Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 353 The Second Technology Fair

Things went smoothly unexpectedly, and the principal of Xing Kong University was also found. This time, Chen Qiang felt that his harvest was very good.

"The principal has been found." Seeing Chen Qiang's happy face, Mu Bing, who was making the bed, asked.

"I found it, guess who it is." Chen Qiang asked mischievously as he walked into the bathroom to wash.

"It can't be the teacher's wife." Mu Bing asked a little uncertainly,

"How do you know?" Chen Qiang looked at Mu Bing in surprise and asked with toothpaste in his mouth.

"It's really a teacher's wife, how did you pass the test of the teacher." Mu Bing asked with great interest.

"My man, your charm is great enough, I have subdued him with domineering aura, my wife, please celebrate." Chen Qiang walked over and was about to kiss Mou Bing's face with a mouth full of toothpaste.

"Go and wash up, your mouth is full of ointment." Mu Bing pushed Chen Qiang's big face and then got into the bed with his confidant and buried himself in the quilt.

The next day, the news and resume of the new president of Star University were announced on Star City City and Star University's official website, and Star University's admission prospectus and time for this year were also announced on Star University's official website.

"Wu Lanfen, who is this? He's still a super teacher."

"Would it be a little uncomfortable for a high school principal to suddenly become a university principal?"

"Probably not, Boss Chen probably won't let Xingkong University decline."

"It feels very unreliable."

"I heard from those expelled students that there is a Star Academy in Star University, which is the foundation of Star University, and these students were used as a cover in the past." Such a message suddenly appeared on the Internet, and spread It's very fast.

"No way, Boss Chen wouldn't do such a thing, he's joking about the future of more than 10,000 children."

"Nothing is impossible, and I have also heard the news. The most important thing is that the students in the third year of high school in Star City last year all directly entered Star University."

The public opinion seems to be getting stronger and stronger. Chen Qiang did not expect that the news about Starry Sky City would come again, and the most important thing is that the public opinion of this word seems to be very strong, basically reaching the point where everyone is discussing it. Parents of many students even left messages under the official website of Xingkong University, hoping to give them a fair explanation.

But at this time, Chen Qiang didn't care about these people's thoughts at all. Anyone with a little brain could see that someone was directing behind this storm, so he directly chose to ignore it. But I didn't expect that ignoring these people would make these people completely succumbed to a star university, so they intensified, and this time directly angered Chen Qiang.

So Starry Sky University's official website directly released such a message: From now on, Starry Sky University will stop recruiting external students, and the source of students for Starry Sky University will come from Starry Sky Orphanages and local students from Starry Sky City in the future. So some time ago, the admissions brochure was announced to be invalid, and I hope that this year's candidates can enter a school of their choice.

All of a sudden, the whole society is confused, whether it is the parents who want an explanation or the promoters behind it. What is even more confusing is that various countries and companies that need graduates from Xingkong University, because many technologies are now available. Students who graduated from Star University need to interpret, otherwise their research team will not be able to understand the entire technology. But there are too few talents, and many companies simply cannot grab them. Originally, they placed their hopes on this year's students, but after finding a few students, they found that they couldn't compare at all, so they were still looking forward to the next year's students, but they announced that they would not recruit students from the society again. This is a bolt from the blue for many companies.

"Chen Qiang, do you know the impact of this announcement on the whole world? The world needs talents trained by your Starry Sky University." The Great Elder is very angry now.

"Great Elder, since you know this, why did you do that? Those people are cheap, thinking that they can master everything. Now that the whole world is under the threat of zombie virus, they don't want to think about how to do it. Resisting these viruses has caused a lot of people to create a bloodbath on the Internet. I don’t want to play anymore, I don’t have any time or energy.” Chen Qiang said directly.

"But do you know that the phone calls at the Ministry of Education are about to explode, and you should understand the feelings of the people." The Great Elder tried hard to persuade.

"No need for the elders, the Star Group now has tens of thousands of orphanages in various places, with nearly four million children. At least these children will not become white-eyed wolves. Tell those families, next week's technology transaction I don't want to see them in the meeting." Chen Qiang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Oh." The Great Elder was also very helpless at this time.

Starry Sky City once again regained its calm, but the outside public opinion was still so hot, this time it was divided into two factions. One faction thinks that the Star Group is now inflated, while the other thinks that it is all the parents themselves. If they don’t join the ranks of public opinion, and don’t go to the Star Group website and the Star University website to ask for the so-called statement, it’s no good. To make Boss Chen so angry, they must have forgotten that Boss Chen is always a person who doesn't want to rub the sand in his eyes.

Although the world is chaotic, Starry Sky City is still as calm as water, and all work is proceeding in an orderly manner. The Star Group's second technology trading conference was held in the gymnasium of Star University. This time, the Star Group traded a total of 9,500 pieces of technology and more than 50,000 patents. deal size. However, many of the technologies traded this time will not be traded to private companies and can only be purchased by the state.

However, there is a technology in the whole fair that is completely open and free of charge, that is, energy utilization technology, that is, how to export the energy in energy coins and then use it in every aspect of life. Seeing this technology, everyone understands the idea of ​​Star Group. Now the energy coins in the world have reached 500 billion pieces, and no one circulates them at all. But now it is different. With this technology, energy coins can circulated. And the energy coins in circulation will become real currency, which has a great effect on the preservation of star coins.

"Mr. Chen, Xingkong University really doesn't recruit students anymore, so what should our companies do?" Lao Ma had already obtained the technology he wanted, so he went to chat with Chen Qiang directly.

"You don't want to be cheap and good-looking. Those three astrophysics students are all in your pocket. During this period of time, interstellar spaceflight has made a lot of money. What is there for you to be dissatisfied with?" Chen Qiang rolled his eyes at the old horse and said .

"But what's the use of having money but no technology? I need talents now. How about some from the Star Group?" Lao Ma asked with a smile.

"You dare to dig people from the Star Group, believe it or not, it will annex your interstellar space." Chen Qiang also replied with a smile.

"That's just right. Interstellar spaceflight is really profitable during this time, and many jealous people have paid for it. If it weren't for the shield of the Starry Sky Biological Charity Fund, I am afraid that the interstellar spaceflight will be swallowed up and there will be nothing left. .” The old horse said dryly.

"These families have lost a lot due to the outbreak of the zombie virus. They are all recovering now, and the best way to recover is through mergers and acquisitions through various means. As the brightest future field, they must participate in the aerospace field. Go in, Interstellar Aerospace and Pearl Aerospace are the earliest and largest private aerospace companies in China, and there is nothing wrong with your attention." Chen Qiang picked up a glass of water and took a sip.

"I'm serious, Chen Qiang, let's annex Interstellar Space. I'm really sad now. You know that our take-off will be hindered now. Sometimes I really want to sell them directly, but I can't bear it." Lao Ma Scratching his head in pain.

"No, the Star Group can't expand now, and the Star Group simply doesn't have the power to integrate interstellar space, and I can't trust the people in the interstellar space. Why don't I give you a few hangars at the Star Airport, and then sell them I will give you a Xingchen space shuttle, and you can travel to the moon." Chen Qiang thought for a while before saying.

"You can have this, but now we have twenty-five space shuttles in Interstellar Space, the Starry Sky Airport can't stop there." Lao Ma also knew the capacity of the Starry Sky Airport, so he asked hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter. There are not many space shuttles launched by Star Group now. It's just for some exchanges and it doesn't have the same intensity as before. You can just settle in. But I have a request, and I sold it to you. Xingchen is good, the space shuttle cannot be sold to anyone, you can only use it as a means of transportation for the earth and the moon." Chen Qiang also expressed his own conditions.

"That's no problem. Although I'm afraid of death, I still know what it means to be dead. The earth is our root. If we leave the region, human beings will have no roots. I won't leave." The old horse was silent for a while before Said.

"It's good that you know, but if you want to leave, Star Group's moon base can give you a house, but obviously you missed it." Chen emphasized with a smile.

"It seems that I'm really at a loss. In the black market, the qualification of a lunar immigrant has been fired to a price of one billion star coins. This makes me a little bit unbearable, but there is still a price but no market." The old horse smacked his lips, it seems that he is still a little interested.

"That's it, but I would like to advise you, you should hurry up and transform. Here is a set of dragon and tiger body training techniques. Although it is not a complete version, it is still very effective in allowing you to survive the virus infection. This set of exercises I also plan to announce it, you are practicing now, it is very easy to learn and you have practiced Tai Chi before, so you should learn it quickly." Chen Qiang sent a video to Lao Ma as he said.

The old horse clicked on it and saw the shadow of Tai Chi, so he couldn't help wondering: "Why is it called such a name?"

"Wu Wudi chose it, so don't worry too much about a name." Chen Qiang waved his hand to express that he didn't care, he didn't feel anything anyway.

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