Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 405: Microphone

The news of Xiaomi's departure from the Star Group completely shocked everyone. If there is a ranking in the world's top 500, Xiaomi will definitely be number one except for the Star Group. Everyone has no objection to this ranking. So when Xiaomi announced the establishment of a new headquarters in Tianshan Base City, basically all entrepreneurs contacted Lin Bin. They mainly wanted to inquire about some news from the Star Group executive, but Lin Bin didn't tell them any news. Moreover, Lin Bin, who was used to the low-key style of Star Group, couldn't bear to be visited by so many people suddenly.

Two months after Star Group announced the holding of a technical exchange meeting, another news was released, which once again caused waves in the somewhat quiet business world. These people finally heard the news that they were looking forward to left and right, so they frantically transferred the funds they raised to Starry Sky Bank.

Because of the existence of the intelligent system of Xingkong, in terms of the degree of openness of business, the Government Affairs Council has opened up almost all fields to the public. So there are not many banking systems on the market, and they are all developing very well. Because there is only one currency, there is no currency exchange business between banks, so the business of operating energy coins has become a profitable way for banks, and these banks have promoted the Government Council to carry out sales of energy coins. Legislation was passed, so the sales of energy coins are now monopolized by various banks.

Of course, this law was approved by Chen Qiang, because the banking business must set an access qualification, and the current banking industry is not easy, so this compensation is also very good. This is also a plan formulated by Zhang Zhengtao of Star Bank to delist energy coins. Because the currency value of star coins is linked to energy coins, there are still some energy coins in circulation on the market, and these energy coins have reached tens of millions.

Some merchants even started hoarding energy coins directly, which is a hard currency that is now used in all aspects of life. During the war, the price of energy currency was almost collapsed, because the huge consumption of the war led to the reduction of the supply of energy coins on the market by Starry Sky Bank, and some merchants with a keen sense of smell began to increase the price of energy coins. There is always no shortage of people who take advantage of fire to rob people in the world, but these people have the wrong idea, and the Government Council directly dispatched the police to arrest these people.

But this incident made Zhang Zhengtao of Star Bank understand that energy coins could no longer enter the market and be used as currency, so he and the Government Affairs Council directly monopolized the sales of energy coins to various banks.

In this era where everything can be solved with artificial intelligence, everyone's information is basically public. Of course, this disclosure is relative to the government, so now basically as long as someone uses economic crimes, they will be discovered by artificial intelligence immediately.

As the time of the trade fair is getting closer, and the activities of businessmen are becoming more and more frequent, they need more information to judge whether they need to put all their eggs in one basket to win some of the shares of the two major attacks. This era is an era of the strong, so every company is desperately enriching its own strength. You must know that it is too easy to make a person disappear, and tens of thousands of people die every day. One more is not a lot.

Therefore, the two major guilds with many masters have become the goals of all companies. Of course, sometimes the plan cannot keep up with the changes. In the first three days of the trade fair, a large number of names were suddenly added to the trade list, which made many people in the business community a little unbelievable. So they began to frantically inquire about the origins of these people, and when they learned that these people came from Starry Sky City, everyone's heart was cast with a shadow.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Ma from Interstellar Airlines would like to see you." A man in his twenties came in and reported to Chen Qianghui.

"Old horse? Let him in." When Chen Qiang heard that it was an old horse, he asked his secretary to invite him in after a moment of shock. He hadn't seen these old friends for a long time. Being tall is also lonely. Especially after Star Group took control of the entire earth, not many people chatted and laughed with him anymore, and now only a few people can chat with him, such as Anderson.

"Mr. Chen, hello." Lao Ma was obviously a little restrained when he entered Chen Qiang's office.

"Old Ma, long time no see, I want to drink something." Chen Qiang greeted the old horse with a smile.

"Mr. Chen, just boiled water is fine." Lao Ma was indeed very restrained, and when Chen Qiang put his hands on his body, he could feel his tense body.

"I have a secretary now, Xiao Qi, go make a cup of mist tea." Chen Qiang ordered with a smile, but Lao Ma was still very nervous.

"Not bad, old horse, your strength has surpassed the level of Wuling. It seems that you have put in some effort." After a while, the old horse didn't speak, and Chen Qiang could only raise the topic first. He didn't expect that the old horse who used to talk cheerfully in front of him has now become an idiot.

"It's okay, Mr. Chen gave us this opportunity. My strength in this life is also piled up with resources. Alas, there is no way for this society to do what I want to do without strength." Lao Ma couldn't help but sigh.

"You have done a good job in Ruihui's business. This time the technical exchange meeting Starry Sky Bio will release some of this type of formula. You can compete for it. Of course, this part of the formula cannot be sold to only one family. You have to do it. Get ready." Chen Qiang handed the tea brought by the secretary to Lao Ma and said.

"What, Mr. Chen, isn't it a little early?" Lao Ma suddenly became a little anxious, because the news was really big.

"It's time to open up, and this time we will release a lot of technology, and you must be ready to receive it. In the future, we will definitely have a huge war with mutant beasts. Our Starry Sky Group can't afford it and needs the power of the people. I like this Say you should understand." Chen Qiang took a sip of tea and said.

"Understood, but Mr. Chen's military and the Government Affairs Council can issue bonds. There is no need to do so. And our current technical strength is simply not enough to accept these technologies." Lao Ma said truthfully, their current technical strength is only to accept a few It's just a student of Star Academy.

"You can. This time, whether it is the research department under the Star Group or the research institute, there will be a large number of researchers with basic technologies. With these researchers, you should be able to receive these technologies." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"But will Mr. Chen's behavior cause technology leakage?" Lao Ma is obviously not the kind of person who sees money and sees it. He also has a lot of concern for the future of mankind.

"It doesn't matter. This change has caused faults in the entire scientific world. Now is the best time to change the scientific world. And I plan to let go of the restrictions on private universities. At that time, you can build a university to train talents." .” Chen Qiang looked relaxed.

"This is good news. I am also planning to apply with the Government Affairs Council to restore West Lake University. Now the number of universities in the world recognized by the Government Affairs Council is really a little less than 2,000. Moreover, these universities are currently short of teachers. I think most of the scientific researchers who will be released this time will be accepted by these universities." Lao Ma slowly relaxed at this time, took a sip of tea and said to suppress his sudden vitality.

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