Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 396 Containment Plan

This kind of situation is happening in various places in the world. For this operation, the military has organized a total of 500,000 aircraft, including 100,000 of the latest electric aircraft that have just been produced. All the old planes that have been stored have been taken out.

"Old Nie, I told you that you will definitely come, life is okay." Nie Tianhua said after getting off the anti-gravity flying vehicle, a man the same age as him came up to him.

"It's okay to open a small noodle restaurant, what is our mission this time, old Wei?" Nie Tianhua asked.

"Flying the plane, this time the military basically organized all the flying things on the earth. I heard that there are 500,000 planes. I heard that we are Feiyun-20." Old Wei didn't know much about it. It's just telling some bright news that I have heard.

In one day, to be precise, within 20 hours, the military gathered 350,000 pilots of various types and assigned them to various aircraft. This is due to artificial intelligence. The information of these people has long been stored in the starry sky database. There are records of what planes these pilots have flown, so the principle of nearest distribution is adopted, and soon every pilot has Belong to their own car.

"The third brigade will gather immediately and begin to assign combat missions." Nie Tianhua is familiarizing himself with the operation of the Yun-20 on the simulator. He hasn't flown it for ten years. Although he has practiced in the virtual world, he actually has a chance to fly the real plane now. A feeling of nervousness when flying for the first time.

Everyone immediately left the simulation cabin and began to line up to wait for the commander's order, but when his team leader came over, Nie Tianhua actually recognized him. This was his former team leader Qu Kangcheng, the general A person recruited from home by himself.

Qu Kangcheng looked at his former comrades-in-arms and students in front of him very heavy, because he just received an order that the third brigade he led would be put into the task two hours later, and these people in front of him in his plan needed It takes half a month of recovery before you can really fly on the plane.

But the army's orders cannot be disobeyed, and after he understands the importance of this mission, he has no reason to refuse, because there are some things that the soldiers must do.

"Cough, now let's set up a mission. Our mission is to sprinkle the things carried in our entire brigade planes on this place." Qu Kangcheng opened a mission map with his virtual wristband and pointed to a red patch in Australia. area said.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that they were throwing things, because this task can still be done with their current abilities, as long as they don't need to drive fighter jets to fight mutant beasts above the fifth level of beast soldiers.

"Everyone, don't take it lightly. Our mission area is Australia. According to the current inspection by the military, there are more than 5,000 mutant beasts with the ability to stay in the air above the fifth level of the Australian beast soldiers. We are flying a transport plane and no one has attacked at all. Sexual weapons, so we need to be very careful, especially when throwing them on the ground. Now I will send this task to your virtual bracelet, and you can ask me if you have any questions." Qu Kangcheng said about this time The mission is very important, although theoretically the danger of this mission is very small, but sometimes accidents will always happen.

Under everyone's careful browsing, they didn't feel that there was any difficulty in their mission this time. The research institute has long announced the flying height of mutant beasts, the highest will not exceed 500 meters, even the mutant beasts at the level of beasts will not exceed 1,000 meters, and now the cruising altitude of even the worst-equipped aircraft They are all over 2,000 meters. But Captain Qu Kangcheng's repeated warnings left a seed in their hearts. What they didn't expect was that this seed made them retreat from the siege of mutant beasts.

"Report to the control tower, the third brigade is ready and requests to take off." Qu Kangcheng sat in the driver's seat and calmly ignited the engine before reporting.

"You can take off, and I wish you all a safe return." The tower staff said this sentence countless times, but he still didn't feel bored, because this was the common expectation of all the personnel behind, and no one would think that this mission It will be smooth sailing.

This is also the reason why the military department organizes so many planes at once. The intelligence of mutant beasts, especially those of the general level, is now comparable to that of ordinary humans. If the entire spreading time is too long, the mutant beast will notice it, which will greatly reduce the effect of the entire task. Moreover, the research institute has researched out that there is a special communication method among mutant beasts, even if they are of different species, they can communicate, but this communication method can only be used by mutant beasts of the general level.

Qu Kangcheng's third team did not have any accidents on the way to Australia, because their entire third team is Yun-20. The highest flying altitude is 8,000 meters, which is an altitude that no mutant beast can reach, so the third team The brigade came to their work area smoothly.

"Attention all members, when flying at low altitude, focus on me as long as you feel the troops give me booster to lift the plane up immediately. It's not that I feel sorry for the plane, but that I hope we can go back in one piece." Qu Kangcheng urged. Because the next operation requires all the planes of a brigade to fly side by side, he cannot help all members.

The work process was very calm, so some people began to relax, but because they had a seed in their hearts, they did not withdraw their hands from the afterburner operating lever. And at this moment, in the forest below, suddenly there was a mutant beast rushing towards the working plane, and everyone subconsciously turned on the afterburner and pulled the nose up at the same time. Obviously these mutated beasts are not very strong, and their purpose has not been achieved. Instead, these mutated beasts that lifted off were shot and killed by lasers shot out from space.

After this accident, everyone in the third brigade no longer had the contemptuous attitude they had before, but were extremely focused on every ground-to-air operation.

At this time, Australia has completely become a paradise for mutated beasts. Dak, who is located in Sydney, has already withdrawn to the Indochina Peninsula. The 180,000 troops were also incorporated into the guard army on the spot.

The entire retreat process was not smooth sailing. The military's planes were shot down ten times, while the warrior guild lost more than a hundred high-end fighters at the warrior level. The first and second special regiments under Dake were directly killed Disabled. Of course, the mutated beasts didn't get any benefits. With the strong vitality of the military, the mutated beasts above the fifth level of the beast soldiers killed more than 200, and there were also mutated beasts of the five-headed general level. Judging from the final result of this war, both sides suffered losses, but from a strategic point of view, mankind has won.

The first batch of containment agents have been sprinkled out. According to the military plan, Australia and South America must be sprinkled all over within three days. Of course, according to the current situation, the completion of this plan is still very high. quite high.

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