Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 416: Ice Crystal Meteorite

The transformation of the current atmosphere from the secondary atmosphere to the current atmosphere is most closely related to the development of life phenomena. How life arose on Earth has long been a matter of debate. А.И. Obalin (1924) first proposed the view that the phenomenon of life first appeared in the reduced atmosphere, and then S.L. Miller (1952) and others used the method of spark discharge to produce Some organic macromolecules, such as amino acids and adenine, etc. Adenine is the main component of deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid. So this experiment makes sense. However, in the 1960s and 1970s, people used radio telescopes to discover these organic macromolecules in interstellar space, such as aminomethylamine (CH2NH), cyano (CN), acetaldehyde (CH3CHO), methylacetylene (CH3C2H), etc. . They heated the meteorite powder and found volatile compounds such as acetonitrile (CH3CN) and non-volatile compounds such as adenine. So it is believed that the roots of life may exist in interstellar space. But in any case, even if the "pre-life matter" comes from interstellar space, the simplest and earliest life should still appear in the reduced atmosphere. This is because the simplest life forms are prone to decomposition and difficult to develop in an oxygen-rich atmosphere.

So this time, the Star Group used the existing atmosphere of the entire Mars as the original atmosphere, and then planned to form a secondary atmosphere after volcanic eruptions and crustal movement, and then used the method of artificial inoculation of life to make the secondary atmosphere in a very short period of time. Over time, it has transformed into the current atmosphere, which is an atmosphere suitable for human survival.

This is a very arduous task. According to the calculations of the Mars immigration project team, if the atmosphere and crust of the entire Mars are to move, a meteorite that is one-tenth the size of Mars and contains water resources is required. You must know that the mass of Mars is 6.4219×10kg, and one tenth is 6.4219×10kg. But even if it is one-tenth of the quantity, it is still a huge challenge with the current transportation strength of Starry Sky Group.

But these things are for the future. Now the entire Star Group needs to ensure that the ice crystal meteorite, which is currently undergoing engine installation and traction rope installation operations, arrives at Mars smoothly, enters orbit on the predetermined orbit and then hits Mars. The workers doing the installation work are all the most elite workers of Xingkong Construction, and they are also very high in strength. The lowest strength of these workers is high-level martial arts, and the Star Group also found that the higher the strength, the less impact space has on humans.

There is even a dedicated research team in Starspace and Aerospace to study this aspect, and their results are also remarkable. Warriors above the martial spirit level can survive in space for half an hour without any protective measures. Moreover, compared with ordinary people, warriors have much stronger control over their own muscles. What hinders human movement in space is the weightless environment, but warriors have reached a terrifying level of control over their muscles. High-level warriors The warriors above can already completely ignore the gravity-free environment.

But there are more dangers in space than this, so these construction personnel have a very thick safety rope behind them, and the other side of the safety rope is the Beluga 1 space transport ship, and a thicker safety rope At this time, the rope was also dragged by the three space shuttles and flew towards the ice crystal meteorite with great difficulty.

A drilling machine is running on the upper part of the ice crystal meteorite, and the construction workers next to it can't hear any sound, but the operation of such a huge machine makes the ground near the whole machine start to crack slowly, but the construction workers don't Instead of stopping the operation of the drilling machine, it suddenly increased the horsepower.

"Drilling machine No. 1 has begun to increase its horsepower, and there is no cracking phenomenon again." A worker next to the drilling machine checked the ground around the drilling machine before reporting.

"Pay close attention to the ground conditions, and retreat immediately if a large-scale collapse occurs. The second group that drilled the hole on the left side of the meteorite has failed, and they are looking for a new drilling location." Nothing can succeed the first time, these After the people received this mission, they studied a lot of all the materials on the earth that were provided by the drilling team. And they have practiced many times on the earth and in space, but they still misjudged the difficulty of this mission.

The hardness of the ice crystal meteorite has exceeded their imagination, and the drill bit they successfully researched after many experiments is consumed very quickly. Basically, a drill bit needs to be replaced every ten minutes, which greatly reduces their work efficiency. Moreover, the temperature on the ice crystal meteorite is very low. Even if their current strength is not bad, they still have to take a break every hour of drilling under the temperature of hundreds of degrees below zero.

The drilling process is very boring. Change the drill bit, start the drilling machine, and then the sky full of ice crystals spray out from the drilling hole, burying the workers and machinery standing next to the machine.

The entire drilling process lasted a total of ten days. During these ten days, the four drilling teams failed a total of ten times, with an average of 2.5 times for one group. Of course it can’t be counted like this, because the drilling holes on the top, bottom, left and right must be on a straight line, otherwise the effect of penetrating the entire ice crystal meteorite will not be achieved, so as long as one party’s drilling fails, the other party has to search for the drilling site again .

But this is just the beginning. Next, these drilling teams need to drill out eight places to place small ion engines on the entire ice crystal, and install these engines. Of course these so-called 'small' engines are compared to those of the Moby Dick. If you use the engine of the space shuttle Zingchen as a comparison, it will be very huge.

These engines are all specially made by the Star Group. They adopt an integrated design. Each engine will be equipped with a small nuclear fusion power plant when it is built. In the original design, it is planned to use 100,000 energy blocks for energy. However, after experiments, it was found that these energy blocks cannot provide long-term power supply and need to be replaced frequently. So in the end, the small nuclear fusion power plant was integrated into the engine. The Star Group has a very solid foundation for research in this area. You must know that the first Xingchen used the power supply method of the nuclear fusion power plant.

The drilling task this time was much simpler than piercing through the entire ice crystal meteorite, so the construction crew had already installed the engines in place within ten days. And with the cables installed, the final step in the process begins.

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