Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 312 Meteorite Auction

Bai Xinyuan was in a daze at this moment, he didn't expect that the matter would be resolved so quickly, the thing he had been resisting all this time was completely vulnerable to the boss in front of him. At this time, he finally understood what success is and what a powerful influence is.

"Oh, what are you thinking?" Chen Qiang interrupted Bai Xinyuan's thinking.

Bai Xinyuan suddenly woke up from his own thoughts, then took a step back and bowed to Chen Qiang: "Thank you, Mr. Chen, from now on I will definitely be a bull and horse for the Star Group."

"Okay, it's just a little thing, it's not enough for you to be a cow and a horse for me. In the next few years, I need you to learn your professional knowledge well. When you have time, go to Xingkong Aerospace for an internship. And in the future, if you have an idea for warship design, you can email me and we can discuss it." Chen Qiang said with a smile, but he also accepted Bai Xinyuan's bow.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, I must study hard." Chen Qiang's words meant that Bai Xinyuan had already entered the Star Group, and it was a default decision.

"Okay, you can go out. Next, Zhang Jian will take you to Xingkong Aerospace to go through the formalities, and then take you to your house in Xingkong City." Chen Qiang waved his hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen." Bai Xinyuan didn't think that he would have a house before he joined the job. This was very good news for him.

Although Bai Xinyuan was much more sensible than others since he was a child, at this moment he still showed his child's heart, and after leaving the office, he said to Zhang Jian who was waiting: "Mr. Zhang, I passed, and I will be your colleague from now on. "

"Boy, let's go. I'll take you to Xingkong Aerospace to go through some procedures." Zhang Jian's child is now a senior in high school and will enter Xingkong University this year, so he still has a good impression of Bai Xinyuan.

Perhaps there will always be geniuses in the world. After Bai Xinyuan left, Chen Qiang began to look at the battleship design in detail. Although it is very rough, and the design of many places is not very clear, but the main torso is still there, and the idea is very good. If this picture is completed, this battleship can be directly manufactured. Although Chen Qiang has this idea, but now is not the time, because the manufacture of this kind of space warship must be carried out in space, and the main task of the starting point factory area is to manufacture the second-generation space shuttle, so there is no energy to do it at all this matter.

Although Chen Qiang couldn't put it down with this design, he still reluctantly locked it in the cabinet and didn't look at him. What he has to focus on now is the next auction. He wanted to see if there was anything he needed on this meteorite. After unlocking all his memories, he discovered that the cell activation liquid he had configured now has nine levels in memory, and what he is currently configuring is only the first one. It's one level, and what makes Chen Qiang uncomfortable is that he thinks that the top-notch cell activation solution can't be ranked in this level at all, and it only has 50% of the effect of the full version.

As for some other raw materials, he also looked for them on the earth, but he didn't know, so he pinned his hopes on places other than the earth. So this time Chen Qiang attached great importance to this meteorite, because when he saw this meteorite, he felt his eyelids beating, and he thought that there might be a miracle.

The auction arrived soon, and Anderson arrived at the venue early in the day. The president of the Star Group, this is a very eye-catching identity, so no matter where Anderson goes, there are people who get close to him, but he has a lot of contacts on this occasion, so it is easy for him to deal with it.

The Australian Aerospace Corporation put the venue of this auction in a big shell in Sydney, so the security force around the entire shell on this day is three circles from the left and three circles from the right. The three kilometers around any big shell in Sydney are directly under martial law. It's not that the Australian government made a big fuss, but that the people who came to participate in the auction this time are too honorable. The patriarchs of various families, as well as the British royal family, also came. There is no room for sloppyness.

The auction has started, and the auction will be broadcast live. Seeing this scene, Chen Qiang secretly thought that it was so. The power of wealth is enough to make people lose their minds, and those who have lost their minds this time will become the first sacrifices in human history to open up space. This is beyond doubt.

The successful capture by the Australian Aerospace Corporation had a certain element of luck in it, and from the perspective of the operation of the space shuttle, the three Erics who piloted the space shuttle at that time should be the ace pilots of the army, otherwise none of them Shuttle pilots fly the shuttle as if it were a fighter jet.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am the auction host of this auction. My name is Abby. Let's not talk nonsense and go straight to the first lot." Abby is the only one in the world who owns white gloves The host of the auction, so many people here know him.

The hostess lady was blond, with a graceful figure, dressed hotly but did not attract anyone's attention. Everyone present looked at the tray held by the hostess.

"Okay, this is our first auction, a small meteorite knocked off from the meteorite we captured, this piece of material we have tested has never been found on our earth, and now the bidding starts at one million dollars. "Unexpectedly, Abby's statement did not incite the atmosphere present. In fact, it's not that he forgot, but that he can't do it. The people who are participating in the auction at this venue are not easy to provoke.


"1.6 million."

"1.8 million."

The numbers are growing very small, and it seems that the entire venue is still in the stage of testing each other.

"Anderson, buy it and announce to everyone in the venue that I like these mysterious things in outer space, Star Group can give you a good price." Chen Qiang heard that it was a substance that had never existed on Earth, So he sold it decisively. In fact, he has commissioned people to buy meteorites all over the world these years, but after spending a lot of money, there is nothing he needs, so he doesn't mind throwing a little money in.

"I'll offer 10 million dollars." Anderson directly increased the price to 10 million dollars on the basis of 5.6 million dollars.

"Mr. Anderson, President of Starry Sky Group, bid 10 million US dollars. Is there any higher bid? The first bid, the second bid, and the third bid were sold." Abby directly dropped the hammer, which meant that this was the first time An auction is sold.

At this time Anderson stood up and said: "Thank you for your humility, you also know that our Star Group has been committed to developing space, and our President Chen is also a little curious about these things from space, so I plan to buy them for our President Chen After all, he is my boss." What a miserable thing to say, as if he would be dismissed if he couldn't win this lot this time.

"Wow, 10 million dollars is just to please the boss. This is what the president of the Star Group can do."

"Besides, Anderson's annual salary is 300 million US dollars, which is after tax. This amount of money is nothing in his eyes."

"Okay, now we are selling the second lot. Please watch the big screen this time, because the lot is really a bit big, so we can only show it to you through video." Abby directly stepped aside and let the following You guys can see it more clearly.

"This time we captured a meteorite with a diameter of 30 meters and a volume of 5,000 tons. We used ten space shuttles to actually transport this time. This is a relatively small piece, about one ton. According to our The composition of this meteorite is 40% gold, and the purity is very high. The rest are some precious metals. Now the auction starts, and the starting price is 10 million U.S. dollars," Abby also said at the right time when playing the video He introduced that after the video was played, he directly announced the starting price, and here he also played a word game, just saying that the meteorite is 40% gold, and the other ingredients are only rare metals, and the present That one is not a human being, so I can still hear it.

Maybe the Australian Aerospace Corporation also knew that they couldn't fool most people, so they directly set the starting price at 10 million U.S. dollars, and the price of four kilograms of gold was 1.4 billion Chinese dollars, which is 20 million U.S. dollars. . So as long as the commemorative value is not counted, as long as the final transaction price is less than 20 million US dollars, even if the rest of the meteorite is all iron, then they still make money. Of course, everyone present understands this simple truth, so now it depends on who has the courage to bet on the remaining 60%, if there is a metal that is very precious on earth, then it will be a big profit up.

"Fifteen million dollars." Sure enough, many people present were willing to gamble.

"Twenty million dollars."

The price calls in the whole venue kept coming and going, making people watching the live broadcast feel that the money is actually worthless. In just three minutes, the price of this meteorite soared to 80 million U.S. dollars. This is an astronomical figure for ordinary people, but it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the people present. Maybe in their eyes, they just bought a stock for this little money, but the viewers in the live broadcast room were really shocked. And those who planned to go to space to fight for a fortune made up their minds after seeing this scene.

Five minutes later the second lot sold for $120 million. The buyer was a local tycoon in the Emirates, who directly set a record for the transaction price of single-item auctions in the world.

The third lot was still played on video, but this time the meteorite had a volume of five tons, and 80% of it was gold. Basically, the price of this lot has been determined, about 200 million, and the remaining 20% ​​can be gambled, but the risk is too high. Although there are a ton of other materials, the starting price has reached 150 million US dollars, if the transaction price is calculated according to the increase of the second lot, it will reach more than one billion US dollars.

In fact, some were willing to gamble. The one who got the meteorite was the Brunei royal family, who directly won the meteorite at a price of 1.35 billion. Of course, this amount of funds does not put any pressure on the Brunei royal family, which is worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

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