Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 384 Preparation

New Year's Eve is always short, and time always passes quickly in the carnival. In fact, the whole new year passed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was already the Star Group's new year group summary meeting. Many people attended this meeting, and it was broadcast to all Star Group employees are open. Because this meeting is a decision on the fate of all Star Group employees, all employees are concerned about all of this, and of course some people are concerned about other things.

"Hello everyone at the Star Group, the new year has begun. The Star Group is now so huge that I am a little at a loss. It has more than 100,000 employees, and with the downstream factories, it is more than one million in the world. People are attached to the big tree of our Xingkong Group, I am really trembling, but fortunately everyone is working hard, this one is the only way for a company to develop." Chen Qiang said a lot, this is in the past There is nothing at all in time, but no one shows impatience.

"Well, I like to nag when I'm old. Now I announce that the Star Group's new year work conference will officially start. Next, our President Mou will report to us some of the work completion of our Star Group during this year." During the half-hour speech, all the participants and those who watched the scene in front of the network were very serious until Chen Qiang announced the start of the working meeting.

"Hi everyone, I'm here to announce to you some of the revenue and expenditure of the Star Group in the past year. The Star Group spent more than ten trillion star coins last year, and its income was three trillion star coins. The deficit is 7 trillion star coins. Among them, the scientific research expenditure of the Star Group and the research institute is 1 trillion star coins, the expenditure in the aerospace field is 500 billion star coins, and all administrative expenditures are 300 billion star coins, and the infrastructure construction investment is 80,000 200 billion star coins. Most of Star Group’s revenue is in the spacecraft and biotin fields.” Mu Bing’s report made all the employees open their mouths. You must know that although star coins have become the world’s currency, the value is too high. High, so the unit of measurement in the world is still calculated in US dollars, ten trillion is one trillion US dollars. And this number is not a real number, because Chen Qiang still holds a part of the funds, and these funds have not entered the Star Group account.

"The expenditure is indeed a bit too much, but the Star Group can still hold on. Now I will announce the next tasks. First, the management rights of each company will be fully decentralized. All companies will adopt the policy of self-management. The Star Group and the office will transfer all subsidiaries. The property rights and other related matters shall be delivered as soon as possible; second, the leading organization of Star City is completely merged into the Government Affairs Council, and the delivery of all things shall be carried out as soon as possible. The Government Affairs Council will list Star City as a municipality directly under the Central Government; The job is to promote the Starry Sky University model in an all-round way in 800 cities around the world. I hope to see a group of outstanding young people enter the whole world at the work meeting next year." Chen Qiang directly started the arrangement for the next work meeting , everyone at the scene is already used to this situation, so they are quickly recording all the arrangements. After hearing Chen Qiang's series of arrangements, many people at the scene frowned, and many people smiled.

Because among all the work arrangements, the Government Affairs Council has the most work, and the most important one is that the administrative organization of Starry Sky City is directly merged into the Government Affairs Council, which means that the Starry Sky Group will become a thing of the past, and there are other One piece of evidence is Xingkong University, which is the foundation of Xingkong Group, but now it is also controlled by the Government Affairs Council. This means that Boss Chen is supporting the Administration Council to replace Xingkong Group. In fact, the Star Group has become nondescript after Star City was established. It is said that it is a company that directly manages a city and has formed its own army and issued its own currency. It is said that it is a country, but the country It doesn't have most of the features it has. It is also a good thing to talk about Star City being separated from the Star Group, at least it can make the Star Group purer.

Those who can be on the scene are all personnel above level six, so none of them are fools. They can all see that this time the arrangement is making some preparations for a big operation in the future. They combined the experience of this period of time After the rumors, some people understood what their boss was going to do.

The meeting ended after Chen Qiang arranged the future tasks of the Star Group. This year, no one had any problems, and everyone understood their tasks. This made Chen Qiang a little depressed, because he would persuade these people to prepare many times in the future. An excuse, but Xin Zai simply didn't let him have a chance to play.

"Old Yang, Starry Sky University and Starry Sky City are now in our hands. It seems that Mr. Chen has really figured it out. He has started to make some preparations, but this process may take a while." Wu Aiguo said after the meeting I found Yang Zhicheng and said.

"Almost, but Mr. Chen is still a little cautious. Star Bank didn't mention it at all. You must know that Star Bank is now the central bank, and this institution must be controlled by our Government Affairs Council." Yang Zhicheng said with some distress.

"Now is not the past. All governments need to hold the money bag in their own hands. Mr. Chen also has his reasons. It is not necessarily Mr. Chen who intends to make Star Bank a commercial bank and then establish a new central bank as a What about the institutions that issue currency." Wu Aiguo persuaded, it is true that too much is too much, this principle is very practical, and now it is enough to hold Starry Sky University and Starry Sky City.

"Old Wu, I'll leave Starry Sky City to you. As for Starry Sky University, I'll take care of it myself." Yang Zhicheng also knew this truth, so he just complained.

"Okay, but Xingkong University is not easy to deal with. I think you should visit Kong Ru when you are in Xingkong University." Wu Aiguo reminded.

"I also have this idea. It can be said that the entire Xingkong University was established by Kong Ru. His prestige in Xingkong University is quite high, and the president of this term is Kong Ru's wife. I must go." Yang Zhicheng nodded. .

But just after Yang Zhicheng and Wu Aiguo made arrangements, Yang Zhicheng received a call from Chen Qiang asking him to come to the office.

After the meeting, Zhukov and MacArthur and other high-level military officials were left behind. Now he needs to know the strength of the entire military. He has a premonition that the time for the outbreak of the zombie virus is very close.

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