Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 303 Forced to Interview

Chen Qiang doesn't know what to do now, because he finds that everyone has different demands at different stages. In the past, Chen Qiang thought that as long as his employees have no worries and the money is in place, it will be fine. But now he realizes that this is not the case, and he has to consider their family members.

He is very disgusted with privileges, because he feels that these people occupy the best resources but have not created anything beneficial to mankind. So he has been implementing an equal relationship in the Starry Sky Group, but now that the Starry Sky Group has become very large, the privileged class has appeared, which is simply not something he can stop. Just like those people just now, their ranks are very high now. Although their positions in the company are not high, their status is very high.

He is very troubled now, very contradictory. In his heart, he really didn't want such a phenomenon to appear, but he had already appeared. If he gives the advanced cell activation solution to these veterans through some means, then their children will take a shortcut, especially now that Starry Sky City has formed a very complete elite education method, it is impossible for these children to become talented , so this has already caused an imbalance of resources.

Now only Kong Ru can solve this problem, so he came to Xingkong University with troubles, where he hoped that he could get the answer.

"Teacher, do you think the privileged class should exist? Can the glory of the fathers be imposed on the children and grandchildren? What should I do?" After finding Kong Ru, Chen Qiang asked a series of questions through the earphone.

Kong Ru did not answer, but gave Chen Qiang a glass of water and said, "Chen Qiang, what do you lack now, do you know that it is domineering. The ancient emperor's emperor's mentality made this problem very clear, you go back Look at it. Now Star Group has become very large, so there will be a lot of hills, and what you have to do is to balance these hills."

"Teacher, can't you break him into pieces? Why do you have to let these exist?" Chen Qiang was a little puzzled. In his mind, the Starry Sky Group was a utopian existence.

"Silly boy, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. You used to know everyone's name when there were few people, but now you can remember the name of every employee of Starry Sky Group. These employees are not you they come into contact with, but It’s their boss. Then you say that you or their boss is more important in these people’s hearts, so sometimes you have to learn to accept things from children.” Kong Ru persuaded.

"But teacher, do you know that Hao Yun applied to go to the space station today, and her purpose is to buy a bottle of advanced cell activation liquid for her child. Will this cause uneven distribution of resources?" Chen Qiang continued to ask.

"There is no absolute fairness in the world. These children can obtain the cell activation solution earlier because their parents worked hard to get it, so they are eligible. There is also no time limit for the effect of the cell activation solution. It is just the effect of taking it when they were young. It's more obvious, so it doesn't have a big impact, and now the cell activation solution can be mass-produced." Kong Ru continued.

"Teacher, I understand." Chen Qiang thought for a long time before standing up and bowing to Kong Ru.

"It's okay, go back and read more books, especially those ancient books that are useful to you. I am also half-baked. I am very lucky to be able to understand you." in one breath.

"Yes, I'll take a look when I get back." Chen Qiang thanked Kong Ru again and left. On the campus of Xingkong University, Chen Qiang felt that the air today was extraordinarily fresh and the sky was extraordinarily blue.

"Xiaojun, expand the team going to the space station this time to 1,000 people, and give me all the people in the first phase of the experiment. This time, the recruitment will be done in All Star City." Chen Qiang returned to the office and pondered After a long time, I called Chen Jun.

"Ah, brother, can we recruit so many people?" Chen Jun was a little suspicious. With just three hundred people, Chen Jun's lips were worn out.

"Yes, you can release the news directly." Chen Qiang said.

"Okay, let me try." Chen Jun still lacked confidence. It took a lot of effort for Chen Jun to recruit these 300 people, and many of them were astronauts, and there were only more than 100 technicians who could barely operate the space station.

"Xiaoyun, how is it? Mr. Chen has agreed to your application?" Hao Yun's husband asked when he was sleeping at night.

"No, I have been in Starry Sky City for so long, Mr. Chen hates privileges very much, I know this. And I feel like I am forced to go this time. I secretly glanced at him when I left the office. His complexion is bad." Hao Yun was very sad.

"Well, I've met Mr. Chen before, and he's a nice guy. It's just a bit too idealistic. If it weren't for the unique products made by Starry Sky Group, Starry Sky Group wouldn't have such a scale at all. You don't have to have Psychological burden, the existence of the privileged class has a certain reason, even Mr. Chen has no ability to stop it." Hao Yun's husband also analyzed that as the vice president of Xingkong Metal, he still has a lot of contact with Chen Qiang. In his impression, Chen Qiang should not be a spoof boss, but a genius scientist.

"Well, it depends on what Mr. Chen can do. This time, I have broken the sky. These things should be done by Mr. Lei or Mr. Anderson. After all, their positions are the highest and they can withstand such pressure." Hao Yun sighed, she also went there as soon as her head got hot, but now thinking about it, she regrets it a little.

"It's okay, Mr. Chen won't blame you, after all, you are also a veteran from the Starry Sky Creature." Looking at his regretful wife, Hao Yun's husband hurriedly comforted her.

The next day, all employees of the Star Group received a space station member recruitment information as soon as they went to work in the morning. million stars.

Seeing this recruitment information, Hao Yun immediately felt relieved, and immediately filled in the registration information and submitted it. The recruitment this time was very big, and the price of one million star coins made many people very excited, but those who really know the value of these star coins are those employees whose level is above level six, because only employees after level six Only then can we see the news about the advanced cell activation solution.

Sure enough, many of the recruiters who filled out the recruitment this time were old employees, and they were still at the level of veteran ministers. If they weren't capable enough, they would have already been at the vice president level of the company. Of course, there are also some employees who yearn for the starry sky and want to go to the space station. Because the purpose of going to the space station this time is to make the space station operate, so a large number of technicians are needed. Under the temptation of one million star coins, the number of technicians has already been fully recruited, which makes Chen Qiang a little dumbfounded. At the beginning, he spent a lot of effort to put together the entire team, but now because of 1 million star coins, he is so full, he doesn't understand. But turn around and think about it, when the Starry Sky Body Refining Technique spread, the cell activation liquid no longer absorbed one serving for life, but could absorb many servings, which represented a longer lifespan and a more perfect body shape. Everyone has a fatal allure.

The selection of personnel went smoothly, and the smoothness of the whole process surpassed that of Chen Jun. Sometimes he even felt that it was all a dream.

As for Chen Qiang, he didn't care about this, because now Chen Qiang was invited by Lao Ma and others to participate in the 2016 Huaguo Enterprise Gathering. It's not the first time I participated, I participated once before. This time, he couldn't stand the old horse's invitation to participate.

But when he was about to enter the conference hotel, he was surrounded by a group of reporters. And no matter how hard the security guards from Xingkong Security tried, they couldn't tear a hole open.

"Give me a little space first, and I'll give you three questions." Chen Qiang had no choice but to say loudly.

Sure enough, after Chen Qiang finished speaking, the reporters present all stopped to make room, and the security guards, who were already sweating profusely, also breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can ask the first question." Chen Qiang pointed to a little girl.

"Ah, Mr. Chen, I would like to ask about the body training technique of the starry sky. There are rumors on the Internet that you have obtained an alien inheritance or an alien intelligent brain. How do you explain it?" It seems that this little girl is just getting started. So she didn't think that Chen Qiang would point to her, so she was a little confused, but her reaction was still very fast, and she asked the question she had prepared.

"This question is very simple. Everyone knows that the Starry Sky Research Institute used to have a branch of human medicine. This set of starry sky body training is a method created by the branch of human medicine in combination with Huaguo's countless boxing techniques. It allows the human body to quickly absorb biological A technique of vegetarian beverages. Are we a private enterprise, or we still need to make money. The consumption of biotin beverages is too slow, and we are now in the expansion period, so we urgently need money. This is a good way for everyone to benefit.” Chen Qiang I still admire the brains of these netizens on the Internet. Sometimes their guesses are very close to the truth. So he brought out the Branch of Human Medicine, and even blackmailed himself in the end. After all, Starry Sky Group really needs a lot of money now.

"You can come to the second question." Chen Qiang was referring to a foreign reporter this time.

"Mr. Chen, the Chinese government has recently blocked some aerospace facilities. May I ask Mr. Chen to know about this matter?" The reporter from the Associated Press of the United States didn't know what he was thinking, but he actually asked such a question.

"I don't know about this. I have been conducting some experiments in the laboratory during this time." Chen Qiang shook his head and said. How could he not know about it? After Huaguo blocked those facilities, he knew about it. After all, before that, he asked 'Starry Sky' to control FAST to conduct an investigation of space every day. Although the accuracy is not very high, for Chen Qiang But it is enough.

"You can come to the third question." This time, Chen Qiang pointed to a reporter who didn't know any media, who seemed to be a staff member.

"Mr. Chen, I'm a reporter from Wufeng We Media. I want to ask you whether the construction of Star Group's space station has been completed and whether tourists will be accepted." The little boy seemed very excited. And the big media on the side were also very speechless. They only created this scene after they heard that Chen Qiang had returned to the meeting. They didn't expect a self-media to take away the opportunity.

"The Star Group's space station has been completed now, and a permanent team is being organized, and a team will be stationed in the near future to carry out operational experiments. Because it is an experiment, it cannot receive passengers. This is possible in the future. If someone wants to Go to the space station, Star Security will recruit a group of security personnel and astronauts in the near future, you can try it." Chen Qiang can be said to be very face-saving, these reporters are not angry by doing this, and they answered seriously. The reporters had no choice but to give way, but they were satisfied, and the amount of information contained in these three questions was still very rich.

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