Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 290 The Space Station Transfer Plan Starts

And this time, the M grade established by Chen Qiangxin is much higher than the current one in terms of the overall establishment, especially for these researchers. On the exchange website, they even saw high-grade cell activation fluid. What is the effect of cell activation fluid on them? It's clear, so they are flocking to 'Star Coins'. And judging from the role of Starry Sky Research Institute, the salary and research direction of this research institute are completely aligned with the future, which is absolutely alluring to a scientific researcher with ideals and aspirations.

The CEOs of the subsidiary companies are psychologically prepared for the rejection of these freelance researchers. They came to visit these researchers so early just to give them a good impression. There is a chance.

Although the entire company has now entered the stage of re-division, some researchers have no signs of it. This part of the researchers is the designer of the Star Group's space station migration plan. After more than four months of design, they designed the entire migration plan in the last month of 2025. It can be said that their timing was ingenious. Chen Qiang thought that the relocation of the entire space station would be delayed until 2026, but he did not expect that these personnel would be so fast, so Chen Qiang held a report on the relocation plan of the space station as soon as the plan was completed. Meeting.

".According to our current calculations, this relocation of the space station requires 23 space shuttles to drag the space station to an orbit 350 kilometers above the earth in all directions at the same time, and then use the gravity of the earth to throw the space station out and let the space station come. Go near the 'Earth-Moon Point'." Chen Qiang frowned a little after hearing this plan, because this plan was a bit too risky.

"He Miao, your plan is really risky. The biggest problem is how to slow down the space station after the earth's gravity throws it out." Chen Qiang asked bluntly.

"Chen Gong, our design is very simple, that is to give the space station an opposite force. At present, the construction of the space station has been completed two-thirds, and the entire airport you imagined has been constructed. We are dragging the space station to the predetermined orbit There will be ten space shuttles entering the airport and throwing them out together with the space station. After the space station is thrown out, the space shuttle will take off and start to fly towards the direction of the space station with maximum thrust. According to our calculations, the space station just arrives near the 'earth-moon point' At that time, the force exerted by the earth's gravity on the space station will be completely canceled." He Miao is the deputy leader of the entire project team, and the main team leader is his husband Feng Zhengming, and they don't know each other. In the design of the Starry Sky City's water transfer plan, they fought to the death and life, but they finally came together.

"This plan is a bit risky. It was established by our Star Group. If the space station does not stop after being thrown out, our entire company will fall into a trough for a period of time." Anderson also said.

"I also think it's a bit risky. Do you have any other plans?" Lei Jun also asked.

He Miao heard that Anderson and Lei Jun of the Star Group also felt that this plan was a bit risky, and suddenly felt that this plan was a bit hanging in the air. And the members of the project team below were also a little disappointed, because this was the result of their hard work for five months, and it was a little uncomfortable to watch them being shot.

"Yes, the following is the second plan we designed, but this plan takes a long time, about half a year, and the space station cannot be built during this time, the specific plan design is like this" He Miao Although they were very disappointed, they still clicked on another plan to introduce them. They designed three sets of plans in total. After the simulation of "Starry Sky", the first set of plans just introduced is the most suitable for Starry Sky Group's next plan. strategic.

After listening to the three proposals, everyone present was not very satisfied. The first proposal was too risky, the second proposal took too long, and the third proposal was impossible, because the third proposal was to The space station that has been formed is dismantled and transported to the 'earth-moon point' and then assembled again. This is simply impossible, even if Chen Qiang agreed to this request, the rest of the Star Group would not agree.

"Mr. Chen, let me say a few words. I think the first plan is good. The project team has used 'starry sky' to simulate, and the error between the final result and the calculated result is very small, so I think it can be used. Wang Peng, the general manager of Xingkong Aerospace, interjected at this time. He knew that it was time for him to show up. He knew the top-level strategy of the company, and he was still the executor, so he had to stand up and endorse the project team at this time.

"President Wang, it's a little risky." Lei Jun sighed.

"I think we can give it a try. With our current strength, there is no other way. Why don't we give it a try? If it really fails, then start all over again." Mu Bing on the side also said, Mu Bing is the project leader She is the direct leader of the team, she is very familiar with this project team, and she is also very familiar with the simulation data of the first plan.

Seeing her immediate superior stand up and endorse for herself, He Miao also had a glimmer of hope in her mind. And Anderson and Lei Jun fell silent. After starting over from the beginning, Mou Bing could say it, but they couldn't say it. From the construction of the space station to the present, the Xingkong Group has invested 500 billion Chinese yuan. This is not counting the scientific research funding of the Xingkong Research Institute. If it is properly added, it will exceed one trillion yuan. This is why the Star Group has such a large amount of money. Even a trillion yuan, even an economically powerful country should think carefully about taking out this money.

"Okay, then proceed according to Plan No. 1. Mu Bing, you are the person in charge of the entire project, Feng Zhengming, you are the commander-in-chief of the entire project, and He Miao, you are the deputy commander-in-chief. The migration will begin in three weeks." Chen Qiang also agreed. He has made a lot of determination, and he can't afford it anymore. He needs the space station to arrive at the location as soon as possible, and then turn on the sounding radar on the space station.

This is a risky plan, so in order to prevent mistakes from happening, Star Group began to conduct crazy pre-plan review, design, and resolution. It can be said that people from all relevant professions participated. And as the specific implementation unit, Xingkong Construction is simulating in the virtual space created by "Xingkong" over and over again. Although Chen Qiang generously stated that it would be good to start over from the beginning if it failed, everyone in Xingkong Group knows the current Xingkong Group Failure is unacceptable. So as long as the relevant personnel are working desperately, in order to complete the migration of the space station smoothly.

The outside world also got the news that Star Group moved the space station, but it didn't cause much disturbance. The high-level leaders of various countries are very concerned about this matter. After these years of construction, the space station of the Star Group has reached more than 300,000 tons. If it is lit up, the entire Chinese people can clearly see its figure. Therefore, all countries are very curious about how the Star Group intends to relocate such a huge object to the "earth-moon point", and they are also ready to intercept missiles. If the transfer of the Star Group fails and the space station falls to the earth, it must Smash it, even if it lands in the ocean. Perhaps this is what those countries hope for.

Three weeks passed quickly, and three weeks was 21 days. This is already a long time, but in the eyes of the researchers of the Starry Sky Research Institute, the time is still too little. However, there is no room for manoeuvre. On the 25th of 2025, the Xingkong Group's relocation of its own space station officially began, and thirty space shuttles were ready to go at the Xingkong Airport.

"Let's go." Chen Qiang looked at the space shuttle pilots below and gave orders. At this moment, no one is going to stop Chen Qiang, because this is the company's decision. With the roaring sound, 30 space shuttles took off one by one, then increased their thrust and began to fly into space.

On the large screen of the space control center of Xingkong Aerospace, the huge figure of the Xingkong Group's space station appeared on the big screen. The senior management of the Star Group watched all this solemnly. As the deputy commander in chief of the entire plan, He Miao stood on the command post and observed various data all the time. The commander-in-chief, Feng Zhengming, went to the sky with the space shuttle fleet.

"Whether Mr. Chen will carry out the orbit change plan when the space shuttle arrives at the space station?" He Miao asked Chen Qiang for instructions.

"You don't need to ask me about this, I will give you all the rights for this operation." Chen Qiang didn't have any idea about this operation, so he still handed over the entire command to He Miao.

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." This is what He Miao said in his heart, because his lover is also on it. During the whole process, some people need to adjust the posture of the space station inside the space station, and the person in charge of this team is Feng Zhengming.

"Start loading the fuel of the space station, and strengthen the connection between the space station and the space shuttle." He Miao directly issued an order. The whole process is very time-consuming, so you must pay close attention to it every moment, and the time for the space station to be thrown out is also strictly limited. Yes, seven to nine in the evening is the best angle.

"Yes." Feng Zhengming's voice echoed in the hall and echoed in He Miao's heart.

For the installation of fuel and price connections, there is no difficulty at all for the construction personnel who spliced ​​the space station together, and these construction personnel completed the work in less than half an hour.

"Do you want to perform system debugging after installation?" It was still Feng Zhengming's voice.

"Start debugging." He Miao's voice was devoid of emotion.

"The boot is normal, the engine is normal." Everyone in the control hall was breathing together, and only this one voice was speaking.

"The power system of the space station is operating normally, and the defense system is operating normally. The orbit change plan can be started." After a series of tests, Feng Zhengminghui reported.

"Prepare to change the orbit, and transfer the command of the orbit change to the space station." He Miao calmly gave the order.

"Accept the command authority, prepare to change orbit, the space shuttle starts to take off, and starts to increase the thrust, 60%, 70% 100% afterburner" Feng Zhengming meticulously issued orders inside the space station. With the force of twenty-five space shuttles, the huge space station began to move slowly, with a speed from 0.5 meters per second to 5 meters per second at the beginning. As the speed of the entire space station increased, the space station began to move. Slowly leave the earth and fly to outer space.

After three hours and twenty-five minutes, the space station successfully entered orbit 500 kilometers above the ground.

"The space station went into orbit smoothly, and the orbit change plan was successful." After Feng Zhengming's voice fell, the entire control center burst into applause. Although there was joy in his heart, He Miao suppressed the whole situation and ordered: "Check the system status of the space station, replace the battery pack of the space station, and prepare for the next acceleration plan. Transfer the data of this orbital transfer plan to the command center .”

The energy consumed to move an object weighing more than 300,000 tons in space is huge. The three-hour movement alone consumes one million kilowatt-hours of electricity. The fusion power generation device simply cannot support this work. For this work, Star Group has prepared a total of five million kilowatt-hour batteries for the space station and space shuttle. Normally, the space shuttle will run out of energy after flying ten rounds to and from the ground and space, but now it takes only three hours to consume it, and such a huge amount of energy is a great burden on the engine, so after this mission is completed, this Twenty-five space shuttles will be completely scrapped, and the dream of selling used space shuttles will no longer exist.

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