Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 379 You will be shot down by us

Compared with the first-generation nuclear fusion developed by Chen Qiang, the advantages of the second-generation nuclear fusion are too strong. In the past, Huaguo needed to build at least eight first-generation nuclear fusion power generation facilities to meet the electricity demand of the entire country. The second-generation nuclear fusion unit only needs one, and it can't be used up at all, and even at least 40% of the power can be sent abroad. There is also the use of energy blocks as the power storage device of the Beluga, which is also a major innovation. The energy in this power storage device is almost 100,000 yuan. It can be said that the Moby Dick is the crystallization of the highest technology of the Star Group over the years, not one of them.

After the Beluga slowly flew out of the shipbuilding factory, it appeared in the eyes of millions of people on the moon base, but no one was shocked, but the admiration and yearning in the eyes of these people was undisguised. Because basically everyone in this base knows the existence of the Beluga, and many of them are employees of the shipbuilding factory.

The moon base is now a big city with a million people. Of course, this big city is an algorithm before the catastrophe. Now basically every city in the world has tens of millions of people. Ninety percent of the one million people are children, seventy percent of the remaining ten percent are employees of shipbuilding factories, and the remaining thirty percent are employees. It is some researchers of Starry Sky Research Institute and subsidiaries of Starry Sky Group, and of course some of them are garrisons, but this part will not be counted in the population of the moon base, because these soldiers are rotated. Generally speaking, this lunar base has completely become an education and manufacturing base. It can be said that all the essence of the Star Group is concentrated here, and this is also a backup of the Star Group.

After half an hour of flying, the Beluga finally left the moon base. At this time, Mao Yuan issued an order: "Increase the power to 50%."

"Yes." Because of the existence of artificial intelligence, there is no feeling in the acceleration process, but the porthole in front of the cab looks like the Beluga is rushing out of the moon's atmosphere at a very fast speed, and is reaching the moon's low-earth orbit. Then it stopped accelerating and began to orbit the moon. Mao Yuan knew what his boss meant, so he didn't ask the driver to turn on the radar interception device, but headed for the Moon City of the family alliance openly and aboveboard.

"The Moon City of the Family Alliance is now in the late stage of construction, and it may be put into use in the next year, and according to the calculations of the Ministry of Strategy, the city's population may reach about 100 million. Recently, two of the Moon City's Star series space shuttles are dispatched very frequently, it seems that they are already emigrating." As Chen Qiang's royal bodyguard, Zhang Jian followed Chen Qiang all the time. Moreover, he is still the head of the general logistics department of the military department. The current function of the general logistics department is not only to provide rear IQ support for the entire military, but also intelligence aspects are all managed by the logistics side.

"It doesn't matter, let's just turn a blind eye and close one eye." Chen Qiang has no reason to object, and it would be a good thing for the entire Star Group if the population of the earth can be reduced by 100 million. The Star Group invests more than 10 billion star coins in the world every day. If the Star Group has not released the unmanned production technology and the production capacity of production materials cannot keep up with the currency circulation, the star coins will definitely depreciate. . In fact, from the real situation, the star coins in the whole world have depreciated by one-third, because the currency that the family alliance pays to the star group to purchase supplies is energy coins, and now the energy coins on the entire earth are stored. The amount has greatly exceeded the consumption of the people, so now in order to increase the consumption of energy coins, electric energy drives have been implemented all over the world. The biggest adaptation is that the electricity used by the residents every day has now been changed to use energy coins, and those transmission lines are completely useless. As for the first-generation nuclear fusion power generation facilities, there are now three groups in each city, and the power generation of these three groups is mainly to supply defense covers.

At this time, the Aerospace Monitoring Command in Moon City was already in chaos, because the radar detection on the big screen showed that the length of the aircraft coming towards Moon City had reached a kilometer. As the largest aircraft in the entire world, the star series space shuttle is only over a hundred meters long, but now there is a 1,000-meter aircraft coming towards Moon City. Basically, everyone thinks that this is the arrival of aliens. .

"Quiet me up, send me a message, and ask them what they are here for." The person who gave the order was the deputy commander of the Air and Space Monitoring Command, who was from China. He was on duty in the form of shifts used by the first deputy commander. He felt a little unlucky now, but his years of military experience allowed him to barely stabilize his position.

"Unknown aircraft, please answer when received, you have entered our sphere of influence, please report your influence and the purpose of this trip, otherwise we will open fire and shoot you down." In the cockpit of the Beluga I received a call from the Lunar City Aerospace Inspection Command, and the voice was trembling, and it also used multiple languages ​​to make inquiries.

"We have received that we are the transport ship Beluga of the Star Group, and we are conducting normal transport ship flight experiments, and we are now in low-Earth orbit. I have never heard of Star Group that even low-Earth orbit is considered a sphere of influence. "The staff member of the Moby Dick was also quite rude and directly opened up.

Everyone in the Lunar City Aerospace Command was dumbfounded. They had never heard of the Beluga transport ship of the Star Group, and it was too big. The light length reached about a kilometer.

There is no reason, the Aerospace Inspection Command in Lunar City misfired. After this not-so-good conversation, there was no question of any kind about the Beluga, and it was even more impossible to expel it. The most important thing is to have this ability. In the new test on the Beluga side, the muzzles facing the Beluga have completely changed their direction at this time.

And in the hall of the city lord of Moon City, a group of old guys gathered together again. Everyone is frowning, because the news they just received is really unacceptable. There is no way to build a one-kilometer-long battleship with the current technology of Moon City, and even the space shuttles of the Star series. They can't make it either, and the so-called second-generation space shuttle they're building now is just an improvement on the basis of the first-generation space shuttle, and it's only slightly better than the Starry Sky series of space shuttles, so they are very worried now.

"Hey, this is the Star Group demonstrating to us. I think Chen Qiang must be on it." The Yan family sighed, and no one objected because they all understood.

Brothers have four hundred chapters, not bad, and they have persisted until now

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