Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 376 Level 2 Laser Cannon

This time the 'performance' was a loss-making business for the Mercenary Guild and the Adventurer's Guild. All the processes they planned were finally picked by the military, but they harvested two mutant beast soldiers of level five. Beast, this is their goal, so there are still some gains. But after this battle, the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild will be forever suppressed under the Warrior's Guild, and there will be no future for them.

And this action of the military department has also increased the confidence of the whole world in the Star Group. After all, someone has analyzed that the strength of the three-headed snake is at the level of a beast general. Compared with the optimism of the people, there is indeed another situation in the forward base by the Yalu River at this time.

"It seems that we have underestimated the strength of mutant beasts at the level of beast generals. Only four of the lasers fired by 24 planes of our attacking brigade at the same time finally hit the target, and the most important thing is that all of the four laser beams They are all in uncritical positions, so it can be said that our operation has failed this time." The chief of staff of the forward base reported to Qin Tianhui after sorting out the data.

"Understood, it means that our current laser cannon is still not powerful enough." Qin Tian said with a frown.

"Yes, according to the news from the research institute, the second-level laser cannon has been successfully developed, but because of the energy problem, each energy block can only be fired three times. In our actual combat, this kind of laser cannon is not effective. Not very strong." Chief of Staff Hui reported.

"Let's apply when the time comes. What we are facing here is too powerful. We need a powerful weapon. Although it can only be fired three times, if it can be hit once, it can give a mutant beast of the general level Heavy damage." Qin Tian has nothing to do now, Dongying Island is not far from the advance base, and according to the latest data collected, it only takes two hours for the three-headed snake to reach the advance base, and the most important thing is that there is only this area in East Asia. A beast will exist, which means that the three-headed snake has no competitors at all, which has led to the fact that all the beasts in the entire East Asian region are subordinate to the three-headed snake, not one of them, so the pressure on the forward base Still big.

At this time, in the research institute of Starry Sky City, a group of soldiers were surrounding an old man and talking nice things.

"Mr. Kong, our European military region is facing mutant beasts from the entire African continent. Now a large number of mutant beasts have gathered on the opposite side of the Suez Canal. It seems that they plan to attack across the Suez Canal. We urgently need a secondary laser cannon. , and we also need a part of the latest spiritual medicine liquid produced by the research institute." A white man spoke fluent Chinese at this time, and talked about the suffering of his own military region with a flattering face.

"Mr. Kong, what our North American military region is facing is the king of the Amazon forest. It is a terrifying existence with a level as high as the fifth level of beast generals. Although we have urgently implemented some isolation measures, mutant beasts of the level of beast generals can fly. We The current situation is very dangerous, Mr. Kong, I also know your difficulties, our North American military region doesn’t want much, only thirty of them are enough.” A black man with a major general on his shoulder also spoke fluent Chinese at this time.

At this time, a young man also interjected: "Mr. Kong, how many second-level laser cannons can be produced by the research institute every month? Now our combat readiness has completely fallen into a disadvantage. We now need more powerful weapons to be able to do so." Defense against the next crisis." The one who spoke was Chen Jun, the head of the logistics department of the military headquarters.

"Chen Jun, let me tell you the truth. We produced the second-level laser cannon, but the monthly output is less than ten. It's not that we don't produce it, but that our materials simply can't keep up. Ah, to build a second-level laser cannon, a kind of purple gold outer space material is needed. Now the total reserves of our research institute are only eight tons. Even if all of them are cast into a second-level laser cannon, it will only be about 100. , and this is still the case with a high yield rate. And you also know the shortage of the second-level laser cannon, so it is impossible for the research institute to manufacture all the materials into the laser cannon." Kong Ru also smiled wryly, although He also hopes that the second-level laser cannon can be quickly equipped with troops, but the shortage of laser cannon and lack of materials prevent the factory on the research institute from making it freely.

"Mr. Kong, how long will it take to improve the secondary laser cannon according to the progress of the research institute?" Chen Jun asked after thinking about it. He is now the head of the military's logistics department, so now he must stand on the sidelines of the military. Consider the issue from the side's position.

"It will take at least half a year. You should know the difficulty of the second-level laser cannon after doing research. If there is such a huge amount of energy without a solid cannon body, it will be murder. There is also the problem of energy convergence. This problem has always been a big problem for laser cannons. The problem of large-scale application is also that the energy convergence degree of the first-level laser cannon and the second-level are fundamentally different." Sometimes professional answers will simplify some problems, just like the current scene, everyone seems to understand the research institute. Therefore, the agents of the various military regions did not have some of the previous urgency.

Chen Jun is not very professional in this area, so although he is confused at this time, he still understands the meaning of Kong Ru's words, that is, the research institute is working hard, but we are short of materials and time. , don't worry.

"Mr. Kong, now that the entire research institute has a research scale of more than 100,000 people, I don't believe that a problem of energy convergence will be difficult for the research institute, and now the internal network of the Xingkong Research Institute has been opened. The research institute has accumulated quite a lot, right? Now, isn’t there eight tons of Zixuan gold, out of seven tons, the military needs at least fifty second-level laser cannons. Fang's difficulties at this time." Chen Jun did not dare to presumptuously say that this is his brother's teacher.

"That's fine too, but I heard that there is still a part of black gold on the starting point space station. I need you to get that part too. If you can get it, I can make one hundred and fifty for your military. super laser cannon." Kong Ru said his condition after thinking for a while.

"Yes." Chen Jun immediately agreed. Although he has resigned from the Qidian space station, he still has this prestige. And he doesn't believe that there is only a little Zixuan gold on the Qidian side. You must know that the Qidian space station has become a metal smelting and mining and parts manufacturing base, and now the entire asteroid belt has become a mine for the Star Group, so Now Star Group has no shortage of materials at all.

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