Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 339 Stealing

Time passed quickly, and the end of the year was reached in a blink of an eye, and Star Group also began its most leisurely time. Because Star Group has more than 100,000 employees this year, the task for the group headquarters is still relatively heavy, and the allocation of benefits for more than 100,000 people is a big problem.

However, the production of the starting point space station and the construction of the moon base did not stop, because the battleship designed by Bai Xinyuan will enter the substantive production stage in another year, and the production of the entire battleship will take half a year. Moreover, the Mars transformation plan will enter the implementation stage next year, which will require a large number of Star series space shuttles, and the current production capacity of the Qidian space station is not enough, so Qidian plans to adopt a new construction method during this period.

Although the new construction method directly subverts the traditional construction mode, it takes a longer time to run in because of the subversion of the cooperation between the construction departments of all countries, and this method of using programming bacteria to build warships may require A very large strain container, the construction of this container is not easy, so Chen Jun has been busy with this matter during this time.

For this reason, 30% of the research institutes in the Starry Sky Research Institute have gone to the starting point space station, so this year's Starry Sky City is not as lively as in previous years, but there are still some popular night scenes every year.

"Abby, get ready, we need to pass through this thousand-meter passage in ten seconds." In an apartment in front of the research building of the Starry Sky Research Institute, a white man held up a telescope and said.

"Pike, this distance is no problem for us now. I really don't understand why you are so careful." A young woman hiding in the dark said dissatisfied.

"Don't be careless, Star Group is not as simple as our investigation, and we are not gods, we will die too." The man said cautiously.

"We are not the only group that is acting tonight, so we don't have to be afraid at all. Besides, with our current capabilities, no matter how much technology the Star Group has, we should have no problem running out." Abby is actually a very careful person. The back road has been laid out for a few days.

"I don't care how those idiots plan to get in, but we must be cautious. I still want to go back alive to see my daughter." Parker was a little depressed.

"Not bad, which little guy is really like an elf, if we go back alive this time, can I be the mother of the little guy." Abby also had some nostalgia.

"Of course, the little guy likes you quite a lot. In fact, I think it's good to have someone who disciplines her at home." Pike said after putting the binoculars on, glanced at his watch, and threw a bag to Abby.

As an experimental subject, they should not have any emotions, otherwise it will affect the entire mission. This is what they learned in the training class. Pike couldn't remember how many classmates in front of him left and never came back. He was originally one of them, but a cold made him escape all of them.

In this period, a total of 30 people participated in the experiment, and only eight people survived, which is an extremely low number. And it was his daughter, his angelic daughter, who made him survive such great pain. He needs to give his daughter a good environment, but he just got divorced, and his wife took away all the property in the family, so he needs a huge sum of money to treat his daughter. The recovery medicine in the United States is really too expensive. He finally bought a relatively cheap recovery medicine from the black market, but the hospital told him that the recovery medicine can only temporarily suppress the disease and cannot completely cure it. It needs to be operated on, but the operation fee is too expensive, even if he sells the house, he is still far behind.

So he participated in this secret experiment, as long as he signed the contract, he could get a large sum of money, and his daughter would be saved. He hasn't seen his daughter since he entered the experimental stage, and this is also his choice, he must go down.

So on the night of the New Year's Eve, eight innovators from the United States started to act. These people's skills are very sensitive, and at the moment of video surveillance, they have already left the detection area of ​​the video, and they began to fly towards their target area.

But they still miscalculated, even though they escaped the so-called cameras, they did not escape the surveillance of Starry Sky: "Warning, your authority is not enough to enter this area, please leave quickly." The bodies of the eight reformers froze immediately, But then they continued to rush forward. Their mission was to steal the technical documents of Star Group. In their opinion, the time for Star Security to come over was enough.

So they directly crossed the guardrail and began to enter the interior of the company and the research institute, but they did not expect that there were still people on duty here so late. The starry sky security personnel who received the alarm also rushed over here. They saw that things couldn't go well today, so they rushed up directly. But they obviously underestimated the security capabilities of Xingkong Security. After eight of them lost three of them in the hands of Xingkong Group's security, everyone knew that these people were not easy to mess with, so they chose to retreat directly.

However, they obviously underestimated the security capabilities of some important buildings in Starry Sky City. As a result, the five escaped bumped into an electric wall generated by an electric current. Although their bodies have been transformed, they are still mortals with the naked eye, so they can't resist the strong current of tens of thousands of volts, and they are all stunned by the shock.

While Chen Qiang was eating dumplings with Chen's parents, Chen's mother and Mu Bing's parents, the alarm device on his bracelet started to ring.

"Dad, Mom, you first have to eat that Starry Sky Group has been invaded. I'll go over and take a look." Chen Qiang didn't expect that at this time, someone would break into Starry Sky Group and Starry Sky Research Institute, and even Starry Sky University was attacked at this time. invasion.

"Mr. Chen, we have completed the arrest. The three of them were subdued by our security personnel, and the remaining five and eight were stunned by the last electric protection device." built phone.

"Do you know who they are?" Chen Qiang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that these people had been released from security.

"I don't know for now, but their physical fitness is very strong, almost on par with our security personnel. If it is not because their experience in fighting the enemy is not high enough, our security personnel may fall into their hands." Zhang Jian's slightly embarrassing voice came from Chen Qiang's phone.

"Oh? Then bring them to the conference room of the group company, and we'll have a good look at these people." Chen Qiang was immediately interested when he heard that these people's physical fitness was very high. You must know that all the staff of Xingkong Security have taken intermediate cells The activating fluid, their physical fitness is very strong, but now there are people with the same physical fitness as the security guards of Starry Sky Security, which makes him a little interested. He really wants to know how these people have such strong physical fitness. And he also had a guess in his mind.

The anti-gravity flying car soon arrived at the Star Group headquarters building. Chen Qiang walked directly into the elevator and rode to the meeting room on the 13th floor, while Zhang Jian was already waiting outside the meeting room.

"Mr. Chen, it may take some time for them to wake up, but according to their appearance, these people may come from the United States." Zhang Jian quickly explained that he felt that the sky was about to fall now, and such strict security measures made these people Going so deep, if it weren't for the alarm from the starry sky, they wouldn't even be aware of it. This is his negligence.

"It's not surprising that you come from the United States. Zhang Jian, you go and send someone to the laboratory to get a few syringes, and collect some of these people's blood for me. I will study it later." Chen Qiang looked at it after entering the conference room Seeing the eight people who were tied up like rice dumplings, they said.

"Mr. Chen, you are saying that their bodies have been transformed. Then Mr. Chen, we must transfer these people to the laboratory, otherwise these people will carry some viruses in their bodies and the entire group headquarters will be useless." Zhang Jianyi After listening to Chen Qiang's instructions, he hurriedly said that Lei Jun's change last time scared him half to death.

"Yes, you should also pay attention and transfer them to my laboratory." Chen Qiang agreed to Zhang Jian's suggestion after thinking about the previous incident. The grid filter defense system that is only used in the laboratory now can be said that all the air exhausted from the laboratory must pass through the filter of the grid, and this grid can intercept 99% of microorganisms. Of course, turning on this system is also very energy-consuming, and it is generally not turned on.

So Zhang Jian led the security guards to transfer these eight people to Chen Qiang's laboratory. Because of the danger of these people, Zhang Jian did not leave the laboratory, but waited for Chen Qiang's research and interrogation.

"Wake up, don't pretend, your biomagnetic field is under my test, and don't bite the capsule in your mouth, if it spreads, you will be the sinners of mankind." The chair looked at this calmly. Eight, and although what he said was in Chinese, Xingkong translated it into English.

"Chen Qiang, chairman of the Star Group, it seems that we are still very important." Parker opened his eyes directly.

"Yes, you are really good. I didn't expect you to survive that experiment and successfully evolve your body, but you are too eager. If you train for a while to fully control the power in your body, You are very likely to succeed." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"Didn't we still lose?" Abby also opened her eyes and said.

"These are not important, but what I want to know is how much you know about this experiment." Chen Qiang asked directly.

"I don't know much. We only know that this experiment is called the Super Soldier Project. There are as many as a thousand people participating in the experiment. We are the twenty-fifth batch, with 30 people in each batch, and the eight of us are our group. Someone who will be successful in the future." Pike now knew that no matter what he did, it would be useless, so he replied calmly. Since there is no way to escape, it is better to cooperate seriously.

"Have you seen Resident Evil, the T virus in it is the same as what you inject into your body." Chen Qiang had a faint smile on his face. He had already investigated the identities of these eight people through the starry sky, and the results of the investigation surprised him. None of them were born purely in the army, all of them came from people who were forced by life in society, so he didn't want to eliminate these people, because he felt that these people still had some conscience.

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