Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 316 Resident Evil

Chen Qiang doesn't know how Lei Jun got into this situation, but now he needs to minimize the loss of the whole society. So he decisively called Zhang Jian: "Zhang Jian, seal everyone in Starry Sky City to me. They can only enter but not get out. Also, if you find anyone behaving abnormally, kill them on the spot and tell everyone in Starry Sky City It's very dangerous now, everyone enters the virtual cabin, don't walk around outside. And you bring a group of elites to surround me with the Starry Sky Hospital. If anyone who comes out is found, I will kill them on the spot. Remember that this includes me .”

"Yes, Mr. Chen." Zhang Jian did not expect that Chen Qiang would issue such an order, and it seemed that something serious had happened.

Chen Qiang did not end his call. Because he needs the country to disperse everyone around Starry Sky City, and then surround Starry Sky City to ensure that no extra infected bodies enter other places.

"Chen Qiang, what's the matter?" They used to contact Chen Qiang, but this time Chen Qiang contacted him, so it was very strange.

"I need the country to surround the Starry Sky City, and no creature is allowed to leave the Starry Sky City, including me, and just shoot down any aircraft that leave the Starry Sky City." Chen Qiang didn't talk nonsense, what is needed now is time.

"What, what happened in Starry Sky City." He didn't expect Chen Qiang to make such a request, and his first thought now was that something big happened.

"Virus, a very special virus, there is only one case in our Star City, but I'm not sure if other people are infected." After Chen Qiang finished speaking, he pointed the camera at Lei Jun who was planing glass.

"Okay, I understand. The country will complete all deployments in half an hour." Seeing Mr. Lei on the screen, he knows that something has happened. The country must minimize the impact of this incident, otherwise the public will They have an emotional breakdown, and even the country can't help it.

After arranging all this, Chen Qiang looked at George Wittig who was still standing beside him and asked, "Do you think Resident Evil will really come?"

"It won't come, it won't come, I have studied this kind of bacteria, its infection route is definitely not airborne, I think it should be bloodborne, and this kind of bacteria has traces of man-made, its Nucleic acid is not stable." George Wittig breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Chen Qiang's arrangement, because he didn't want to become a sinner of mankind.

"Then do you think the cell activation solution can cure him?" Chen Qiang looked at Lei Jun inside, and his heart ached, because he regretted it now. If he hadn't seen Lei Jun's leadership ability, the person in front of him He is still a domestic business leader, and his life is very happy.

While Chen Qiang and George Wittig were staring at Lei Jun and talking, the country and Xingkong City took collective action. In particular, Starry Sky City immediately cut off all communications to the outside world, and turned on the protective device at full power, which can prevent bacteria from going to the outside world.

"Residents and travelers of Starry Sky City, now I want to announce that there may be a kind of super germ lurking in Starry Sky City, and its effect will cover human neurons. In the end, it will become a zombie that you saw in the movie, So now I announce that Starry Sky City will close all exits, and now everyone enters their room and enters the virtual cabin. Don’t worry, Starry Sky security will be on duty 24 hours a day. Of course, don’t panic. Remember that this is a special period, and it’s a disaster for people. Shoot and kill on the spot." Chen Shun was very dignified when he said this, and all the security guards in the starry sky were thrown out, and these people were holding a kind of firearm that looked like a submachine gun in their hands, but the barrel of this firearm But relatively short.

Many people in Starry Sky City panicked, they didn't expect that they would experience the end of the world. So many people's spirits were broken. Of course, some rational people entered the virtual cabin directly according to Starry Sky City's instructions. Of course, some people fished in troubled waters and wanted to enjoy their lives in their last moments.

"Damn it, it's the end of the day now. It's time to teach that bitch a lesson. I haven't shown any signs of chasing her for so long." After drinking a bottle of beer, a man in a suit stood up and walked to the next door s room.

"Ah, Qin Kan, why did you come in? Didn't you hear the official information? Do you want to die?" The woman looked beautiful, but her mouth was not good.

"Smelly bitch, I brought you here specially to Starry Sky City. Don't you know why I brought you here? I've followed you for a year. Even a pig knows what I want. Now it's the end of the world. Now. Since they are all dead, shouldn't you give me an explanation." As he spoke, Qin Kan rushed forward and began to tear the woman's clothes.

"Qin Kan, be normal. Didn't we agree to give it to you when we got married?" The woman also began to resist. For Qin Kan, she was just looking for a long-term meal ticket, and she was cowardly after looking for it. The honest-looking Qin Kan is his target.

"Liu Ying, do you think I don't know about the fact that you went in and out of the hotel with which rich second generation? I haven't missed you in this year, do you think it's appropriate for you to treat me like this? Now it's time for your retribution." Watching Qin Kan tear off the last piece of clothing.

But just as Qin Kan moved further, the appointed Liu Ying suddenly felt a heavy body pressing on him, and then a team of security guards wearing starry sky security uniforms entered the room and took Qin Kan out.

This is happening all over Star City, and all of them are tourists. The aborigines of Starry Sky City had corresponding measures when Chen Qiang built Starry Sky City. He knew that such a situation was inevitable, so he directly installed virtual cabins in each family for free, and this virtual cabin was also a part of the whole process. The final protective shield. Before the residents of Starry Sky City entered, the security personnel of the Starry Sky Group had already repeatedly poured the role of the virtual cabin into the minds of the aborigines.

The speed of the country's side is also very fast, especially the projection of troops. Within 20 minutes, the country actually deployed a group of troops around Starry Sky City and established defensive facilities. And the country's Second Artillery has also been pulled out. If the situation is critical, the country must completely wipe Star City from the earth, otherwise the consequences of the spread of the virus will be very dangerous and unbearable.

The mobilization of such a huge troop force cannot be hidden from all countries in the world, but the explanation from the Ministry of National Defense is a linkage with the security company of Starry Sky City, but no one is a fool. You must know that the outside world has no way to contact Starry Sky City. For the tourists inside, it is impossible to cut off the external communication in one linkage.

"Chen Qiang, what happened has really reached the point of sealing off the whole city." Mu Bing and some executives of Xingkong Group came to Xingkong Hospital, and saw Chen Qiang and George Wittig staring at the front and then far away asked.

"Look for yourself." Chen Qiang pointed to Lei Jun to show Mou Bing.

"Ah." Mu Bing was taken aback when he saw it, and the executives who came with Mu Bing were also trembling with fright.

"Don't be afraid. You should be glad that there is only such a case. If it really reaches the point of biochemical crisis, we will really have something to do. We will become the sinners of the world." Chen Qiang said with a sigh.

At this time, Zhang Jian also rushed over to report: "Mr. Chen, after the blockade is over, the government has also surrounded Starry Sky City. I activated the highest authority of Starry Sky City and directly cut off the communication channel between Starry Sky City and the outside world. Can't even send out the radio."

"That's good, is there anyone making trouble?" Chen Qiang looked at Lei Jun and asked with a smile.

"Yes, we killed thirty-three people." When Zhang Jian said this, there was a murderous look in it. But all the people present were stunned, because they really killed people, and there were still thirty-three people. These are living beings.

"That's good. Let me continue with the order now. Everyone must enter the virtual cabin. When the time comes, you will send a team to force those who have not entered the virtual cabin to force me in. That is our last line of defense. Someone died." Chen Qiang sighed.

"Yes, Mr. Chen." Zhang Jian tapped his virtual bracelet a few times after speaking.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now." Zhang Tao asked in a trembling voice.

"What else can I do? Do your best and obey the destiny. Zhang Jian, bring ten people in with me, and inject the high-level cell activation solution into Lei Jun." Chen Qiang stood up after speaking, picked up the silver box beside him and said.

"Yes, I'll call someone over right now." Zhang Jian didn't hesitate at all, because he knew that he couldn't refuse. This was a catastrophe for the Star Group, and as a senior executive of the Star Group, he had his own obligation to complete this matter.

"Chen Qiang, you still don't want to go in, it's too dangerous inside." Mu Bing directly pulled Chen Qiang's arm and said.

"Go back, take care of the elderly and children at home, and bring Serena home." Chen Qiang touched Mu Bing's head. Then he said softly. This is something he provoked, and he doesn't want anyone to be sacrificed. Even after so many years, he still has the kind of mentality of being a little rich. He doesn't like to take on too big things, but sometimes he has to.

"You guys go back too, or you won't be able to get out later." Chen Qiang looked at Anderson and the others behind him and said.

"Boss, you can't abandon me, I want to stay here, I believe you will succeed." Anderson directly chose to stay, he had to stay by Chen Qiang's side.

Except for Anderson, everyone left under Chen Qiang's gaze. In fact, they also wanted to stay, but as the boss, Chen Qiang didn't stay because he knew that there were not many people needed here. And next, he needs to stay in this place for a while, and then study the germs clearly.

"Zhang Jian, five people go in with me, and the remaining five watch the door for me, don't let Sui Sui get out." Chen Qiang stopped talking nonsense, saw Zhang Jian brought people over, and ordered directly.

"Yes, the four of you will go in with me, and the remaining five will guard the door." Zhang Jian ordered a few strong young men and said.

"You still have a chance to go back on your word. If you get bitten when you go in, you can only stay inside." Chen Qiang looked at the four young men following Zhang Jian and said.

"Mr. Chen, we have brothers in our family. We know the danger this time, otherwise we wouldn't come back." A rather handsome young man said.

"Not bad, young man, this is good news. As long as you come out safely, you will get 100,000 star coins." Chen Qiang liked this optimistic young man very much.

"Then thank you, Mr. Chen." The young man was a little shy.

"Let's go," Chen Qiang said, pushing away them, and then walked in. The five Zhang Jian also went in, and Georg Wittig went in together. As a doctor, he needs to pay attention to the patient's condition at all times.

Maybe the zombie Lei Jun asked something, rushed directly from the ward to the living room, and rushed to where Chen Qiang was. Seeing this, Zhang Jian rushed forward with four people to fight the zombies. The zombies are very powerful, and even these elite star security guards who have undergone strict training and have taken cell activation fluid cannot subdue them by themselves.

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