Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 382 Changing Hearts

This is the first New Year after the outbreak of the zombie virus. The impact and changes this year has brought to everyone in the world are too great. Everyone is desperately adapting to all this, so this year basically Everyone on the Internet is busy. If the Government Affairs Council hadn't distributed New Year's supplies to people all over the world, perhaps no one would remember that the New Year has arrived.

However, many people are still very optimistic now. Now that the end of the year has arrived, the whole year still has to pass, so the annual market has begun to appear in various cities, so that the global economy that has been sluggish this year has once again become active. In addition, the Government Council is also working hard to restore the normal commercial market, but because of large-scale relocation and construction, the entire world's economy has collapsed. To change all of this, a new market order needs to be established in the current 800 base cities, but this will not happen overnight at all.

According to the statistics of the Government Affairs Council, there are no more than 10,000 companies in operation in the world. In particular, all basic industry companies were directly annexed by the Star Group during the entire relocation process, and all the production capacity after the annexation was used for construction. All base cities. There is also the Internet service industry. Except for the game industry that is still lingering, all other companies in this part have completely closed down. Of course, there is a very special company in it, and that is Ali. Not only did this company not go bankrupt during this change, but it also expanded its business to all cities, and it has become a global monopoly in terms of shopping websites.

"Mr. Chen, now that Ali has achieved a global monopoly, when will Ali join the Star Group?" Lao Ma asked while drinking tea.

"Didn't you pay New Year's greetings? Why would you ask this question? Besides, isn't this very good." Chen Qiang gave this puzzled guy a white look and said.

"Of course New Year's greetings are the main thing, I'm just asking." Lao Ma said shyly at this time, but he was muttering in his heart: If it wasn't for the name of New Year's greetings, would I still see you, the boss.

"Don't worry, it's not good like this. Besides, I don't expect Ali to make me money. I support Ali's unification of the global market just to make people's daily life more convenient, and to speed up the recovery of the entire market. , I actually have no idea of ​​merging Ali into the Star Group, and there is no need for the Star Group to exist now." Chen Qiang said after taking a sip of tea and looking at the blue sky.

"But Mr. Chen, you are putting our Alibaba on the fire. According to statistics, there are more than 3,000 online shopping websites in 800 cities around the world. These shopping websites all have one characteristic, that is, they only take root. We are in this city, so our Ali is very passive now." Lao Ma said with a bitter face.

"I remember that many of Ali's shares are held by some big families in China. Now those people are gone, but I haven't heard that these people give up their shares in Ali. Could it be that even these people can't settle these small websites, and Your old horse also came out of the bloody storm and was afraid of such a little difficulty." Chen Qiang said pointedly.

"Mr. Chen is one of the companies that can exist in the world without the backs of those people, and the current economic situation in the world is not very good. Basically, there is no investment in doing business. The most important thing is modern business. There is only one kind of financial operation, but in the current form there is no channel for financial operation at all. The previous one cannot be used at all and the Government Council has not issued relevant laws at all, so we are living very hard.” Ma also betrayed his mind. After he answered a sentence, he changed the whole topic to finance.

"It seems that you people have healed your scars and forgotten the pain. After the zombie virus breaks out, there will still be a place for you to do business. It will be good to keep you alive. I also want to get involved in the financial field. This is the last time for Lao Ma as a friend. , tell those people behind you that since they left, they can live their little lives with peace of mind, and don't jump around on the earth, otherwise a sharp knife will fall from the sky and give their dog paws to them that day. Cut it off." When Chen Qiang said this, he smiled like a spring breeze, but the old horse was sweating coldly on his back.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know what you are talking about, but now you have to take care of Ali's side. Now Ali's expansion needs the support of Star Group." Lao Ma decisively changed the whole topic again, His temptation just now has failed, so he can't continue the topic just now.

"Then you said Star Group should support you, Ali." Chen Qiang said with a half-smile.

"I have such an idea, that is to spin off Xiaomi's mall business and then merge with Ali, so that the best of both worlds is achieved. After all, Ali still has a great advantage in terms of e-commerce." Lao Ma could only bite the bullet at this time He felt that his temptation just now was too stupid.

"I have a big appetite, Ma, do you know that Xiaomi's mall business is not only responsible for Xiaomi's product sales, but also responsible for the entire Star Group's product sales. How about this? Now that Ali has reached the designated point, stop Let’s go, only other market competitions are based on their own abilities, you old horse could build Ali into a global civilized company before, so you can now, come on.” Chen Qiang said as he picked up the teacup that was just placed on the table.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, for clarifying the confusion. I'll go to Ali's side to arrange it." Lao Ma stood up, said goodbye and left.

Seeing the back of the old horse leaving, Chen Qiang felt a little uncomfortable. When he was in high school and college, the old horse was the idol in the hearts of all young people, and he was no exception. So he has a kind of expectation for Ali and Lao Ma. He was really tempted when Lao Ma joked last time that Xingkong Group annexed Ali, but the entire company simply cannot accommodate such a company, so in With his support, Ali gradually unified the e-commerce business in 800 cities around the world, but the facts disappointed him once again.

Ali's shares were once again controlled by those families and Lao Ma once again became the spokesperson of those people. The human heart is the most difficult thing to change in this world. There is nothing wrong with this saying. In fact, there are many, many people who are not reconciled. Before the catastrophe, they were rich people, but after the catastrophe, many of their properties became worthless, and the compensation from the Star Group was only based on the standard price. For example, the compensation for housing is the same no matter where it is in a city, so those who own luxury villas are compensated the same as everyone else, except that their area is relatively large, but they are relatively large. Compared with the value of the entire villa, it will be a world of difference.

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