Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 414 The World's First Martial Arts Tournament

Saturn, one of the eight planets in the solar system, ranks sixth in the distance from the sun (nearest to farthest), and its volume is second only to Jupiter. Compared with Venus, human beings don’t know much about Saturn, especially the explanations about Saturn’s lightning phenomenon are endless, and so far, humans have not sent probes to Saturn, and the only photos are taken by Voyager , But in the many photos sent back by Voyager, humans can clearly see the existence of magnetic storms.

"Old Zhao, come to my office." Chen Qiang made a phone call directly after finishing his lunch. Zhao Shichu is now the general manager of Star Group's aerospace business. Before this plan is formulated, he needs the support of this person. If this person says that the project cannot be implemented, the project will die prematurely.

"Mr. Chen, you are looking for me." Zhao Shichu came here very quickly, judging from his hurried appearance, he ran all the way here.

"Old Zhao, I just want to ask, if we build a permanent base near Venus and Saturn, can it be completed and run successfully." Chen Qiang said after handing over a glass of water.

"Mr. Chen, if we just build a permanent base, we can still do it with our current capabilities. However, if we want to maintain this base, it will cost a lot of money. The permanent base on Venus should be better. Saturn is far away from the base. We are too far away, and Saturn's binding force is very strong, if we want to operate this base, the base may need to turn on the engine all the time." Zhao Shichu is no longer limited to the field of aerospace engines, now Starry Sky The group has many talents in this area. So he switched to astrophysics and is now the head of the Star Group Aerospace Research Institute.

"Actually, I plan to use the lightning phenomenon that occurs all the time on Saturn and Venus to build a production base for energy blocks. Now our consumption is not very large, so basically we can still supply it when we build nuclear power plants. But when our consumption When it becomes very large, it is impossible to build so many nuclear fusion power plants. So I plan to use thunder and lightning. Since we have no way to do it due to the binding force of Saturn, let’s do an experiment on Venus first. You can make one first. Come up with a plan." Chen Qiang said after thinking for a long time.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements when I get back. But Mr. Chen, this project is a bit difficult for our Aerospace Research Institute, and the biggest difficulty of this project is to capture lightning. I think this matter requires the participation of the entire Star Group." Zhao Shichu early He became a genius, the risk of this project was too great, and he couldn't bear the responsibility.

"The general person in charge of this project is Mu Bing. She will form a special project team at that time, and you can join in at that time. This matter is related to the future development of our Star Group, so I hope you can go all out " Chen Qiang said very seriously.

"Understood Mr. Chen, with Mr. Mou around, our chances of winning will be a little higher." Zhao Shichu flattered him.

"Oh, Mr. Zhao, you can flatter me too, go back to work." Chen Qiang pretended to shake his head and said.

"Well, Mr. Chen, I'll get busy first." Zhao Shichu knew that the Starry Sky Group was not as full of ideals as before, so there were still some things to pay attention to.

Chen Qiang looked at the back of Zhao Shichu's departure and fell into deep contemplation. He felt that something seemed to be mixed with the pure ideal of the current Starry Sky Group, and the whole company actually had a kind of stagnation. He used to think that it might be brought to the company by those old employees, so he let go of most of the old employees in that big change, but there is still no adaptation of this situation.

Thinking about some things can cause great damage to the brain, especially in areas where one is not good at it. Chen Qiang is in such a state now. Although so many years of management experience have made him more and more proficient in company management, he has nothing to do about this kind of stagnation. So now as long as he thinks about this issue, his head becomes very painful.

The Martial Arena has been open for three months, and the name of the Martial Arena has been known to everyone during these three months. Of course, it is not the Martial Arena itself, but the human body repair equipment that makes the Martial Arena well-known. This kind of equipment, which only exists in a few in the military, now exists on a large scale in the fighting arena, which surprised many people.

The source of human body restoration equipment is human cloning technology. Of course, this principle will not be spread. Nowadays, human beings do not accept human cloning from the bottom of their hearts. The reason for this phenomenon is the appearance of clones. Of course, the clones mentioned here are not from the Moon City that has disappeared, but from the Holy See of Light in Europe. The once largest religion in the world swelled to a very large level after the massive attack of vitality. At its peak, it was able to wrestle with the three major guilds.

The role of religion is revealed when human beings are most helpless, so during this period of time, religions in various parts of the world have developed rapidly. After the establishment of the Government Affairs Council, it regulated all religious management. At this time, the Holy See of Guangming actually resisted openly. The Government Affairs Council and the military did not show mercy. As the largest religion in the world, the Government Affairs Council and the military did not dare to underestimate it, so they broadcast the whole process live.

After entering the underground of the Holy See of Light, everyone was stunned. There are fifteen bright popes here, and all of them are exactly the same. This made everyone shudder, and the matter of human cloning was also known to the public, so the public began to resist frantically.

No one wants to see another self exist, whether it is ethically or from the bottom of the heart. You can think about how scary it is to have someone exactly like you in this world. As a result, all human cloning projects in the world were stopped, even medical cloning projects were stopped.

However, there is another piece of news about the martial arts field recently that caused a huge disturbance in the peaceful society. The world's first martial arts competition will hold a global audition in one month. The world's first martial arts conference, this will be a vanity fair and a place where the strongest strength is displayed. And just that set of exercises called "Starry Sky Jue" is enough to make people's heart beat.

Now the most widely spread in the world is the "Basic Kungfu". As for the new skills created by those geniuses, they are generally only a little stronger than the "Basic Kungfu". Rumored. The law cannot be passed on in person here. Those who create new exercises will basically build their own martial arts. Only the disciples of the martial arts can practice this kind of exercise. Therefore, the thirst for exercises in the world is still high. very big.

"Starry Sky Judgment" is a practice practiced by the army and employees of Starry Sky Group, and it is one of the best exercises on the market. Now many people join the army for the purpose of obtaining this exercise. Therefore, after the appearance of "Star Fight" among the prizes of the world's first martial arts competition for the public, the enthusiasm for registration reached its peak.

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