not transmit the coordinates of the earth.

But some things are not absolute, so he still needs to make some preparations first. After all, no matter how selfish he is, it is impossible for the entire human race to be buried with him because of some of his own mistakes.

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