Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 294 Entering Star City

Chen Qiang despises the theory of innate talent on the Internet. After he developed this set of test questions, he was afraid of this day. He didn't expect it to happen so quickly, and this system has not been promoted. Chen Qiang doesn't plan to use this system anymore, because he found that some things are not suitable for large-scale popularization.

The child and Mou Bing had already arrived in the village. When Chen Qiang came to the village, the two children had already gone crazy. It may be because of being suppressed in Starry Sky City for too long. After all, there is no such fun thing for them to play in Starry Sky City.

After staying here for three days, Chen Qiang left. His destination this time was Liancheng. This time, the official welcome team is very strong, basically even the top officials of the city are there. The mayor Huang who used to cooperate with Chen Qiang is now a high-ranking official. After exchanging pleasantries with these leaders, Chen Qiang euphemistically expressed that he took the children out to play and needed a quiet environment. The leaders are also very understanding of the world, and after giving Chen Qiang a business card, they all went to their own affairs. But Chen Qiang obviously found that as long as Chen Qiang passed by, there would be more police forces.

"Dad, is this the place where you went to college? It's so beautiful." Chen Yi raised his head and asked.

"That's right, this is where your mother went to college." Chen Qiang touched Chen Yi's head and said.

"Then how did dad and mom meet?" Chen Lu asked ghostly.

"Of course it was your mother who chased after me after seeing that I was handsome." Chen Qiang said as if I was very handsome.

"Kids, why do they know so much?" Mou Bing patted Chen Lu's braided head 'hardly' and said.

"It seems that what Dad said is true." Chen Lu hurried to Che Qiang's left, and said with a grimace.

"Ah, it hurts. I chased you, okay? I chased you." Chen Qiang felt his waist was pinched hard, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

Because it was night, there were not many people on campus, so Chen Qiang's voice did not attract too many people's attention. But someone still noticed Chen Qiang, and Chen Qiang hurriedly took the two children and left.

"Boss Yao, here is a pot of meat and pork dishes." After Chen Qiang took the children around the campus of Lian University, they came to a restaurant.

"Okay, all four of you, please sit down." A fat man came out of the kitchen with a plate of food, which seemed to be for the guests. He heard someone calling his name, so he hurried out to say hello. Those who leave Boss Yao are regular customers.

"Mr. Chen, why are you here? Come on, I have a private room here, so you don't need to sit outside. If you can come to the small shop, it will be very bright." Yao Mingyu hurriedly greeted.

"Boss Yao, is the business good? Why are you willing to make money now?" Chen Qiang laughed.

"Well, at that time, he was more impulsive, he was too idealistic, and he would be under pressure if he didn't have children." Yao Mingyu said with emotion.

"You're just too lazy. Think about it, I spent a month with you for nothing and took so much money." Chen Qiang patted Yao Mingyu on the shoulder and said.

"This doesn't make a celebrity." Yao Mingyu pointed at Chen Qiang and said.

"Fart celebrity, I'm just a name. Xiaoyi, Xiaolu, come here and call me Uncle Fat." Chen Qiang called the two children over and pointed at Yao Mingyu.

"Don't listen to your father, call Uncle Yao, come and take it." Yao Mingyu took out two one hundred yuan slips from his pocket and handed them to the two children respectively.

"Boss Yao can't do it." Mu Bing said quickly.

"Hey, isn't this just seeing the child, and I don't have any preparations, so I can only follow the most vulgar ones. I know you are not short of money, but this is also my wish." As he said, he gave the money to Chen Yi and Chen Lu's hands.

Chen Yi and Chen Lu still have concepts about money, knowing that they can't accept it, so they can only fix their eyes on Chen Qiang.

"Then take it, thank you uncle." Chen Qiang smiled and nodded.

"Thank you uncle." With Dad's nod, the two children accepted it.

Pig killing dish, a special dish in Northeast China, was originally a kind of stew that was eaten in rural areas of Northeast China every year when pigs were killed near the end of the year. In many places in the Northeast, pig-killing dishes are opened all year round, forming a major feature of the Northeast diet. The authentic "killing pig dish" is a general term for a series of dishes composed of a variety of dishes. Boss Yao’s pig-killing dish is stewed with pork bones and cabbage vermicelli. It tastes very good, at least much better than many Northeast restaurants.

When Chen Qiang was young, he liked to gnaw on pig bones, especially those with less meat and more tendons. Obviously Chen Yi and Chen Lu also inherited this.

"Mr. Chen, have a drink. I remember you are Harbin Beer's most loyal fan." Yao Mingyu said while holding two bottles of beer and two glasses.

"Your rules are really strange. Other people's restaurants are eager for others to drink a lot of wine, but here you have a limit, one bottle per person. It seems that even I can't make an exception." Chen Qiang hasn't had it for a long time. After drinking beer, my throat was a little itchy after seeing it, so I took a sip after taking the beer.

"If you want to drink, let's go out and drink. If you don't get drunk, don't go home." Yao Mingyu also picked up the beer bottle and touched Chen Qiang to take a sip.

"One bottle is enough. The taste of your pig-killing dishes is getting better and better. It seems that you have improved a lot." Chen Qiang picked up a piece of meat and said.

"Hey, that restaurant really can't survive without the special recipe. It's getting harder and harder to do business now." Yao Mingyu complained a little.

"Then come to Xingkong City. Xingkong City will open next year. There must be some businesses in all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation. I will give you a special approval for a shop, and you can follow your rules, okay." Chen Qiang directly invited .

"Mr. Chen, you can't lie to me, Lao Yao. I'll really go then." Yao Mingyu has seen the beautiful scenery of Starry Sky City on the Internet, especially the scenery at night is like a fairyland, and he also plans to Let's go and have a look when Starry Sky City opens.

"Can I still lie to you? Let's do it like this. When you are going, remember to call me and I will pick you up." Chen Qiang still has a good impression of this boss Yao. I thought about finding a part-time job to make some money, but I didn't expect that a part-time job would be very unappealing. Because he is a freshman, there are not many channels, so he can only ask one by one to see if there is any part-time job. After he was rejected nine times, he mustered up the courage to find the last one, which is When Boss Yao was in this restaurant, Boss Yao actually wanted to fire him, and he was paid fifteen yuan per hour, which was already a high salary for part-time jobs at that time.

The bottle of beer was quickly finished, and Boss Yao didn't serve Chen Qiang another bottle. Boss Yao was Boss Yao after all. By the time Chen Qiang came out of Boss Yao's restaurant, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. Chen Qiang didn't pay for the whole meal, and Boss Yao didn't accept it at all.

"Old Yao, how did you know Mr. Chen? Why have I never heard you say that you know Mr. Chen?" Yao Mingyu's wife gossiped.

"This was Mr. Chen's freshman year. I had just graduated from school and opened this store. At that time, Mr. Chen was very young and shy. I saw him going in and out of several stores one after another. I knew that he was looking for a part-time job, so when he found our home, I decided to let him go. I didn't expect that the kindness at the beginning would allow us to have a shop in Starry Sky City. This is God's will tricking people." Yao Mingyu was a little With emotion, he still vividly remembers Chen Qiang's youthful and low self-esteem at that time. At that time, he did not expect that the young and shy boy at that time would have the current achievements.

Happy days always pass quickly. For a whole month, Chen Qiang took his two children from the west of Huaguo to the east and then from the north to the south. The two children were also very happy. They saw many things that they could only see before. What I saw on the TV, and after returning home, I told the four old people what I saw in this month.

In fact, Chen Qiang was a little tired after a month, but it was worth it to see the two children very happy. After all, he didn't know how long it would be before the next such trip.

"Chen Qiang sometimes can't divide a person's energy into two parts. Compared with others, what you give to them is enough. At least they still have your company in their childhood." Mu Bing handed a stripped sentence to him. Tell Chen Qiang.

"Actually, you know me too. I would live more comfortably without the Star Group." Chen Qiang broke off a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

"But you have no choice now, because now more than 300,000 people are counting on you, and I hope you can lead them to make contributions, and you will accompany the children. I will take care of the family in the future. Just do your own thing well. "Mu Bing directly interrupted Chen Qiang's next words, and said very seriously.

"Oh, it's hard work for you. You can put down your work at the research institute and transfer your work to the administration side. Starry Sky Group will be under your watch. Then I will transfer the trained Chen Jun to other departments." Let's go somewhere." Chen Qiang said with some headaches.

"Okay, let me watch here. Now the office has become a real authority. Basically, some major issues of the company must be discussed in the office before they can be distributed, and the employees of the company have also accepted this change. "Mou Bing also peeled an orange for himself.

"That's good, that's good. This department was set up at the beginning to better allow Starry Sky Group, Starry Sky City, and Starry Sky Research Institute to have a nominal superior organization. Now I didn't expect it to become real." Chen Qiang couldn't help but Laughed.

"Now the various subsidiaries of the Star Group have their own R\u0026D teams, and their autonomy has been strengthened a lot, so we have to strengthen our control over these companies. I plan to carry out a large-scale survey of the entire Star Group after the Chinese New Year. What do you think of the job change?" Mu Bing immediately entered the identity of the president and asked.

"You can have this. Now the general managers of companies in various countries are basically the old ministers who followed me. They won't have any opinions. As for those who have opinions, I think they also know what we mean, and there will be no conflicts. Yes, after all, the Star Group has not treated them badly." Chen Qiang thought for a while, nodded and agreed. Although the general direction of the reform of Starry Sky Group has not changed this time, there have been some changes in its fundamental nature. The biggest change is that there is an office organization above Starry Sky Group. This large-scale job change can also give the office some authority in the hearts of all employees.

The institution that benefited the most from this major adjustment is Star City. It used to be just a service organization, but when Star City has the management right of Star University, the entire Star City has begun to enter the eyes of many people, including Star Group. And some middle-level people in the research institute and high-level people in various countries.

In particular, the high-level officials in Huaguo are feeling a little jittery. Generally, such things should be led by the state, but now it is guided by a company, and now this company manages nearly 300,000 people. It is a small city, but To the dismay of the top management, except for the police agency, other administrative departments cannot enter Starry Sky City at all.

But Xingkong City is also a sensible person, knowing that if people enter Xingkong City and don't find the national administrators, there will be speculations, so Xingkong City agreed to the news that the national administrative agency has settled in, but the leader of the entire administrative department must be Chen Shun. The country fully agreed to this request from Starry Sky City. After all, Chen Shun was an official of the country before this, so there was no problem in name at all. In fact, the country also knows that this administrative agency is only in name, but sometimes this name is really very important.

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