Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 369 Killing the King Level

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This is something that no one can change. It has been more than three months since the infection area was opened, and according to official statistics, more than 10,000 people have stayed in the infection area. No one would believe that these people were all killed by zombies or mutated animals. Sometimes people's hearts are the most unpredictable thing in this world.

On Jiangnan Road, the infected area of ​​Bangzi Country, a team of more than 20 people was confronting a leopard. There was no such monster in Bangzi Country, so the leopard the team was facing ran out of the zoo.

"No, you can't kill it, it's not harmful." A woman stood in front of the team and said loudly.

"Su Ruoxuan, remember that it is a livestock, one day it will turn all of us into food." A man with a cold face said directly.

"Ji Ruifeng, what are you waiting here? Our team is ready. If you don't do it, then we will do it first. You must know that the strength of this leopard has reached the third level. Looking at this situation, it will soon We will break through to the fourth level, and then we will really be unable to leave, and all of us in the infected area will be buried here." A man with a frivolous smile did not hide his possessiveness towards Su Ruoxuan at all.

"Sun Yuquan, shut your stinky mouth for me. This is our team's business. Why do you meddle in it? Isn't it just because you are a member of the Sun family? Is the Sun family very powerful? If you have the ability to kill yourself Ah." Ji Ruifeng also looked impatient, if it weren't for the entanglement of the person in front of him, such a thing would not have happened.

"Ruifeng, just listen to me, okay, let the leopard go, it saved my life." Su Ruoxuan had a pleading look on her face.

Just when Ji Ruifeng was hesitating, the situation suddenly changed, and the leopard sprinted towards the team of twenty.

"Ruoxuan, be careful." Ji Ruifeng quickly reminded, but it was too late, Su Ruoxuan's neck had already been bitten off by a leopard, and her eyes were full of disbelief when she was already dead.

"Call me." Ji Ruifeng's eyes were full of madness. Su Ruoxuan was his fiancée, and he promised to go back and get married after this exploration, but now everything has become a dream.

"Roar." Immediately after biting off Su Ruoxuan's neck, the leopard yelled loudly several times, and its body was frantically dodging the incoming bullets. What shocked everyone even more was that all the bullets fired at the leopard were bounced off. return.

"Ji Ruifeng, this leopard has entered the fourth rank and has become the king. We need to retreat quickly." Sun Yuquan didn't care about any beauties at this time. of.

"There is no chance. The leopard's yelling just now may be calling for reinforcements. Now our only chance is to kill this leopard. Our team is the main attacker, and you guys go around and attack the leopard's abdomen. Use your contact channel to report to the military department, saying that we have encountered a king-level mutant creature." Ji Ruifeng was very clear-headed at this time, and hurriedly arranged.

"Yes, I think we can get out alive." Sun Yuquan didn't show any hypocrisy at this time, and directly agreed. This is a matter of life and death, and he can't be careless.

The advance base located on the banks of the Yalu River received a piece of information and a coordinate ahead. This is definitely very bad news for the advance base.

"Order, the third brigade immediately rush to the coordinate location, be sure to kill the king-level creatures, and use nuclear bombs to attack if necessary." Qin Tian immediately issued the order after receiving the news. He could not hesitate anymore. As the sixth star group Level employees are very aware of the destructive power of king level creatures. The cost of the establishment of Australia's Death King City was nearly 100,000 casualties, and he didn't want his advance base to become the second Death King City.


"Quick, quick, get on the plane with that good weapon, we don't have much time." A very tall man stood in an airport and roared at the soldiers who were running forward.

"Old Shen, what kind of battle do you think this time? All our brigades have been dispatched, and I saw that the brigade leader was holding a silver box in his hand, which is the key to the nuclear bomb." After sitting down, a soldier He said to his comrades beside him.

"Don't think about it, there shouldn't be any major problems. Maybe this time we will sweep up a larger area." The comrade who was closing his eyes and resting his mind just said this.

"Now assign a combat mission. The target of this combat mission is a king-level mutant creature. The target is a leopard, which may have the characteristics of high speed." After hearing this news, all the soldiers were dumbfounded. Is this the king-level creature? Can you handle it?

But the bounden duty of soldiers is to obey orders, and the troops they adapted as star security have always been sharp knives of the military department, and they also have their own pride. It's good to have fear in your heart, but if you show it, don't hang out with this team, so everyone is very serious about this task, and the seriousness on their faces is also very deep.

"Each team is a unit. As long as you find the target, report it immediately. Don't try your best. There are also king-level creatures who will form their own forces. Be careful." The captain said to all the soldiers when the plane was about to reach its destination. They all said such a sentence, he has seen the power of a king-level creature before, and the place was in the city of Wang Wang. At that time, he was an officer guarding the city wall and witnessed the scene of Mr. He will never forget the experience in his life.

The news of the emergence of king-level mutated creatures in the infected area of ​​Bangzi Country was quickly passed on to the headquarters in Starry Sky City. It means that the time for the virus outbreak is almost here.

"Mr. Chen, we should send people from the Dragon Tooth Troop to support the third battalion. Otherwise, if the third battalion confronts the mutant beasts, it will suffer a lot of losses." Zhukov asked Chen Qiang for his opinion.

"No need, let the third brigade retreat, and issue a crisis warning, and close the infected area. The military headquarters will deploy the troops on the Yalu River as soon as possible." Chen Qiang looked at the dots on the screen, and he had no idea at this time. There are waves. On the screen are the data from the fifty bio-magnetic field monitors that the Star Group has placed in the global ocean during this period. According to statistics, there are now more than one hundred creatures above level ten on the entire earth, and more than five hundred kings. super creature.

"Mr. Chen, the first-level laser cannon that has been researched by the research institute has the ability to kill king-level creatures. I think we should kill it as soon as possible now, otherwise it will grow up and pose a greater threat to us." Great." Zhukov persuaded.

"No need, according to the current data, the zombie virus will break out globally in about the second month after the end of the new year. We need a stable environment to lay out our plan. Mutant animals hold vengeance. No, then we will want to fall into a state of being exhausted." Chen Qiang directly chose to give up the kill, because if the king-level mutant creature is not killed, then the advance base located by the Yalu River will definitely be led by the king-level mutant beast. The impact of the herd of beasts will accelerate the entry of the zombie virus into the current world ahead of time, which will cause big problems for the whole plan.

"Captain, a total of 21 people died, and everyone was eaten." A soldier came to report.

"Understood, it seems that our human flesh and blood are very attractive to these mutated creatures." The man revealed his scar at night, and said to the bones in front of him.

"Captain, what should we do now, it seems that it has left this place." Another soldier asked.

"No need, let the advance base take off the detection machine to detect the entire peninsula. It seems that there are quite a few king-level creatures on the peninsula." The captain with a scar on his face looked at the bitten bone , he expressed his judgment.

"Ah, more than one." The soldiers following the brigade were obviously stunned.

Just when the captain was about to give an order, a series of thin messages appeared on the captain's terminal, and he immediately gave the order to retreat after a glance.

All the soldiers were guessing about the sudden retreat of the third brigade, but when more than 100,000 troops marched to the advance base and began to build defensive walls, they knew that the matter was serious.

"Captain, just now you have received an order from the military at the advance base, and immediately withdraw from the infected area. The infected area will enter a closed state in three days." The communication officer in a team with the badge of the Adventurer's Guild led the way. Reported by the captain.

"Get out of the infected area. It seems that something serious has happened in the infected area, so retreat immediately." He dared not disobey the military's order, because it was about their lives.

But it was too late, behind them a chinchilla rushed towards them with golden eyes shining.

"Ah" No one is alive. At this moment, a very cute animal turned into a murderous demon. In the end, the chinchilla left, leaving only thirteen bones. Maybe these bones will turn into mud in a long time Bar.

The advance base is facing a big enemy at this time. With the support of 100,000 soldiers, there are now 250,000 troops in the entire advance base. On both sides of the advance base, some construction workers manipulate robots similar to Gundam to build Looking at the 30-meter-high city wall, all those who came back from the infected area felt like they survived the catastrophe, because according to official statistics, more than 80,000 people have disappeared in the past three days, and the reason for the disappearance is obvious.

"Report, a king-level mutated creature was found 100 kilometers away from the first few bases." Qin Tian was devastated at this time, but he heard such news.

"Pull the first-level laser cannon up for me, knock it out for me, dare to intercept and kill adventurers under my nose, it seems that they are really inflated." Qin Tian was immediately angry, and directly issued an order .


So a laser cannon with a diameter of 1.5 meters was carried into the sky by a transport plane.

"Target locked, whether to attack or not." The person in charge of radar locking on the transport plane reported.

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer." Yan Deze was in charge of commanding this time, and he was also the first batch of personnel recruited by Xingkong Security from Xingkong Academy.

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