Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 298 Mother Chen's Objection

After a period of running-in in Starry Sky City, the reception of tourists has gradually become handy. The tourists who come to Starry Sky City will not make any small mistakes under the threat of lessons learned from the past. Maybe many people are forced come out.

Star City is on the right track, but Star Group is still in chaos. According to the assessment results of the Xing Kong Research Institute, there were 50,000 participants, and 5,300 people passed the test. This number is a little more than Chen Qiang's goal of 3,000 people. However, Chen Qiang still chose 3,000 people to enter the Xingkong Research Institute. It is not that Chen Qiang does not need so many people, but that Chen Qiang will distribute a bottle of the highest-grade cell activation solution to every researcher who enters the Xingkong Research Institute. There are only 3,000 bottles in stock.

However, what surprised Chen Qiang in this assessment was that Wen Yong was unsuccessful, because he did not complete his project. This made Chen Qiang a little disappointed, because after all, he and Wen Yong had a long friendship, and he had been cultivating Wen Yong. Otherwise, with his current qualifications, Wen Yong would definitely not be able to be the dean of the biological branch of the Starry Sky Research Institute. Maybe it is God's will.

But since Wen Yong lost the election, he just happened to succeed Chen Jun, which was why Chen Qiang was not too disappointed. So after the assessment, he called Wen Yong to the office.

"Mr. Chen, you are looking for me." Wen Yong was also very disappointed with himself, he felt sorry for Chen Qiang's cultivation over the years.

"Mosquito, it doesn't matter if you lose the election. Your limit is there. This cannot be changed. Don't put any burden on yourself. Although the Starry Sky Research Institute is very important, the Starry Sky Group is not bad. What do you have now?" I have no idea." Chen Qiang comforted, he knew that Wen Yong had indeed endured a lot these years.

"I don't know, Chen Qiang, I feel so confused now, and you know my ability." Wen Yong sat on the chair and said a little confused.

"Don't go to the scientific research side, transfer to an administrative position, go to Starry Sky Biology, you also know that is our fortune, go and protect it for me." Chen Qiang left his seat and walked to Wen Yong's side, patted his Shoulder.

"Administration, I'm not good at it. You also know that I'm a technical geek, and I'm more interested in technology. I want to go to Xingkong Government to be the director of the research department." Wen Yong directly refused. He didn't think he had the experience of managing a company. , and now that the Star Group will fully decentralize, there are great demands on the managers of each subsidiary.

"Didn't you manage the Starry Sky Research Institute well? The starry sky creature needs a manager who understands technology now. I was planning to let you go, but I was afraid that you had a mental grudge. Now it's just right. You used to be the starry sky creature's manager." General manager, leave Chen Jun free for me, I have another appointment." Chen Qiang explained.

"Mr. Chen, you let Chen Jun continue to be the general manager of Xing Kong Biology, and I will go to yours for another appointment." Wen Yong was still beating his drums mentally.

"That's fine, our Star Group's space station needs a manager, you go." Chen Qiang knew Wen Yong's worries, so he said a little teasingly.

"Ah, then I'll go to Xingkong Bio as the general manager." Wen Yong heard that he was the manager of Xingkong Group's space station, and he immediately agreed to go to Xingkong Bio as the general manager. He is a technical geek, but he is not a fool. He must not be able to take such an important position as the manager of the space station.

"Then it's settled like this. Go to the starry sky and not the space station." Chen Qiang patted Wen Yong's shoulder again.

"It's settled, go to the starry sky creatures." Wen Yong said firmly this time.

"Okay, it's settled like this. But Wen Yong, you also know that Starry Sky Creatures has many projects that are kept secret. I will transfer these projects after the Starry Sky Research Institute is fully planned, so I hope you You can ignore these items, and I will let Chen Jun take charge." Chen Qiang urged.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I understand." As the dean of the biological branch, Wen Yong knew about these projects.

"Okay, let's go, hand over with Mou Bing, and then go to the Starry Sky Creature to take up the post." Chen Qiang let go of the hand on Wen Yong's shoulder, and said.

Wen Yong got up to leave, but when he stood up, he suddenly bowed to Chen Qiang and said, "Thank you Mr. Chen, I will keep the starry sky creatures safe." Wen Yong is very grateful for Chen Qiang's fundamental arrangement. , because Xingkong Bio is an alternative company in Xingkong Group. As an enterprise that made a fortune as a whole company, every employee of Xingkong Group has a good impression of Xingkong Bio, and even the charity fund has the name of Xingkong Bio. It can be seen that Xingkong Bio The weight in the heart of the boss Chen Qiang.

Moreover, even now about 30% of Starry Sky Group's profits come from Starry Sky Creatures. Starry Sky Creatures' achievements in recent years are very dazzling. It can be said that as long as they are in this position, it is a strong qualification. Wen Yong has a clear understanding of his own ability. If Chen Qiang hadn't worked so hard to train him these years, he wouldn't be able to reach this position. Moreover, he is as old as Chen Qiang. In the world, at this age, he can reach such a high position. There are not many people, only one hand at most, and 60% of them come from the Star Group.

Chen Qiang is emotional. It has only been seven years since he founded the starry sky creature and now owns a city, but many things have changed. The joke he made with Wen Yong at the beginning has now come true. Chen Qiang is a nostalgic person. He doesn't want to chill those old ministers after he ascends to a high position, so he created a system that links the hierarchy with benefits instead of linking positions with benefits. The old people who fought with Chen Qiang back then were actually not very capable, but now they are the most enviable in the Star Group. Their current level alone is enough to make many people envious.

"Xiaojun, leave the work to Wen Yong." Chen Qiang asked when he saw Chen Jun was there when he got home.

"It's over." There was still a bit of resentment in Chen Jun's voice. After all, it is not good for the company that I have finally organized to be handed over like this, and Xingkong Biological Company is the private land of the Chen family, so it is a bit uncomfortable to suddenly hand it over to an outsider to take charge of him.

"Don't lose your temper. I've already stripped out the key departments of the starry sky creatures. The starry sky creatures left after those departments have no value to monitor. I have a little bit of people available now, so I just I can bring you up first." Chen Qiang also said helplessly.

"Brother, isn't the starry sky creature our family's private land?" Chen Jun still didn't understand.

"Private land, what is private land. Have you seen that the power of the Star Group has become more concentrated after my reform, and our children and grandchildren have their own lives. We can't trap him like this, and you think we live again Is there a problem with hundreds of years, as long as I am still alive, the Star Group will still be mine." Chen Qiang knew that his younger brother still had a mental grudge, so he explained patiently.

"Brother, tell me what you want me to do." Chen Jun finally accepted the reality.

"The space station will be completed in one month. All you have to do is stay in the space station and make the space station fully operational." Chen Qiang picked up an apple and said.

"What, let me go to the space station, can my parents agree?" Chen Jun was very excited when he heard that Chen Qiang sent him to the space station, but he immediately cooled down.

"During dinner tonight, I told them that I want to ask you if you want to go now." Chen Qiang took a bite of the apple and said.

"Then if I don't go, who will you send?" Chen Jun suddenly thought of a possibility.

"I'll let Mu Bing go there. The matter of the space station is very important, and our second-generation space shuttle has been developed. The specific location for construction is the space station. I need someone I completely trust to preside over it." Chen Qiang explained.

"Brother, it's more than that, do you want to carry weapons on the second-generation space shuttle?" Chen Jun asked with disbelief.

"It's time to have some means of counterattack. Space is too risky." Chen Qiang murmured, but Chen Jun sounded as cold as anecdotes.

"I'll go." Chen Jun probably understood Chen Qiang's pressure, so his words were extremely forceful.

"Okay, I will explain to my parents, and I will send you the specific steps, but don't spread the word." Chen Qiang said very relieved.

In fact, there is another reason that the space station is too far away from the earth, and there are very few people who go to the space station to perform missions. In addition, a series of crises occurred when the space station moved from orbit, which made many people not want to go to the space station. And Chen Jun is the role model Chen Qiang sent out, the subtext is that my younger brother Chen Qiang has gone up, so what are you afraid of.

"What, you want to send Chen Jun to the space station to perform a mission." Mother Chen's voice was unusually sharp.

"What are you arguing about? Chen Qiang sent Xiaojun there for his reasons, and Xiaojun is willing, so why are you against it? Besides, the space station is not dangerous. Haven't we been to space before?" Chen Shun scolded.

"No, I'm firmly against it. I heard about the group incident last time, and the five children almost couldn't come back." Mother Chen firmly objected.

"Grandma, why are you crying? Can I give you a chicken leg?" Chen Lu comforted Mother Chen by sandwiching the chicken leg in her bowl.

"Mom, where did you hear the news?" Chen Qiang asked in shock, because he had already issued a gag order at the scene, and with the quality of the Starry Sky Group's employees, it was impossible to spread it.

"If the child asks you, you can't talk to me. Do you know what impact this news will have on Xingkong City?" As the person in charge of Xingkong City, Chen Shun knows the power of public opinion very well. So he hurriedly urged.

"I also heard it from the old people in the square." Mother Chen also knew that something was wrong, so she stopped crying quickly.

Hearing the news from Mother Chen, Chen Qiang and Chen Shun looked at each other and knew that things were going to be bad. It is okay to pass this news among young people, but now it is a troublesome thing to pass on among the elderly. In the eyes of the elderly, there is no company strategy. In their subconscious mind, as long as their children are by their side, that would be fine.

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