Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 391: The War Begins

There are too many people in the world who realize how stupid they were before when the world got out of hand. If they hadn't evacuated the earth at the beginning, plus the results of their business operations over the years, at least they would have at least one place to stay on the earth, but now they probably don't even have a place to stay.

Admitting defeat is their last resort, but will Chen Qiang accept it? This question has been beating drums in their hearts, because this question puts them in the position of the other party, and the answer they get is very simple, that is, to kill them all, and no one wants to leave a trouble for themselves.

But now they have a very bad problem, that is, Starry Sky Group has even cut off the communication, and even the signal of quantum communication they independently developed has been intercepted, so they are not working every day.

"Mr. Chen, Claudy in North America has already fought with the mutant beasts, but the mutant beasts at the general level have not participated in the battle. The staff thinks that they are waiting for something or that they are accumulating strength." As The deputy commander also serves as the chief of staff, MacArthur reported.

"Continue to pay attention, send the Longya Team to North America, and conduct comprehensive monitoring of the three regions of Japan, Bangzi, and Australia, especially the Bangzi Country. If there are powerful mutant beasts, they can use nuclear weapons." On the virtual map There are many red dots, some of which are relatively small, and some of which are relatively large. These red dots represent all the mutant beasts whose rank is higher than the fifth level of beast soldiers. The region with the most red dots on the map is Mexico, and the least is the continent of Australia. This is very strange to Chen Qiang, because the level of mutant beasts is too high, so the military department gave up the King City.

The Dragon Tooth Troop is now the most powerful troop in the entire Star Group, with a total of five brigades. Among them, except for the third brigade stationed at the starting point space station, all the others are stationed in Starry Sky City, which is the strongest knife of Starry Sky Group. Since it is the strongest knife, Chen Qiang has an unlimited supply of resources. Now the minimum strength of the entire team is around the first level of Wuling, which means that everyone in Longya can fight against the most powerful mutant beast. Of course, this is just the power of a battle. If you want to kill the mutant beast, I am afraid that one person is not enough, because the mutant beast is far stronger than humans of the same level.

And the most important thing is that Longya only has a total of 25,000 people now, and it simply doesn't have the ability to cover the whole world, nor does it have the ability to completely wipe out these mutant beasts. The 25,000 people Starry Sky Group has the largest supply capacity, especially after the power of everyone in Longya has reached Wuling, the demand for resources has become even greater, so Longya is the treasure of the Starry Sky Group, but Chen Qiang Still he sent it out without hesitation.

"Report to General Claudine that our eastern defense line has been attacked by mutant beasts in the Atlantic Ocean."

"Report, our western defense line has been attacked by mutant beasts in the Pacific Ocean."

Bad news appeared in Claudy's ears one by one, but at this time he did not panic at all, but made an arrangement: "Allow all the first-level laser cannons in the general area, give me a ruthless Fight hard, and the nuclear weapon force is also ready, since these mutant beasts won't let us have an easy time, then I won't let them have an easy time."

Siege is the strategy of the mutant beasts. Although Claudy doesn't know how the mutant beasts in the Amazon forest are connected with the mutant beasts in the ocean, he now knows that if he can't defend this wave of attacks now, the The beast-level mutant beasts in the Mexican peninsula will attack in an all-round way. If these fierce beasts attack with all their strength, the North American region will suffer great losses.

"Company commander, this is already the third wave of attacks. Although we repelled them, the amount of energy coins stored is running out. We can only support two waves of attacks at most now." The attack on the eastern front is too violent Now, the tide-like mutant beasts in the sea rushed towards the built steel city wall as if desperately, and these mutant beasts were very organized. However, this situation is no longer surprising to the military, and after the Battle of the King City, the military has a preliminary grasp of the attack of the mutant beasts, and now all ordinary troops at the first level of the company have participated in the City of the King People who fight, so the human side still holds the dominance in the rhythm of the entire war.

"Remember, your task now is how to survive here. We still have to hold on for six hours. Everyone should close their eyes and go to sleep immediately, waiting for the next wave of attacks." When he came down, he was still a small soldier at that time. Compared with the madness of the city of the king of perishing, he was still very confident in dealing with the intensity of this kind of war.

"Company Commander, I can't sleep, tell us about the City of the King of Death." A very clever soldier came over and said with a smile.

For the people who survived that battle in the King of Perishing City, they were reluctant to mention that battle, so many people in the army only heard of its name but not its name, so many people were very curious. The company commander saw that many people who had fallen asleep with their eyes closed had opened their eyes and stared at him at this time. He could only sigh and said, "Okay, let me tell you about it. In fact, all of us who came down from the battlefield are unwilling to mention that battle, because we sacrificed too much in that battle. Well, we have people sacrificed basically every minute. Our company at that time survived less than twenty people. Do you know that when we participated in the war, we changed a group of people every hour?"

"Company commander, was Mr. Chen the one who personally killed the lion king and the snake king?" A soldier asked suddenly.

"He killed it. The war is fought from the air. If there was no President Chen, I'm afraid that ten million of us would have confessed there. In fact, do you know that you are very happy now, and you now have internal supplies from the army. The resources are for you to practice, and the overall quality is much stronger than ours at that time, otherwise we will be wiped out in the first wave of such a huge herd of beasts." The company commander sighed.

"Company Commander, I heard that there were a lot of pythons in the City of Death and they could attack from a distance." Another soldier asked.

"Yes, many of our comrades died in the venom. Do you know that I was under the attack of a cloud of venom at that time, and it was our squad leader who protected me firmly under him." The company commander His voice trembled and his eyes were red as he said this.

All the soldiers present were silent. The two days of war made them a little suspicious of the tragedy of the King City, but after listening to the words of the company commander, they had a lot of understanding of the tragedy of the war. Just as they were silent, the alarm on the entire city wall sounded.

"Everyone is loaded with bullets, and the strike squad will target all the mutant creatures above level 5 of the beast soldiers." The company commander immediately issued an order after hearing the alarm.

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