Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 287 Successful Ignition

Under the operation of the staff of the Star Group, 1,500 robots began to enter the interior of the reactor, and entered the predetermined position according to the predetermined procedure.

"The position of the No. 304th robot has some deviations. Adjust it." The nuclear reactor master control center, which is one kilometer away from the reactor, is also paying attention to the position of the raw materials at all times, and reports some situations to the front operator.

The entire process of injecting fuel took more than three hours to complete. When the last robot entered the interior of the nuclear reactor, the whole scene burst into applause and cheers. The installation of fuel and the ignition of the reactor are the most dangerous in the construction of the entire nuclear reactor, so many people are happy when all the fuel is in its place.

"Start sealing the reactor." Chen Qiang was also in the control center of the reactor at this time, seeing that all the fuel had been installed, he gave the order directly.

"Start sealing the reactor." As the commander-in-chief, Academician Zhou also issued an order after receiving Chen Qiang's order.

Just after Academician Zhou gave the order, the camera crew from the national TV station also turned on their cameras to broadcast live the following activities.

"Hello, audience friends. Welcome to the ignition ceremony of my country's first nuclear fusion reactor, which was broadcast live on national television. What we see now is the on-site staff sealing up the entire reactor. The following is a famous nuclear project in our country. Academician Wei, an expert, will explain to everyone what is closed pile.” After receiving the order, the CCTV host, who had been waiting for a long time, spoke to the camera a familiar line that he had already memorized.

"Nuclear fusion, is our technology so strong? Has nuclear fusion begun to enter our lives?" A netizen who didn't know the inside story asked in surprise.

"The upstairs has been out for a long time. Three months ago, the country and the Star Group have already started to tackle nuclear fusion. With the strength of our Star Group, these things are not a matter of minutes."

"So it's not surprising that the Star Group got involved." The Star Group is now synonymous with black technology in the hearts of the people on Earth. Some scientists once said that the Star Group's technological strength now surpasses that of the Earth for a hundred years. After the sentence was spoken, no one objected.

"Hello, audience friends. Now let me introduce some information about this nuclear fusion reactor. The closure of the reactor mentioned by the host just now does not apply to nuclear fission, because we all know the raw materials of nuclear fission. That is to say, the fuel has a half-life and needs to be replaced regularly, but nuclear fusion does not have such a situation, so there is the saying of closing the pile," an old man with gray hair said with a smile at the camera. This is the only surviving fruit of the "two bombs and one satellite" back then. Today, he came here specially to participate in this live broadcast. The old man was very happy to see Huaguo's nuclear fusion successfully carried out to the experimental reactor.

"Isn't this Mr. Wei? This great god has come out. It seems that this experiment is all right."

"Mr. Wei is quite energetic. I wish Mr. Wei good health."

"I wish the old man good health."

This sentence was all over the Internet for a while, and I have deep respect for the heroes and the behind-the-scenes workers of this country.

"Academician Wei, can you give us an overview of some of the benefits of nuclear fusion?"

"This benefit is great. Let's take a closer look. If the nuclear fusion reactor is successfully built this time, all thermal power projects in the entire Jin Province and Northwest China can be eliminated, and our country only needs to build four such reactors. It can completely supply our country's electricity. The biggest advantage of nuclear fusion is the aerospace field, and interstellar navigation will become possible." Academician Wei was very excited today, so he spoke in detail.

"According to statistics, the electricity consumption of the whole of China last year was about 10 trillion kwh, and the annual power generation of the Three Gorges, the largest hydropower hub in my country, was 100 billion kwh. So, according to the electricity consumption of the whole of China last year According to calculations, the power generation of a nuclear fusion power plant is 2.5 trillion kWh, but Academician Wei, the size of this nuclear power plant is not very large, which is a bit exaggerated. Can you explain it to us in detail. "As a live program, these data have long been deeply imprinted in the hearts of the supporters, and as the host, it is to put forward some thoughts in the hearts of the audience.

"This question is more complicated. Let me explain it to you with a simple example. One gram of hydrogen will turn into helium through nuclear fusion. The energy released in this process is equivalent to the energy released after burning 10,000 liters of gasoline. Of course, this There is a problem of energy loss, according to my understanding, the fuel weight of this country's reactor this time is 150 tons, you can calculate how much gasoline it contains." Academician Wei finally said mischievously.

"Wow, 150 tons is 150 million grams, which is equivalent to 1.5 trillion liters of gasoline. This is too powerful." Some digital party members on the Internet quickly calculated it.

"The oil reserves in the entire country of China are not so many." A netizen sighed.

"Don't think that Huaguo is so much based on its reserves. my country is an oil-poor country." Some netizens retorted.

"In fact, we have once again fallen into a misunderstanding, that is, the nuclear fuel of the entire nuclear reactor is burned at one time. In fact, the entire nuclear reactor is ignited many times, and the fuel is ignited in batches to release energy. This is why the country will burn it all at once. It has been filled with 150 tons of deuterium." Academician Wei continued to explain.

The fuel is ignited and burned in batches, which is a major innovation of the entire nuclear fusion project, and the robot is the reaction container and isolator. Because according to the calculation of the mass-energy equation, one kilogram of deuterium will release energy of 120 million kilowatt-hours. According to the maximum electric energy ratio, 50% is converted to 60 million kilowatt-hours. This calculation only needs one hundred Seventy tons of deuterium can supply the entire Huaguo with electricity. But this also has a very powerful problem, that is, the energy required for such a high energy constraint is higher, and the temperature generated by this high energy is completely unbearable with the current materials, so the best way is to use The fuel for each fusion is ignited separately.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, please instruct to close the pile." The engineer who commanded the pile closure on the spot reported after the completion.

However, Academician Zhou fixed his eyes on Chen Qiang.

"Clear the field and prepare to light the fire." Chen Qiang's words were very brief, but it seemed so domineering to many netizens.

"Yes." Apparently Academician Zhou is from the army.

"All on-site personnel began to evacuate, remember everyone, everyone." Academician Zhou began to give instructions. Obviously the team on site was military trained and they moved very quickly. And the speed of those people from the Starry Sky Group was not slow, and they directly boarded the anti-gravity flying car and flew away after the preparations were completed. The people on the army side also began to evacuate after sorting out all the equipment on the scene.

Under the watchful eyes of all live viewers, the entire evacuation process took less than 30 minutes, which was a shocking time for those foreign dignitaries who were watching the live broadcast. As politicians, they know what their country's army looks like. It is impossible for their army to evacuate in half an hour and carry so much luggage.

"Chen Gong, the last batch of personnel has been evacuated, can we light the fire now?" Academician Zhou came to Chen Qiang and asked after receiving the evacuation of the last batch of personnel.

"Okay, let's start." Chen Qiang said, looking at the towering reactor in the virtual screen.

"Chen Gong, do you want to evacuate first? I'm fine here." Academician Zhou said a little bit embarrassed.

"Why do you want to evacuate? What are you afraid of? Nothing will happen. Let's start." Chen Qiang turned around and said with a smile.

"Chen Gong, don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, you should leave, otherwise we can't let go of our work." Academician Zhou continued to persuade.

"No, let's start." After Chen Qiang smiled, he continued to turn his gaze to the reactor on the big screen.

Academician Zhou has long been mentally prepared for Chen Qiang's answer. In his opinion, Chen Qiang is a very pure scientific researcher, and no one will break his stubbornness. But this is the task given to him by the superiors, and he must persuade him. Now that he has done it, he can explain it to the superiors. Moreover, as the deputy leader of the entire project team, he is very familiar with the safety of the entire project, and for this ignition, the entire command center was built underground one kilometer away from the nuclear reactor, so it can be said to be very safe.

"Start the ignition procedure." Academician Zhou ordered directly after knowing what Chen Qiang was thinking.

"Start program self-test."

"The self-test is complete, everything is normal."

"Start power-on self-test."

"The self-test of the power-on procedure is normal."

"Start emergency procedure self-test"

"Emergency procedures are normal."

The self-inspection reports of various systems began to sound in the entire reporting hall, and the audience watching the live broadcast also began to worry. After all, through the conversation between Academician Zhou and Chen Qiang just now, anyone who is not a fool knows about this matter. dangerous.

"Everything is normal, whether to carry out ignition."


The moment Academician Zhou gave the order, the ignition operator directly pressed the red button on his right hand. The moment the button was pressed, the battery pack around the reactor at a depth of 500 meters began to output its own electricity crazily, and finally gathered together inside the reactor for high-energy release.

The principle of the hydrogen bomb is also the same. Only the strong energy of the atomic bomb can ignite the nuclear fusion material wrapped outside the atomic bomb. Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of millions of people, eight blue arcs hit the reactor shell directly. And the entire reactor began to make a violent sound. After the violent sound, the personnel who conducted the inspection reported: "Successful ignition, whether to carry out power storage."

"Store electricity immediately." After hearing that the ignition was successful, all the people present began to cheer wildly. At this moment, all the people present created a history, a history that can be recorded in the history of mankind, and there are still some The rational academician Zhou also started to cheer crazily after he issued this order.

"Every audience watching the live broadcast, this is a great moment. Huaguo is also the world's first nuclear fusion power plant that has successfully ignited and is generating electricity smoothly." The host of the national TV station also said proudly.

"The ignition was successful, but what happened to the electric arc and the loud noise." Netizens were also very proud, but they couldn't forget the loud noise and electric arc. They almost failed the whole experiment.

"Academician Wei, netizens would like to ask you to tell them what happened to the eight electric arcs and loud noises when the ignition was ignited just now." The host was also very happy, but he had a job. Quickly asked.

"The eight arcs are the discharge phenomenon of the entire city. There are eight ignition points inside the reactor. And the bio-high-energy batteries developed by the Star Group are paved 500 meters around the reactor. These batteries are installed When it is fully charged, when it is ignited, it will be gathered at eight points and then released at the same time, and the energy of the released electric energy is too large, and the scene just now will appear. As for the loud noise, this is the first fuel As a result of burning for a while, there will be such a sound when nuclear fission is ignited, so it is not surprising." Academician Wei also flushed with excitement, but obviously he has experienced the "two bombs and one satellite" and he can control himself emotional.

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